Roger Rooney had spent enough time piloting the Yeager, both in virtually and in reality that he had become as accustomed to the high G forces sustained as one could. That aspect of the trip down was easily managed. More cumbersome was the heat. He had rarely ever maintained his boosters acceleration enough to accrue the friction needed to create and maintain the temperatures in the cockpit. His home planet was not nearly warm enough, let alone humid enough to create this kind of atmosphere. It was like sitting in the machine equivalent of a busy locker room. Were it not for the circumstances, he would have opened up the cockpit to air it out, but he'd have to deal with it for the duration of the mission. At least he had the solace of knowing that he wouldn't have the presence of mind to think about it for long.

	With the ground fast approaching, Rooney angled his boosters downward and lightly activated them in quick spurts. Each split second blast enough to slow its descent until it landed about as softly as a giant robot could hope to manage without resorting to gravity manipulation. He knew it could handle a rougher impact, but he was at enough risk of whiplash as it was. 

	On the ground, Rooney decided it would be better to take stock of the situation before acting. First thing they needed to do was deal with the beasts bum rushing them and then break the line, but an unconcerted effort would see them quickly overwhelmed by superior numbers. The others seemed to be targeting the flanks first, not surprising, but he might as well contribute to the attack before he got targeted, exposed as he was right then. Rooney moved Yeager towards 2 o' clock and opened fire on the Cruxi Beast to his right. If Black Star's gambit worked out, by his estimation his bullets would still find a mark in the War Machines behind the beast, they were still within range, but at the very least, more suppressing fire was never a bad thing.

ACTIONS: Move to G8, fire at H7