[@Old Amsterdam]

Ali's walk was uneventful for the first couple of minutes, which was probably good considering that that she was a little anxious about going to a new school. Suddenly a car horn started going off as a collision happened right in the center of the street, it wasn't a serious crash or anything only a simple bump, but that didn't stop the drivers from being furious with one another. The two men got out of their cars and started arguing and shouting, the yelling being loud enough to mask the sound of running that coming towards her side.



Ava run to school would be nice an peaceful the sidewalk being fairly underpopulated today allowing Ava to really pick up the pace. Ava would hear a slight commotion up ahead, some dudes yelling at one another about incompetent driving. As Ava rounded a corner she'd catch a glimpse of the scene before she bowled into something.



Jake would have a solid forty seconds to enjoy his eggs before his alarm sounded off again, though this time it was alert. Someone had broken into his scrapyard. At the moment it was unclear who it was that had the Audacity to steal from the great Mr Gimmick, but it seemed that today was going to be a bit exciting. He could call the authorities and tell them what's going on, or he could deal with this intruder himself. Decisions decisions.


As Nat left the exam hall she'd catch a pair of boys and a girl looking out a window at something, whatever it was they were extremely unimpressed. "Oh great... It fucking Blorb again..." She'd hear the girl them mutter. One of the boys would open up the window and yell out "Fuck off Blorb! You're not even a good super villain! Just leave us alone!" Which was quickly followed by the girl yelling "Yeah! Some of us just got off midterms! We don't have time for your shit!"