[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#7E5C65]Robert Adler[/color][/i][/b][/h1]
[img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/24wikia/images/9/9f/Morrison.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070412082437[/img][hr][b] [color=#7E5C65]Location:[/color][/b] Chicago (Grimaldi Books)
[b][color=#7E5C65]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][hr][/center] 

[color=#7E5C65]"Zoie, Mali, got it. Name's Rober Adler, Insurance."[/color] Robert said to asnwer Zoie's questioning and giving Mali a look as well, the last part about insurance coming on pure instinct to the point that he cringed a little at his own words. Jesus, he had been far too long in that job for his own good. But he returned the more important matters at hand, dealing with those two new ladies, Adelaide and the accident which wasn't an accident? And here he was back to dealing with fraud. Great. 

[color=#7E5C65]"Yeah sure."[/color] Robert went straight for the box of tissues on the counter, pulling out a couple and giving them to Adelaide first alongside the box itself. It looked like she needed those straight away, though she seemed to take the part about the fire not being accidental better than expected. And accidents never being accidents for the people of Grimm? Robert looked puzzled at what the ladies were insinuating, though kept quiet as Zoie and Mali went to the bathroom. Robert crouched down beside Adelaide and gave her a moment of silence out of respect, before beginning his own questioning. [color=#7E5C65]"So what you said about Grimm...What did you mean? That there are no accidents in Grimm, only intented deaths? Pardon me if I sound sceptical, but even I have to admit that not all fires are people trying to fraud the system. Is there something I'm missing?"[/color] He asked his employer, giving her whatever time she needed to answer him. He was sceptical, not heartless. [color=#7E5C65]"I don't want to seem pushy, Adelaide, but all of this sounds... I don't know, dramatic?"[/color]