[center][h2][color=cyan][b]Lucien Phoenix[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [color=cyan][b]The Noreaster | Cargo Bay[/b][/color] The excitement only grew as Lucien stayed near the door, weapon raised, to watch the exit. It was with some surprise that he saw Sena stride past him easily, flipping the switch to the lights to on surprising the former trooper so much that he lowered his blaster and followed the woman into the cargo hold. He figured it would be a poor idea to just let her go in by herself to do whatever it was that Sena planned to do. The Twi'lek, meanwhile, seemed to be a bit feisty as she hurled a sharp retort back in some language or another. Lucien never was good at speaking anything other then basic. Airus appeared shortly behind them and offered a hand to the Twi'lek, Sharp was told to lower his weapon, and it seemed like everything was reaching a peaceful conclusion. Even the little stowaway droid seemed to relax when the old man appeared. Which was fine with Lucien, an exchange of blaster fire would just mean more clean up. Airus had suggested the droid and clone go ahead and sweep the cargo hold for any more stowaways, and as someone who was technically in charge of making sure that the cargo hold was clean, he wasn't eager to leave and find out later that the pair had wrecked some corner of it. He decided he'd stay and help with the sweep of the cargo hold, and then get back to cleaning.