[center][h3][i]Alone and afraid...[/i][/h3][/center]

The walk was confusing and where she was left was even more so. Eleanor had been taken all the way to the barracks of the Vanguard and then left in the General’s room by the two guards. She stood in the room, confused for a few moments until two handmaidens came in and told her they were there to help her undress all the while apologizing every few seconds it would seem as they did so. When they had finished undressing her and fixed her hair up a bit, they informed her that someone would be in to retrieve her to take her to where the men were waiting. The maids then left taking the clothing with them and leaving Eleanor naked and alone in the General’s room, pieces of the puzzle now coming together and frightening her greatly at what they were suggesting. 

Eleanor hugged herself as she sat on the bed in the General’s room, she had figured out what this situation was insinuating and she was trying to keep herself from panicking. She knew the king was insane but to do something like this? Eleanor wouldn’t have expected it before but now… now she knew better. A part of her wanted to cry and beg for forgiveness but she also didn’t want to humiliate herself. Not when she still had people watching her, looking to her. A third part of her was just numb, this part was growing. Taking over and leaving her without feeling as the reality of everything began to take over. She didn’t know what part of her would win when the moment came, but for now she did hold slight hope she was wrong in her thoughts. Only time would tell.

[center][h3][i]One does not simply walk into the Vanguard barracks...[/i][/h3][/center]

When Feneros reached the barracks, he could hear the shouting of the men inside, praising the king and his generosity. The doors to the main hall were wide open, to allow the fresh cool air to come in. With all eyes on the king as he continued speak, on how they deserved this and it will help them defeat the brewing rebellion with this act. He walked in casually, hanging to the walls. With all their attention on the king, it was easy to blend in with the men. 

It made him sick as he walked by, seeing how many of the vanguard were so eager to defile the woman who they swore to protect just minutes ago. He quickly made his exit down one of the halls, which lead to the General’s quarters. He glanced around the corner to see a single guard outside the room. He was about to move in and knock the guard out when the door opened, causing him to pull back around the corner more till he could just barely see what was happening. 

Two handmaidens walked out of the general’s room. He recognized them as the princess’s personal handmaiden’s, and noticed that they were carrying clothes as they exited the room. His heart sunk for a moment, thinking that she was in that room with another man at the moment. Luckily the handmaiden decided to go another way, and not towards him. 

Once they rounded the corner, he moved quickly over to the lone guard. Before the guard could yell, he raised his shield and jammed the edge of it into his throat, crushing his windpipe in the process. The man grunted in pain and grabbed his own throat trying to breath when Fenros followed up with bashing his temple with the pommel of his blade. The man crumpled in place, luckily the noise from the hall made it impossible for anyone to hear what happened. 

He slid his sword back into his sheath and bit his lip as he reached down and pulled the man out of the way. Screaming internally as he was forced to use both hands, as much as he could to drag the man into another room. He dropped him onto the ground ungracefully as he pressed his right hand to his chest, as if it would help with the pain.  His mouth wide as if he was going to yell, but nothing came from his lips. He did reach up with his left hand to gingerly hold his hand as it began to shake uncontrollably from the pain. 

It seemed unnecessary, but if those handmaidens came back this way, he didn’t want them to scream at seeing the guard on the ground. He grunted again as he pushed the pain away and unsheathed his sword once again. Taking a breath, he moved towards the door and shoved it open moving quickly into the room and closing the door behind him. He was prepared for a fight, [b][color=0054a6]“Are you alright El-” [/color][/b]He stopped suddenly found himself looking at Eleanor sitting naked on a bed. 

As the door opened, Eleanor didn’t move not until she saw who had opened and then closed it. She found herself staring straight at Fenros, the man she loved, the man she thought was dead. Eleanor stood up and stepped closer to him, taking a deep breath as she looked over him. He was real, living, breathing, right in front of her. Her mouth hung slightly a jar as she stared at him, she couldn’t believe it but now thinking back on it, it wasn’t surprising that the king had lied.

 As she stared, a chill ran over her body and she came back to reality. Quickly scrambling she ripped the blanket off the general’s bed, wrapping it around herself as she faced her back to Fenros blushing a bright red at the realization that he had just seen her naked. 

Fenros felt a weight drop off his shoulders realizing no one else was in the room, looking to El, he felt his face grow red as she moved towards him. He was glad she was safe and not harmed...physically that is. Almost in unison he was pulled back to reality, He was staring at the princess naked! As she pulled away and wrapped the generals blanket around her he looked away and placed his sword against the wall. [b][color=0054a6] “I..Er...are you alright El? Did anyone touch or harm you?[/color][/b]He asked, as he used his left hand to pull his cloak off, and offered it behind him towards her so she could have it to cover up.

Eleanor turned and looked at him as he spoke, she gently took the cloak from him as he offered it to her. Letting the blanket drop, she quickly put the cloak on and wrapped it around herself. [color=cc99ff][b]“N-no no one touched or hurt me. I’m fine. I should be the one asking you that.”[/b][/color] Eleanor walked over to him as the red in her face faded and turned him to face her, she looked over him at his injuries until she noticed his hand that was shaking. “May I?”[/b][/color] She asked looking up at him, not quite ready to address the elephant in the room.

He shook his head  at her, not believing she should be the one to ask that. When she turned him to face her he took a deep breath, as if doing so would somehow show that he was fine, despite the black and blue bruises all over his body, and face. The burn marks on his chest, and the quivering of his hand. [b][color=0054a6]”It’s… nothing to worry about right now El, I’m fine. We need to get you out of here…”[/color][/b] He said softly trying to move to the generals wardrobe. 

The woman rolled her eyes as she gripped his arm above the injured hand. She gently placed her other hand on his injured one, barely touching it as she closed her eyes. With a few words whispered under her breath her hand glowed and magic flowed from her body into his hand, healing the break and bringing it to a point where though it had some minor bruising still, it was useable and no longer broken or shaking. Once she was done, Eleanor released her grip on him and smiled up at him. [color=cc99ff][b]“There you go. Not perfect but better than before, just in case we run into any trouble on our way out.”[/b][/color]

Fenros stopped as soon as she grabbed his arm. He should have known better than to know she would have let him go without healing him. He looked back as she began to whisper the words to her spell. He winced and bit his lip as the bones popped back into place and mended themselves. Feeling an instant flow of relief once it was done. He looked to her as she smiled up at him. Which only caused him to smile and feel even more warm.

[color=0054a6][b]“Thank you El.”[/b][/color] he said softly, as he started to untightened the shield on his right forearm. Sliding it off he tossed it onto the bed for the moment. He turned to the wardrobe again and opened it, quickly finding a large tunic. He placed it in her hands, [color=0054a6][b]“Uh- here you go, put this on,”[/b][/color] He said with red on his cheeks. He would have given her his tunic, but it was torn down the center. 

He looked back to see his personal sword set inside the wardrobe. The general deciding to take his family's heirloom for himself. He quickly grabbed it and buckled the belt to his waist while the princess put the tunic on. He also grabbed another tunic after taking off his ruined one, quickly pulling it on. He was hoping he could walk out of here without drawing too much attention. He doubted it would work, but it was worth a try. 

He then pulled his sword from his sheath and asked, [color=0054a6][b]“Are you ready?”[/b][/color] He asked her without looking in her direction. Not wanting to look till she was ‘decent’.

[color=cc99ff][b]“Of course.”[/b][/color] Eleanor replied as she watched him open the general’s wardrobe. She took the tunic from him as it was handed to her, giving him a quick thanks as she turned her back to him. She quickly removed the cloak, slipped the tunic on and put the cloak back on. Once she was ready she turned to him at the same time he asked if she was ready. [color=cc99ff][b]“I’m ready, you can turn around.”[/b][/color] Eleanor informed him as she watched him. There was so much she wanted to say and tell him but now was not the time with the threat looming so close to them. She’d have to wait until they escaped. 

He turned around when she said he could. Giving her a confident smile. He reached out and took her hand in his.  [b][color=0054a6] “Alright, lets go.”[/color][/b]he said softly as he turned towards the door.

[center][i][h3]Ok, One does not really Simply walk out of the Vanguard barracks...[/h3][/i][/center]

 He started to guide her to the door. Memories of the time he guided her through his castle’s servants corridors, came to mind...the only other time he had held her hand like this. But he quickly pushed it to the side as he opened the door awkwardly with his sword in his hand. After glancing into the hall he guided her out and towards the only exit to the barracks. Through the main hall.  [color=0054a6][b]“Stay close and walk casually…”[/b][/color] he said, almost to himself as they grew closer to the room full of armed men. 

He gripped her hand tighter as they moved along the edge of the wall, while trying to look like they were not sneaking. Fenros tried to keep his head down within reason. His heart beating faster and faster as they grew closer to the exit. He felt his breath caught up in his chest as he felt even trying to breath would betray them. When they were about halfway to their exit, one of the guards looked at him and recognized him. [color=yellow][b] “FENROS!”[/b][/color] He yelled out loud. Surprised at seeing the recently named traitor standing right behind him. This caused all those closest to them to turn around to see what was happening. 

Eleanor moved closer to Fenros as everyone began to turn to look to them. She had hoped they’d make it out without incident but, of course, they didn’t. She feared what would happen to them if they couldn’t make it out of here. Especially now knowing Fenros was still alive and seeing the king at the other end of the room. She had no doubts that she’d be made to watch him die for the king’s enjoyment. 

Fenros pulled El behind him and tried to shield her with his own body, as if that would be enough for them not to notice. His sword was in his hand as he was prepared to fight every single one of them. 

The king was getting ready to call for the princess to be brought into the room when suddenly one of the men shouted a name he didn’t expect nor want to hear. His blood boiled in rage as he looked to the back of the room and he saw Fenros along with a cloaked figure he could only assume was Eleanor. [color=red][b]“Men! The traitors are trying to get away without punishment! Whoever brings me Fenros alive will get the princess first along with more land and a new title. Now go! CAPTURE THE TRAITORS!”[/b][/color]

[b][color=0054a6] “You still listen to this mad king?”[/color][/b] Fenros yelled out right after the king. Lifting his sword more, aiming it at the men closest to him. [b][color=0054a6] “How can you all follow a man, who is so paranoid, he believed his own daughter tried to kill him. When you all know Eleanor wouldn’t harm anyone, who has been kind to every one of you! It makes no sense!”/color][/b] 

[b][color=0054a6]”Are you so afraid for your lives that you are willing to throw away your honor so you can live a few more days serving a madman like him!? Or will you stand up and fight?  [/color][/b] The room grew silent as he spoke, no one wanted to face Fenros first, doing so would be certain death.  They all have seen him fight, they knew his strength. But that’s not all that stopped them from rushining in. Not all the men felt comfortable with what the king offered them, each of them knowing something was wrong, and even if she was a traitor, she didn’t deserve this. 

The men shifted a bit, glancing to one another. Looking back to Fenros as he stood, seemingly unafraid of their numbers. [b][color=0054a6]”If you truly are loyal to that madman, come at me, I swear I will kill every last one of you before you lay a finger on my princess. [/color][/b] 

Seeing Fenros willing to take on the entire room of Vangaurd shook some of the men, realizing deep down why they wanted to become knights of the kingdom. To defend something greater than themselves...to protect someone who deserved their loyalty. In an instant men moved forward Fenros braced himself to fight them all, but was honestly shocked when they got close, they turned their backs to them and raised their weapons in defense of their princess and her guard. 

About twenty or so men had turned against their king to protect their princess. As the rest stood in shock, the princess’s guards quickly pushed towards the door, Their sudden aggressiveness had given them the advantage and cut through the vanguard. One of the officers quickly yelled to Fenros. [color=orange][b]”Quickly! GO!”[/b][/color]

Fenros didn’t need any more convincing, Feeling a surge of hope and pride in the display of honor before him. Most of the guards were the ones who were often the ones who guarded the princess before today. He quickly moved through the small opening the men had given them. He heard the king screaming for them to kill them all, and cursing those who dared betray him. 

They managed to slip through, the princess’s guards quickly blocking exit, forming a line to hold back the men. Fenros didn’t want to leave them, but they were putting their lives on the line for the chance that their princess would get away safely. 

Seeing the men begin to move towards them caused Eleanor to move even closer to Fenros, but when they turned to face the king, her heart swelled with hope and pride. Watching them as they formed an escape for them and told Fenros and her to quickly leave left her wishing to bring all of them with her. They were willing to risk their own lives for her and Fenros to escape. Eleanor knew the best she could do for them was to go, to escape, but it didn’t mean her heart didn’t hurt for the men whose lives would ultimately be lost tonight for them betraying the king and protecting them. She could only hope that some of them could run and survive. 

Grabbing Fenros’ hand, knowing it would be hard for him to leave them behind too, she began to run. Going right through the exit and pulling him with her. If they didn’t escape, the mens’ efforts would be in vain and she couldn’t let that happen. So Eleanor ran, holding Fenros’ hand tightly. 

Fenros ran along with her, trying to use every moment the men gave them for their escape. He lead her through the training grounds towards the back end of the castle, where he had left Sierra. They quickly were cut off by three men who were on patrol, who had heard the fighting in the barracks. They drew their weapons and charged at them. Fenros moved forward to perry two of the mens weapons when suddenly an arrow hissed and slammed into one of the men's back. Causing the other two to stop confused. Another arrow hissed again, pierced his shoulder causing him to spin from the force of it and fall to the ground. 

Fenros only smiled as the third man ran, not wanting to be the third target. Taking El’s hand they began to run again. Every few moments they would hear a hiss of an arrow and a man scream in pain.  If they were to look to the wall to the left they could see a small shadow of a man running alongside them near the base of the wall, firing arrows as he ran.

Soon they would make it to the spot where that same man had thrown down a rope earlier for their escape. Fenros sheathed his sword after making sure no one was close enough and grabbed the rope. He then said quickly. [color=0054a6][b]“Hold on tight.”[/b][/color] Moving El’s arm up and over his shoulder so she would wrap her arms around his neck. Once he felt both her arms around his shoulders, he started to climb the wall quickly. Quite thankful she healed his hand earlier. This would have been near impossible to do. When he reached the top he looked down and saw the man with the bow climbing up the rope behind him.  Who angrily said in a gruff voice. [color=007236][b]“Don’t stop you idiot. Keep moving!”[/b][/color]

Fenros quickly looked over the other side of the wall, seeing the rope and Sierra and annabelle at the bottom. He waited another moment for El to prepare herself before swinging over the ledge and quickly moving down the rope, He could hear bolts and arrows clattering against the stone up top as he descended, sliding down the rope despite the burns it would leave behind, making space for bowman to do the same.  

Once on the ground he bent down slightly to allow El to slide off his back as he looked up to the bowman who slid all the way down, his gloves protecting his hands as he did. Grunting as his boots hit the grass below. The group then moved towards the horses which Sierra and Annabelle were waiting on. Two horses without riders were visible, one which the bowman jumped on, and the other Fenros helped El onto in a side saddle position… as much as she hated it. Before jumping onto the horse and wrapping his arms around her once again. 

Eleanor was glad to finally be done running, her feet hurt from not having shoes and stepping on quite a few sharp rocks and sticks and such. She also was glad to know that for now, they were safe. Together and safe. Just as she had did earlier the day before, Eleanor leaned against Fenros, resting her head on his chest. She noticed her head press against something small and metal and leaned away for a moment. She looked to his chest and noticed on a small chain was the ring she had gotten him so many years ago that hadn’t fit him. Eleanor thought he’d throw it away, but he kept it. 

Her hand came up and gently touched the ring, lifting it up so she could look at it. Eleanor then looked up at Fenros a faint smile on her lips. [color=cc99ff][b]“You kept it…”[/b][/color] She stated softly, her eyes meeting his. 

Fenros looked down at her as she looked at the ring she gifted him so long ago. He smiled at her. [b][color=0054a6]”Of course I kept it.” [/color][/b] He said with a soft voice. A weird look on  his face as if it was an odd thing she didn’t think he would. [b][color=0054a6]” It’s from you.”[/color][/b] he added as if it was explanation enough. He wanted to say so much more. Explain his true feelings. But he could hear men on top of the wall now, as the others snapped their reins. All he could do to try and convey those feelings was to wrap his left arm around her waist and pull her closer to him. Holding her as he quickly followed suit and followed the rest of the group away from the castle wall, and into the forest.