[@olcharlieboi] Charles made it to school without anything of note happening. It seemed to be a fairly quiet, peaceful day. Arriving at school, however, it seemed that the entire peacefulness was the calm before the storm. As he walked towards the doors, a large senior stepped in his way, flanked by two more boys that formed a very loose half circle around him. "Hey, nerd. You make me sick, looking so pathetic. So I'm gonna give you a choice. Give me all the money you got on you, and I'll only give your face a little reworking," he said as he cracked his knuckles. [hr] [@Lady Selune] As Charlie headed out could hear a muffled scream, followed by the resounding [I]smack[/I] of a fist hitting flesh, hard. What followed sounded like a small scuffle, followed by the sound of a tin trash can being knocked over. It sounded like someone was in trouble. Would she intervene? [hr] [Center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjQzMWRjZC5UV2xrYm1sbmFIUSwuMA,,/stangend.stangend.png[/img] [@LemonZest1337][@TheMushroomLord][/center] [hr] Ali had just been walking to school calmly when she suddenly nearly jumped out of her skin as a car horn sounded promptly before the sounds of a car crashing into another car. The damage seemed minimal as she looked, but the two men started screaming as if they hated each other and this was the worst thing ever. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the scene. It seemed so... Insignificant? Her entire life had been turned upside down and here they are freaking out over something really small? A giggle escaped her lips unbidden, and before she could do more than clap a hand over her mouth something hard slammed into her, knocking her to the sidewalk. She reached out, instinctively, her hand grabbing hold of clothing and pulling whoever had ran into her down with her. She squeaked, landing hard on her side and right arm as a body fell over her and caused her to squeak more. Struggling to untangle herself, she scooted herself backwards and looked at the girl who had ran into her. She couldn't help it, but her eyes widened at the girls appearance. Her hair and skin stood out against the bright colors of her clothes. Pulling herself to her feet quickly, Ali held out a hand to help the girl up. [Color=3684c0]"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"[/color] She said, a little out of breath.