The alarm clock blared next to Eve's head as she laid in her cozy bed, various parts of the bed having old scorched wood and wear-and-tear on it. She groggily woke up and slung her wing over her shoulder to smack the device's snooze button, silencing it and causing the girl to sit up in her bed. 

She wasn't looking forward to today. She had recently applied for a few more higher-paying jobs than her stay-at-home trash job. Well, higher paying was a stretch. Stable was more correct. She had a job, a coder for somebody's merch website, but sometimes the revenue wasn't enough. She was waiting to hear back from all of them. No doubt she would have a few letters in their P.O. Box. Wouldn't be too hard to fly over to the post office and grab those letters.

She stood up from her bed and ruffled her feathers, sending one of them onto the ground before throwing on a baggy shirt that draped over her thighs before groaning and fixing her hair. She looked at the clock and grabbed the blasted thing, turning it off before falling backwards onto her bed and looking at the ceiling.

[color=dodgerblue]"... alright. Gotta be a functioning member of society today... but breakfast comes first."[/color] Eve stood back up and lumbered out of her room, heading towards the kitchen of her residence. Maybe dad was already awake...?