The man was absolutely seething now. In a bar and place like this, you couldn't really insult someone more than what Eve had said. The man charged, and only then did Eve turn her head back to him. Another step and he was in range. "Let's see what this body can do..." She mused, her grin widening once again. The man threw a punch right at her head. But unlike what most had expected, she didn't dodge. Her arm came up, and she blocked it with her forearm. A loud 'klunk' was heard, but the only movement the android had done was to move one foot backwards to brace against the impact. "Huh, well whaddaya know. The skin really is adaptive." She then spoke a little louder, as if she hadn't even been sure that this would work. The man pulled back a little, confused and stunned at the same time. Where Eve's skin had been, there now was a layer of a thick kind of metal. "" Was all the man could utter. But Eve wasn't about to let him recover. "My turn~" She spoke, quickly ducking under and to the side of the man and kicking the back of both his knees. The man collapsed onto his legs, and yet again before he could recover Eve made another move. She circled back to the front of him and punched him in the gut. The man arched backwards and fell to the ground, unconscious. Anyone could see that Eve's fighting style was that of a street thug at best. But her speed, strength and defense were just that much higher than this guy. "Now let's see..." She then mused, kneeling beside the man and rummaging through his pockets. She found what she was looking for; 10 credits. She tossed it to Jurgen before looking to see if anyone else decided to suddenly jump in now. Or if there were more challengers of course.