I finally managed to finish my character I never succeeded in doing in the previous OOC. I hope you like it.

[hider=Annabelle Tyler]

Name: Annabelle Tyler

Race: Human

Faction: Whoever has the power to erase monarchy from the face of the earth. If there isn't one, she'll make one.

Age: 23

Description: Annabelle is a tall woman with a muscular frame, a product of years of hard labor. She keeps her blonde hair in a ponytail to keep it out of the way when he works. Her freckled face and body has gained many scars over the years. Annabelle prefers practical clothing. Anything fancy is an anathema to her ideals.

Personality: Annabelle is a brave, reliable, mature and industrious individual, who likes being independent and doing things her way. Sometimes her stubborness can be detrimental to her, though she can give in. Annabelle is an honest woman and greatly values the reliability it brings to her. She used to have great empathy for others and often put others' feelings before her own, but over the years her empathy has lessened, and at certain ties she can get outright vicious. This hasn't been made any better by her increasingly vindictive streak.

"Class": Outlaw, wannabe revolutionary.

Motivation: Annabelle wants to erase anything royal and aristocratic from Tricaelia and turn it into a republic. 

History: Annabelle is a freeholder, a peasant who owns her own land and is not bound to nobles through rent (tenants) or serfdom (serfs). Tylers are well respected in their home town of Yeruse, and generations of Tylers have been members of the Town Militia. In fact the current Captain of the Militia is Annabelle's older brother Sebastian, while Annabelle used to work as his Sergeant. 

But times are hard in Tricaelia to be a peasant, as the nobles become greedier and more debauched. More and more tenants are evicted from their households for being unable to pay their ever increasing rents, and serfs are forced to endure worsening humiliations at the hands of the nobles who are supposed to protect them. Freeholders aren't untouched either, as the royal court increases their taxes and declares other laws. Last year Tylers were forced to demolish their mill, when it was declared that only nobles were allowed to own mills.

It all came to a head when the local Sheriff came to confiscate Yeruse's creamery for himself. As the creamery belonged to the Tylers, it made Annabelle angry and she went to tell her mind. The Sheriff got furious and said that he would teach Annabelle and other commoners their place. He ordered his subordinates to take Annabelle's little sister, Isolde. It was then that Annabelle had enough and attacked the Sheriff. Sebastian took his sisters' side and with the militia dealt with Sheriff's soldiers. The Sheriff, realizing his peril, begged for mercy and reminded that he is still a noble. Although he may have hoped to be ransomed alive, Annabelle instead found him guilty of being a noble and sentenced him to death.

Realizing the implications of what would happen to the town once the King heard that the militia had killed the Sheriff, so Annabelle instead chose to take the blame for herself. She took the tax revenue the Sheriff's men had collected, along with her equipment and ran away to the woods. Meanwhile the story was told that Annabelle had been caught poaching before murdering Sheriff for his money, and was now declared an outlaw. Sebastian still sends militia to find Annabelle, though all attempts amount to nothing. In reality the militiamen bring information to Annabelle, where she plans her next big move: Revolution.

Strengths: Annabelle is a skilled fighter, a product of militia training. She is literate and knowledgeable of economics and politics. Annabelle is, despite her roughness, an empathetic individual and will help those in need.

Weakness: Annabelle loves her family dearly, and she dreads what will happen if the King and his Vanguard ever discovered that they are accomplishes of her. She couldn't stand the idea of losing them. Despite her hatred of royalty and nobility, Annabelle won't harm children. The memory of what almost happened to Isolde haunts her still. 

What is your character's greatest flaw?
Annabelle has a very black and white View of the world. Everything for her is either/or, and there is no middle ground.

Oh, and here's a song I came up with some time ago. It's actually for another project, but I think it fits this game rather well.

It is a protest song and a call for revolution, one that is not sung openly. King Willum will probably execute (or do something equally terrible) anyone caught singing it, and I don't think Prince Aaron would be a fan of this song either, for obvious reasons. 

[hider=Blood King's Court]
"Citizens, do hear my call,
for what I sing concerns you all.
Turn your eyes to that dark fort,
within there lies the Blood King’s Court

In Blood King’s court there is no joy,
for everyone is Blood King’s toy.
As playground acts the dungeon dark,
it’s full of toys for cruel monarch.

In Blood King’s court no woman smiles,
they victims are of Blood King’s viles.
His bloody touch feel maids and queen,
from bed chamber come horrid screams.

In Blood King’s court there is no peace,
for King’s bloodlust will never cease.
Neighbouring country’s lands will burn,
and then it is the next one’s turn.

To Blood King’s Court there is no end,
for Blood King’s son will throne ascend.
Such father drives the prince insane,
and next king will be just the same.

Do you have what takes to be,
the heroes that this country needs?
To raise the banners, hoist the swords,
and bring an end to Blood King’s Court?"[/hider]

I don't own any kind of music maker, so I can't really present how the melody went inside my head, but the lyrics are the main point anyway.