[@unicorgi] This character's gonna need some work. I'm not going to be super strict about details for the RP, but I think; I think I want a bit more meat in her sheet. I mean, I left the sheet barebones for a reason but at least give me a two paragraph backstory. Since the backstory is the most developed part of the character let me delve into that. For starters, I can say that Mariana has the potential to be a pretty interesting character, but you didn't really... develop her? You say that she's a gang member, but you don't explain anything about the gang. Like their name, size numbers, what they do, or even how she joined the gang (I mean, you can reasonably infer that she fell in line with them because of her poorer socioeconomic status). Though I honestly can't see a fifteen-year-old participating in a life of crime, child services would be all over that shit. lol Though, I kind of get the impression she's more of a punk/rebel girl than an actual gang member (imma be real here; what gangster runs with the name Unicorgi? lol). But sure, let's go with a gang member, I guess the drawback would be that she would have a very piss-poor education. People in poor areas always get the short end of the stick education wise, and I don't see someone like Mariana would be hitting the books. Even though you were sparse with the details, you did lay a good groundwork... it just need some filling such as how and when she got her powers and maybe more information on what type of gang this is. When she got her power is probably the more important part because of how powers work in the setting (and the fact you went with Chromatic), this stuff has to be reasonably explained. Now, onto her power... yeah that's not going to fly. You're going have to explain her power's capabilities a lot more in order for me to think about it or else she'd basically be able to do anything. I'm okay with a combo-platter power long as it's explained, but time powers are forbidden. Just look at the powers for the characters I made and try to see what I mean. And adjust her formatting.