[h1][center] Natasha Dubrovnik [/center][/h1]

[i][b]Right after the landing:[/b][/i]

Natasha was walking off the ship; as she did she would begin to move instantly away from the ship. There was no weapons that anyone could tell on her, and she seemed completely uncaring about wherever most of the crew went. She had been with them for 3 months, and as strong and mighty, and even; scary, they all seemed at times, she wasn't there to just follow them around. Her thought about their times together thus far as she walked away from the ship, thought about how she had been with them for 3 months. Not like that was some long time for her or anything: after all she had been with others for much longer than that. They were decent enough people though; obviously here to fulfill their own wants, and to stay just out of reach of the empire; not her usual crowd but they worked for what she was needing. She still got to travel, and do the jobs she was hired to do: her mobility has become limited but not to the point that she still didn’t get the job done. 

	Looking up she saw a ship taking off from port and grinned. Continuing to walk away Natasha looked around, a lot of people were starting to pay attention to her; a couple of them beginning to follow her, looking at the couple who had began to follow she shook her head. [color=lightcoral] “No, no, no, dear.” [/color] she said with a grin, [color=lightcoral] “You guys aren’t quite my type.” [/color] she would continue to walk away her leather like shorts grasping her shape and waist. The couple men that were following her were just there staring as she walked away, making sure they had something to look at while she walked away. 

	She watched from across the street at a Devaronian who was just walking out of the door of a gambling establishment. The man seemed to have a couple Twi`leks on both arms: they were decent looking but Natasha could only grin at the situation. No matter who they were, they were no match for her as a Zeltron. She would begin to walk towards the Devaronian. Releasing pheromones as she began to walk towards the Devaronian. It was all too easy, the second that the Devaronian got hit with the wave she was purposefully releasing he would wave the two Twi`leks off. Standing up straight and seeming to try and flex to look stronger he began to walk towards Natasha. Natasha continued to act like nothing was happening: her arm slipping into her pocket just for a moment as she acted as if she was just stretching for a moment, at that moment she stumbled forward and fell right into the Devaronian’s hands.

	[color=lightcoral] “Oh, i’m so sorry! How clumsy of me.” [/color] she’d say as she looked up at the Devaronian who was looking completely entranced with her. Natasha lifted her arm slightly as she did they would see some of his blood. Where he hand landed. [color=lightcoral] “Oh no. I seemed to have scratched you with my nail.” [/color] she would move her head upwards as she got closer and closer to his face. 

	The Devaronian smiled, “You can always make it up to me.” his eyebrows raising as he spoke, her head continued to move up towards his as their lips would meet for a moment as her hand would move into her pocket once more and her fingers wrapped around his arm as they kissed. At the end she would cough for a moment standing straight up and straightening her clothes; [color=lightcoral] “Once again, I really am sorry.” [/color]   Natasha said as she pushed a hand on his chest and gave him a smile. The Devaronian looked in absolute bliss and like he wanted more; but as Natasha walked away he just stood there watching her. A few moments later as he continued to watch he would begin to follow after her, almost as if he was entranced. 

	It wasn’t more than a few steps that the man took before he suddenly stopped and began to grab at his heart and head: it was after that he simply crumpled to the ground and died. Natasha looked back at the empty area where the man now laid. She grinned only for a moment before walking away completely; putting a small syringe away and dropping the needle on the ground. The first was a great numbing agent; the second however, needed to do more than just prick his skin. Continuing to walk down an isle and she would see a man in a hood. [color=lightcoral] “It’s done.” [/color] she would say as the man held up a large bag. Natasha took it and would nod and walked right by the man; as he walked the other way. 


	Natasha would walk back toward the way of the ship, no longer having interest in this area of the planet at least, moving swiftly and this time without stopping, she would eventually get into the cantina that the others were in, she did nothing more than order a single drink, slam it and then walk up to a woman who seemed rather entertained. From what, Natasha had no idea; but rather than go crowd her own crew and join them she figured she’d make a new friend.

	Sitting next to this woman (Skylar) Natasha plopped her bag of credits down on the table as she grabbed a few more and tossed them to the table. [color=lightcoral]“Two drinks, one for me, and one for my friend here.” [/color] she’d say. Looking over to the woman Natasha seemed to tilt her head,[color=lightcoral] “You know. I was going to just sit here and bullshit with you, but…” [/color] she began to lean in closely her tight shirt giving very little to the imagination if Skylar were to look down. She’d hum in a gentle tone, [color=lightcoral] “You look… oddly familiar, have we met before?” [/color]  

Natasha seemed to ask the question almost rudely as she was invading Skylar’s personal space, almost as if it didn’t exist. Her hands seemed to stay on the table, one of then rubbing her thumb on the glass she had already drank from. The other gently laying on top of the bar top. Her eyes seemed to squint for a moment as if trying to tell exactly where she had seen this woman before.  [color=lightcoral] “What’s your name?” [/color]  Natasha, sounded more intrigued than polite with the question, making it obvious that it wasn’t asked purely for idle conversation; rather, there was a purpose behind it.