If you're still keeping this going and looking for another player, please consider this my application! [hider=The Tribe of Vargar] [center][h3][color=FF4500]The Tribe of Vargar[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/fe/59/f7fe598e3857bf03f657da8591df971d.png[/img][img][/img][/center] [b][color=FF4500]The People:[/color][/b] The Vargar inhabit the interior Hinterlands of the world, among the forests and tall hills as they reach down to the great river. They are a settled society that has built a village of rounded houses with tall wooden rooves, defended by a rough stone wall topped with sharpened palisade. This region is rich in game, fish, and other resources the tribe needs to survive and grow. The relatively mild winters and long summers have made farming and animal husbandry an attractive activity to some as well. They are a fiercely protective people, having domesticated wolves that serve as guard dogs and even as family pets. While they welcome other tribes for trade they do not share land well with others and have engaged in more than the odd pitched skirmish with neighbours and nomadic peoples alike. [b][color=FF4500]The Faith:[/color][/b] The Vargar worship the Wolf, honouring the family traditions and protective nature of the wolf pack. They believe that the world was brought into being by Vargaria herself, a giant she wolf that killed an ancient elk and when its blood spattered the earth it gave the land shape, the corpse itself decayed to give the land life, and the hills within which they live were thrown up by the drumming hooves of the dying animal. The Wolf is therefore revered, celebrated, tamed, and hunted by the Vargar. Warriors of the tribe wear the wolf skins and edge their heavy wooden clubs with the canine teeth of others. Wolf cubs are domesticated and trained into fierce companions to help protect the people and their land. To repay Vargaria for her protection, the tribe sacrifices two children every year, taking them into the wild and leaving them for the wolves to hunt, as sort of "tit for tat", if you will. Individual offerings to the wolves are done through carvings done in bone or wood. The people believe that Vargaria herself blesses them with swift feet, improved hearing and sharp eyes. [b][color=FF4500]Leadership:[/color][/b] Much like the wolf pack, the Vargar are led by two alphas, one male and one female. They share equally in the task of leading the pack and are selected by virtue of a series of trials designed to test strength, cunning, and resourcefulness. This has led to the leaders often being among the most intelligent and strongest of the tribe. [b][color=FF4500]The Town:[/color][/b] The Vargar inhabit a sizeable settlement known as Dun Cotte, meaning "strong little houses". Perched on a steep sided bluff with easy access to the river and a only a narrow spit of land to reach it, it was an ideal place for the tribe to settle. Over time as conflicts with other tribes, notably hostile nomadic types, became more common a wall was built around the settlement. At night the entire tribe, livestock in tow, withdraw inside the walls to spend the night in safety. [b][color=FF4500]Defending the Tribe:[/color][/b] All members of the tribe are expected to know how to defend themselves. Each individual takes their turn standing sentry on the walls, or patrolling the fields with a wolf at their side. No person leaves the walls without a weapon and everyone is expected to dedicate one moon cycle, every six cycles, to training with their weapons. Skill with the bow is widely encouraged for hunting as much as fighting an enemy. Skills meant for hunting are simply a part of combat. [b][color=FF4500]Tales of the Tribe:[/color][/b] WIP [b][color=FF4500]Named Men and Women:[/color][/b] To be expanded.[/hider]