[center][h3][color=ffdd99]Maeda Hitomi[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uqjbGm9.png[/img] [color=ffdd99][u][i]Location[/i][/u][/color] [b]Infirmary[/b] [@Conscripts][@liferusher][/center] [hr] Once Tomoe was gone, Hitomi realised that not only was she alone with Acion, but now she had to explain herself to him. She blushed and all that snappy aggression dissipated as she sheepishly shuffled her feet and looked down shyly. [color=ffdd99]"We didn't really have an agreement. Well we did. See, Tomoe's my roommate, and she likes to sleep on people's laps. I told her to make an exception and not sleep on your lap, because...um."[/color] Hitomi coloured even more, before taking a deep breath and just deciding to come out with it. She raised her head and looked Acion in the eyes. [color=ffdd99]"Are we dating? If it's not official, I...I want it to be...That semi-date we went on to get groceries was fun, and...I like you."[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qc5qR7w.png[/img] [h3]Koizumi Seiko[/h3][/center] [center][u][i]Location[/i][/u] [b]Ground Floor Hallway[/b] [@Experiment 249][@Lucius Cypher][@pkken][/center] [hr] Seiko, calmer after his meeting with Sakura, was heading back to the boy's dorms, when he came on a curious scene involving three other 1B students; Lysander, Fujino and Persia. Persia had just tackled Lysander to the ground and the two were on the floor. After discreetly taking a picture on his phone, Seiko approached the three and giggled, before giving the two students on the floor a broad, irritating grin. [b]"Oh my! What's going on here?"[/b]