[h2]Maceroy Falthon[/h2]
'Thank you, Eve. And I'm glad you slept well,' Maceroy said, taking a few mouthfuls of food as Eve explained her woes and worries. Poor girl. Her current job was no good for her, and her interview options would probably only be marginally better. Really, what she needed was something that gave her the freedom to do plenty of exercise, as most harpies tended to benefit from- hell, most humans, too- but those were universally either low-paying physical labour, low-paying part-time, or high-end management jobs that didn't need the person in the position to attend to them constantly in order to get as much money as needed. And, well, Eve was 22, so she'd get that sort of job by starting her own business and potentially seeing it succeed. Even Maceroy's position, whilst rather good all-round, was no jaunt when it came to keeping in shape, and he was likely past his own mid-point... damn it, he wanted the best for her, and she was hardly getting the scraps of life.

'I've said it before, I'll say it again: I wish you the best of luck for those letters back,' he responded. 'You deserve better than you've got, and I reckon those companies would be blessed to have you. As for myself, teaching as usual - I have two different biology lectures in a row this morning,' he elaborated, 'and they're both an hour and a half long. At least the afternoon's just one hour of theo-physics.' Theoretical physics, honestly, was his forte, not biology. He did [i]know[/i] biology, of course, after many hours spent studying it, long enough to acquire it as a minor, but his true interest had been the hypotheticals and abstracts of existence since he'd first learned about them.

Ironically, the extra information in his head hindered both of those more than it helped, offering explanations and solutions whose processes wouldn't make sense by modern standards even if the entire backlog of human science was injected into his skull. At least, [i]regular[/i] human science - he was sure others existed who might have a more developed "missing link" or fifty between the layperson's knowledge and his ability. It was just a matter of finding them. Easy, when one was a bird person forced into hiding from their fellow bird people. Aheheh... bleh.