[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190212/cdf1e5cde818a48ac76f47a088b34962.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/DpHLDcq/intro3.png[/img] [i][color=a2d39c]The humans, once frightened creatures crawled up in caves, are evolving. No longer solely dependent on hunting and gathering – crops are being planted, small huts risen, villages founded. The tribes are no longer just a group of families bound together by hunger and fear, but real primitive nations, each with a different culture, beliefs or government. Some tribes thrive, rich crops harvested from fertile lands or stolen in raids from weaker opponents, others try desperately to survive in a hostile environment, suffering from harsh weather, wild beasts or greedy neighbors. All are oblivious to a new danger arising, unnoticed in the caves beneath the great mountains, the darkness which is ready to send its forces to the surface to feast on human flesh and souls.[/color][/i][/center] [center][img]http://www.tribegroup.com/images/divider-drum.png[/img][/center] Welcome, I hope that the short intro had caught your interest. I’ve been thinking about this idea for a while now and I believe it is ready to see the light of the world. This is going to be a story-driven nation RP from tribal era. There will be no stats or rolls, it is entirely up to you how powerful your tribe will be, what will be its strengths and weaknesses (but I will ask you to keep things in balance). Your tribes should be fairly small, couple of dozen people in the ideal case - remember that you should make a plausible explanation on how they gather enough food and other supplies to survive. I think you can get the best idea about the setting from the sample sheet in the IC and the questions in the tribe sheet template, but I have also put together some basic information about the world to use as a baseline. Most of the things written in the "magic" description are meant only as examples, I will be happy if you come up with your own original pantheons and ways of worship. The RP will be casual, I am not expecting you to write pages of text (altough you are welcome to), but I expect some coherent ideas and story. If you have any questions, suggestions or tribe ideas, feel free to ask me here or to shoot me a PM. [center][img]http://www.tribegroup.com/images/divider-drum.png[/img][/center] [b]Races[/b] Only humans allowed. I’m sorry but mixing half-centaurs with faeries and lizardmen just creates chaos. [b]Technology[/b] The technology level will be fairly primitive – think late stone age, so sticks, stones and bones, no metal. [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/VL8PQN7/intro5.png[/img][/center] [b]The World[/b] The map is just to give a rough idea of the world. Most of the tribes so far are nomadic, but there is still a lot of space for both more nomads and also permanent settlemets. If you want something added, let me know. [hider=map] [img]https://i.ibb.co/JF1LMvH/Map-1.jpg[/img] [/hider] The fauna and flora will Earth-like, depending of course on the environment you are in. Since this is set in the past, you can add extinct animals like mammoths or sabertooth tigers or even slightly “mysterious” things like giant squids etc. [b]Magic[/b] No active magic as in fireballs and telekinesis etc. is allowed in this world. There will however be a more subtle magic present in the form of blessings (or even curses) from your tribal deities. Each tribe will have a different system of “religion” – they might be worshipping the sun and moon, a mountain, some kind of animal or even a spirit that reincarnates as a seventh son of a seventh son each generation. This deity will require your people to worship it in a certain way - it can demand eating the hearts of your enemies, sacrificing part of your harvest or maybe kissing a tail of the sacred mouflon. Failing to meet the demands of your chosen gods might result in losing the gifts blessed upon you by your deity, or even a “curse” of some kind. Keep in mind this will be entirely up to you and your storytelling, I will not interfere with that at all. As for the type of “blessing” that your tribe can get, it might be as simple as better harvest or calling the rain when needed, or more complicated, like giving your warriors strength in battle or allowing your people to see better in dark. All I ask is that you keep it on the mystical side of things rather than magical. [b]The Story[/b] At the start of the RP, the life of the tribes will just go the normal way (whatever that might be for your people). Soon however, a new danger will emerge – fierce, demonic-like beasts, that will start appearing all over the continent, attacking all living things. How will your tribe react to this enemy? Will you stand up and fight, cower and hide, rely on the mercy of your gods, blame the neighborhooding tribe or even attempt to communicate with the creatures in hope of striking a deal with their master? [b]The Monsters[/b] The monsters are flesh and (sort of) blood, that usually resemble some existing animals or their combinations. They will take up features and behavior of their respective species. Their bodies look ‘corrupted’ and slightly decayed, as if you took a few days old animal carcass and brought it back to life. The beasts spread a foul rotting odor around them, and their flesh doesn’t seem edible (although some things might happen if for some crazy reason someone would decide to eat it). Their bites tend to get infected and bitten people often die if they aren’t treated well. The monsters are fierce and dangerous in combat, slightly more intelligent than their animal counterparts, and very hard to scare away, with the exception of fire – as they spend most of their lives underground, they aren’t fond of the daylight or any other sources of light. They will prefer to attack at night. The wolf monsters – will usually travel and attack in packs of anything between three and fifteen individuals. They are good at coordinating their attacks, very similar to regular wolf packs. Their sense of smell is exceptional, and they can track their prey for several days. The bear monsters – huge and tenacious creatures, created to tear apart anything that moves. They aren’t very smart, but once they enter battle rage, they are almost impossible to stop. Normally they move alone, but under the orders from their master, they are willing to accompany other monsters without attacking them (or at least without killing too many of them). The amphibians – creature based on a huge squid, mixed with reptilian features that allow it to move on dry land. Their true power however lays in water – they are able to move in both fresh and sea waters, sliding gracefully on long distances, using their long tentacles to catch their prey. Their size varies, most are between eight and sixteen feet. [b]Nation sheet[/b] Feel free to make the sheets prettier or add some additional sections if you are a dedicated world-builder. A paragraph or two in each section will be sufficient. [hider=Tribe sheet] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Brief description:[/b] A quick reference to describe the tribe. Are they nomads or have a settlement, conquerors or peaceful people, hunters or farmers? [b]Main deity: [/b] Please describe the main deity worshipped by your people. You can add a short origin story or just a few words about who/what it is and what it does. How would one go about pleasing it? What angers it? How does it influence the lives of the people? [b]Side deities: [/b] You can have two or three additional spirits or guardians or sacred objects [b]Government:[/b] Is there one person leading the tribe, or a council of multiple people? Chosen by their strength or wits or by the power of the gods? Are your people free to speak their mind, or punished when they insult a leader? Is the tribe friendly to outsiders? [b]Inhabited area and settlements:[/b] What is the environment your tribe lives in? Are there harsh winters, rainy springs? Is it a dense forest or open plains? Does your tribe have any permanent settlements? What does it look like? Or do you move around, building temporary shelters? [b]Warriors:[/b] What types of warriors does your tribe have (if any at all)? [b]Story:[/b] What is your people's origin? How do they believe the world and their tribe became to existence? [b]Important people:[/b] Entirely optional for now, later you should list the characters that will be important in your story. [/hider] [b]Discord link -[/b] [url=https://discord.gg/USuwkBm]Discord[/url]