I raised an eyebrow when I saw how the new kid flawlessly integrated herself within our group. Sarah was right; the chick might most likely fit in with the Goths. Her sarcastic tone and jokes about violence wouldn't fly with his friends. It was then that both my eyebrows raised up when I saw her suddenly kiss Izzy on the cheek. Well now... And then she said she wasn't going to join a clique and I couldn't help but give her a wry smirk. "You're going to have to pick a clique sooner or later if you want to survive in this school." I stated after Jake as I stood up, dusting the back of my jeans and navy-blue Polo shirt, "Even if you don't try and pick one out, you'll be pulled into a clique before you know it. Better to choose now than be forced into one later." I knew I had a bitter tone when I explained this but everyone in the Cliqueless already knew my standing when it came to the social hierarchy of this school. I hated cliques, especially the one I was a part of. When I was a freshman, I was suddenly pulled into the Popular pool thanks to my good looks and money. I had enjoyed the attention for the first five minutes but then quickly realized what came with the title of a popular. Pushing kids down, calling other people names, giving a member of our group the cold shoulder if they did something against our unofficial rules; a Popular kid walked a thin line between social groups and the minute you do something wrong, you're cut from the rest. And as tempting as it was to just jump ship, I couldn't take the risk. My social standing ensured I would get the best recommendations and connections to allow me to get into a good college. So as much as I loved the idea of going to the school dance with my strange friends than my other ones, I couldn't risk it. It wasn't just social suicide but my entire future at stake. God forbid I didn't enter an Ivy League School. My parents would never let me live it down, no matter how much I hated it. "Don't scare her now dude." I pointed out with a grin, clearly enjoying the start of his 'threat' before turning to the new girl, "But he does make an excellent point. We can't have you blabbing about this later on. Why don't we cut you a deal at least? You don't say anything and we'll keep you hidden as long as possible. Hell, we can try and prolong the inevitable as long as possible if that's what you want. I'm sure I can pull a few strings. What do you say?" I gave her a polite smile, but my eyes said otherwise. "I don't want to think what we'd have to do to you to keep this quiet." I'm pretty sure Jake was rubbing off on me the and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing...