[@Lucius Cypher][hr]

Lysander was about to walk out when Fujino entered. He was honestly less than excited when he heard her voice but that all melted away when he was met with a total babe. And she wanted to talk to him! Wow this was... actually kind of weird. He was going to go after Seiko but he honestly wouldn't mind Fujino sliding into his life. He let his eyes close a little and ran a cordless hand through his product filled hair that bounced back into shape. His smile was only on the right side and his face was angled downward slightly. He looked at her in a flirty way and nodded upward, his face now angled slightly over his head and his eyes looking down at her.

[color=red]"Hey, you can talk to me all day. How uh, do you know my name? And if you've heard I'm not, I am most definitely single and searching and I may be done, babe."[/color]

He let out a wink that would melt the hearts of only fictional light novel harem girls who were far too devoted to boys. It was by real world standards an awkward high schooler trying to hit on another high schooler. The most professional of flirting going on. He was ready to get to second base at a record time, being fueled by overconfidence and celebrity drama magazines. He was in his element, and his element was being single until he died.