[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190317/a9cd62c1c15ec2ced10754c6d7bba9ef.png[/img][/url][/center] Conalls team came to a stop at the crest of a hill overlooking the small town where he was supposed to find the traitors family. From what he was given there was supposed to be a little sister, and an older brother who served as a guard that was needed to be taken alive everyone else was free game as long as it meant that the targets were taken in. Looking at each side of him seeing all the soldiers ready for what was to come next he began to speak. [color=007236]“You all know the mission and who we are after. When we get into the town I want every citizen brought out into the main street for a message. None of them are allowed to leave until I allow. Is that understood?”[/color] he asked in a demanding voice leaving no room for negotiation. With an affirmative sound from his men, Conall began to ride down towards the town in a slow gallop. As he and his men entered the town the people stopped what they were doing looking at one of the most feared men of the Vanguard. They tried their best to remain calm but it was easy to tell they were on edge from having the Vanguard in their small town. [color=007236]“Good afternoon everyone. I would request that everyone that lives in this town or is currently here be brought to the town center for me.”[/color] he finished just before he got off his horse and walking forward. With a wave of his hand, the other members of the vanguard began to fan out across the town following the instructions that had been given to them. [color=007236]“I would also like to see the town elder or whoever has authority here,”[/color] he called out in a loud voice awiting for all the people to gather. Fearing the vanguard and hearing stories of what the barbarian has done in the past, they complied to the request. Gathering all they could find, they brought them to the village center. Mothers and fathers clutched their children to make sure they didn’t do anything and also to in some way protect them. The leader of the village came up, an older man who had a large bend in his spine, causing him to hobble forward in a bent position. He had a missing arm from his years of service. [color=f7941d]“What is it that the vanguard wants with our humble village?”[/color] He said gruffly. Trying to stand as tall as he could. Conall couldn't help but allow a small chuckle escape his lips as he saw the old man try his best to appear taller in the face of the mountain that was Conall. Seeing the mans missing arm Conall could nodded his head slightly saying [color=007236]“I appreciate the debt you have paid for this kingdom.”[/color] after saying this Conall turned his attention to the people that had gathered here before him. [color=007236]“I don't want to take much time here I will be swift and I will only ask this one time. Where are the Tylers?”[/color] Finishing this he looked over across the people who had formed a small half circle around him who began to look around at each other with scared expressions on their faces. The man was stoneface at Conall as he tried to thank him for his service. He was giving fake pleasantries. He knew, he already knew why they were here. He only confirmed it asking for the Tyler’s. “ so it was Annabelle behind the attempted assassination?” He sighed clearly irritated. “That has nothing to do with her older brother and CERTAINLY not that child sister.” He cleared his throat. [color=f7941d]“Every month they come looking for her. Damn girl causes more problems for this village than the sheriff does. She’s not here, she hasn’t been here for years. So please, as a former vanguard, I ask you. leave her family be, they have nothing to do with this or with her. They are good people.”[/color] No one else spoke up, clearly allowing the leader of the village talk. As he always has done. Conall let out a sigh as his demeanor change seemingly becoming darker and more imposing if that was ever possible. [color=007236]“My question isn't whether or not her family were innocent in all of this. My question was Where are they?”[/color] He took a moment looking at the people. [color=007236]“Because you all know already about your former friends choice of actions then you all know the severity of the situation.”[/color] turning back to the man who had been a former member of the Vanguard finishing. [color=007236]“And as a former Vanguard, I will allow it to slide. Now, this is the last time. Where are they!”[/color] he finished in a loud voice full prepared for what was to come next if they didn't answer him. The man narrowed his eyes at the barbarian. He wasn’t about to hand over a little girl to these men. The vanguard has changed a lot over the years, and rumors already reached the surrounding Towns of what happened in the capital. What happened to the princess... or what was planned. Surely from the very vanguards that fled after turning against the king, spreading the word as they found safe places to hide. What’s to stop these ruffians from doing that very thing to an innocent girl, just because she’s related to the would-be assassin. The townsfolk were silent, many having the very same thoughts of protecting the girl. But there was an air of uneasiness. While they wanted to protect her, they had their own children to think of as well. Seconds pass and nothing was said. Seconds turned into a minute, surely Conall will be getting angry, but they debated in their own heads if they should give her and her brother up. Suddenly though a loud bang of a heavy door slamming against a wall to the left of Conall. He would see it was the local tavern. A man in a horribly dirty brown cloak stumbled out of the Tavern. A recurve bow and quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder. Clearly drunk, he turned around and yelled. Slurring his words. [color=003471]“I don’t wanna drink here anywhos! The place smells terrible!”[/color] He managed to stand in place, swaying as he did. He paused and sniffed himself. [color=003471]“Oh wait that’s Me...”[/color] he chuckled to himself as turned back around, impressively on one foot before almost falling off the slight rise of the deck. But he managed to stay up. Taking a good look at the vanguard in front of him. They couldn’t get a good look at his face, as his cowl was covering almost all of it, what they did see was his skin covered in dirt. As he had been traveling for a long time with no bath. “VANGUARD!” He yelled as he gave a mocking salute they gave each other. He chuckled a bit more and began to walk away from the entire group. He put his hand up to his mouth like he was whispering. But said all too loudly. [color=003471]“Watch out, hide your wife. Hide your kids....”[/color] He turned away a still a bit wobbly as he did. Then added mostly to himself. [color=003471]“They’re raping everybody...” [/color]he said with a laugh. As the man turned to walk away a strong hand grabbed him throwing him back towards the center where Conall stood. As soon as the man had been thrown in his direction the man had all the wind knocked out of him from a massive gut punch by Conall sending the drunkard to his knees. Grabbing the hood Conall throw it off ready to beat the man to a pulp as an example. [color=007236]“Who are you?”[/color] he said with an angry voice The man was suddenly pulled and thrown into the center of town. Letting out a small ‘ack’ as he did. He didn’t have any time to say anything before that ability was knocked from him. He coughed a few times, allowing his hood to be thrown off as he rested on all fours trying to catch his breath. They would see the man as filthy his tanned skin covered in the dust of the road. He smelt of sweat and... quite honestly horse shit. Some of the men and even the townsfolk nearby would start covering their nose. He had dirty blonde hair and a shadow of a beard. He looked to be in his early to mid-twenties. He coughed again. [color=003471]“Oi, what’s the problem!”[/color] He said with a slur. [color=003471]“I don’t live in town, so there’s no reason for me to be here.”[/color] He groaned and pushed himself up so he was just on his knees. [color=007236]“I’m nobody. Pleased to meet ya.”[/color] He said with a crooked grin. Conall let out a growl at the man who was clearly off his ass drunk. This whole situation was beginning to get him pissed off. Setting his sights on the old man he reached for the ax on his back pulling it out of its place. Inspecting the well-kept weapon he held a devilish smile on his face that could have frozen over hell. [color=007236]“Since nobody here seems to think I'm serious I'm going to need to demonstrate.”[/color] pointing to a random villager in the crowd he motioned for the man to step forward. The man, either being defiant or too scared to move, remained still until the vanguard knight who was next to Conall grabbed the man roughly throwing him towards the center. Putting a strong hand on the man's shoulder Conall forced the man to his knees. [color=007236]“Your choice old man. Either you give me what I want or I start with him and slowly work my way through your whole town.”[/color] The people that had gathered held the look of pure terror at what they were witnessing. Some were frozen in place paralyzed with fear of what would happen should they even move a muscle. Those who weren't frozen turned around to possibly try and flee only to see the Vanguard ad surrounded them with weapons drawn ready to stop them should any get the inclination to run. [color=007236]“Make your choice old man!”[/color] He yelled out once more driving his point home. The man was surprised when he didn’t get punched again. That usually was the case when he as being a smart ass like that. He looked to the random man who was picked from the crowd, as he threatened him the old man tried to step up and plead no. He couldn’t help himself. “Are you sssserious?” He said standing shakily. [color=003471]“That’s all I get!? One question? I’m offended.”[/color] He pointed his finger at the man swaying forward and backward. [color=003471]“Should have known though.”[/color] He hiccuped. [color=003471]“The vanguard are all the sharpest spoons in the box.”[/color] A smug smile on his face. All the villagers were confused. And he nodded. [color=003471]“Yeah, Spoons what I meant. Spooons. You seriously think I’m nobody? What kinda name is that?! You truly are an idiot...”[/color] “Enough of this!” Conall yelled fed up with all the insolence he was dealing with. Kicking the villager to his back he spun around grabbing the drunk lard by the front of his shirt. Throwing the man to the ground Conall let his ax hang in his hand while speaking. [color=007236]“Fine, you want to volunteer so bad. This is what happens to those who deem it necessary to cover for traitors like the Tyler’s!”[/color] He finished as he stomped his boot hard against the man's chest. Turning to the old man and pointing his ax [color=007236]“his blood is on your hands.”[/color] He looked back down to the drunk and asked one last time. [color=007236]“What was your name? So we can put it on your gravestone?”[/color] The drunk grunted at the weight of the man's boot on his chest, coughing as some of the air was knocked out of his chest again. As the man pointed at the head of the village he took a few breaths, trying to gain it back again. When Conall asked his name for his gravestone, the air about the drunk suddenly changed. He then said, [color=003471]“Dis...”[/color] Very clearly before grinning. And saying again. [color=003471]“Dis….traction!”[/color] He gripped conall’s foot and sharply twisted, and with incredible for his size lifted the foot up at the same time. This action would have caught Conall by surprise, while it would have tweaked his ankle, it wasn’t enough to sprain it badly. Just enough to cause him to fall over. To which the ‘drunk’ quickly rolled to one side to not be under the man as he fell. Pulling a dagger out as he rolled to his knee, then slid back over placing his steel against the man's neck. [color=003471]“Honestly you vanguards are dumbasses.”[/color] He said very clearly and without a slur. He looked up as the men moved in. [color=003471]“EP EP EP,”[/color] He said as motioned to the Dagger to their leader's throat. “Ill slice his throat if you move a step closer.” He warned before looking back to Conall. [color=003471]“Aiming to kill innocent people to get information on two people who just happened to be related to an assassin?”[/color] He shook his head. Slapping him across the face as he pressed the tip of the blade to his neck a little harder.[color=003471]“You are a piece of shit.”[/color] He sighed and looked around, [color=003471]“But I can say the distraction worked perfectly.”[/color] he said with a grin. [color=003471]“You see, my little act here has given the Tylers enough time to escape.”[/color] He whistled sharply, then looking to the leader of the village. [color=003471]“Also shame on you, for locking them up. Then trying to act like a good man trying to protect them. So when you hanyou them over yoa u wouldn’t seem like an arse.”[/color] He said with slight tilt in his head as he stared at the man. Who was so shocked he was lost for words. Hoofbeats could be heard and those who saw it in time saw a riderless horse racing towards the center of the town. [color=003471]“Let's see if you can keep up.”[/color] He said with a grin, slapping him on the cheek twice more before running in the same direction the horse was, people, moving out of the way not to get trampled as he ducked under a few guards arms before vaulting over a few villagers who crouched out of fear instead of running. Then gracefully leaped up into a back of a wagon and jumped off the front of it onto the horse as it passed by. As soon as the man had begun to chase after his horse Conall shot up full of anger and rage. [color=007236]“Stop him!”[/color] He yelled out to his men who were already moving to intersect the man. Grabbing his ax tighter Conall began to chase after the ranger himself also calling for his horse. Knocking through people who couldn't move fast enough out of the way Conall slowly drew closer to the Man who had now hoped on to his horse. Reaching down to his belt he grabbed a small hand ax as he began lining up the shot. With all his might Conall threw the ax aimed straight at the men back missing him only by a hair instead driving deep into the side of a wall. [color=007236]“Get back here you Bastard!”[/color] He yelled ripping the ax out of the wall as he continued running. ‘Dis’ felt the wind of the ax that flew by his head. He ducked even more even after the fact. His eyes wide, and a loud phew escaped his lips. As he kicked his horse's flanks again. He managed to race down a small street to the east gate. The walls around the village were only ten feet high, wooden mostly, but it had some stone walls. It also had two gates, the main gate that was on the north side of town and a smaller gate on the east for easier access to the fields for the peasants who worked it. He had made a clean get away with a good lead on the vanguard...he smiled as he thought he might actually pull this mission off. That was...until he saw the gate was blocked by a wagon, left there when everyone was forced to the village center. He pulled back on the reigns and skidded to a stop on the rocky dirt path. Of course, he picked the locked gate. He cursed and slipped his bow off his back. He could hear the group catching up behind him. He leaned down to his horse's ear and said, [color=003471]“Go find Will.”[/color] The horses ear twitching as it shook its head. ‘Dis’ quickly stood up on his horses back as it started to move once again. Once he was close enough to a roof of one of the buildings he jumped onto it and started to run on top of the thatched roofs, jumping between buildings as he did. Conall watched as the man nimbly climbed onto the roofs of the building closest to him and began sprinting once again though this time being on the rooftops. Trying his best to keep an eye on his target Conall followed close by on the street slowly gaining on the man in terms of distance. Motioning with his hands several of the guards took alternate routes in an attempt to corner the fool before he could make it over the wall of the small village. [color=007236]“Get down here and fight like a man you coward!”[/color] Conall called out now being right below this ‘Dis’ person. [color=007236]“Maybe I'll spare these people if you do.”[/color] To be honest, this probably not one of his best ideas, the village wasn’t big enough to get lost in the streets like a city. But at least he was lighter than all the vanguards with their armor. If any did manage to get a roof to cut him off, it's possible they would fall through...or he would shoot them. He heard the large man yell at him, he smiled as he tried to call him out. [color=003471]“Oh Aye, one against ten is truly manly!”[/color] He pulled a few arrows from his quiver, holding them in his left hand with his bow while nocking one to his bowstring. He Saw one of the vanguards managed to get up on the building he was aiming to jump on next. Sword drawn. He didn’t stop running as he jumped for it aways, pulling his bowstring back in mid-jump and firing. His arrow slamming into the vanguards shoulder and knocking him over at the same time. ‘Dis’ landed on the same building right after as he quickly changed directions to mess up the ones trying to head him off. [color=007236]“You weren't so keen fighting like a man before!”[/color] He yelled down at him, noticing him still following. Conall managed to catch up to the man with relative ease waiting for the time when he would eventually have to drop to the street. After hearing the drunks remark Conall called back up. [color=007236]“Says the man using a coward's weapon.”[/color] Looking back at the street he was currently running through Conall had to drop his shoulder as he went slamming through a stack of boxes that had been left outside a small building for some reason. Doing little to slow him down Conall continued at the same pace showing no signs of fatigue. [color=003471]“Says the man who was willing to kill a bunch of defenseless people.”[/color] He quickly shot back, realizing he was running out of roofs and the wall still was too far for him to jump onto. Quickly sliding down the building’s roof into the street on the opposite side of the building where Conall was, he found himself facing two men. Quickly shooting one before the other got too close, he dodged and used his bow to slap the second one in the face to disorient him enough to land a punch square on his jaw, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. Seeing the man drop off the other side Conall couldn't help but grin. [color=007236]“I've got you now!”[/color] he yelled shifting all his to the right making a sharp turn aimed right at the building that was currently separating him from his target. Dropping his shoulder once again Conall let out a loud cry as he came slamming through the wall of the small house sliding to a stop just in front of ‘Dis’ as debris from the building went flying through the small alley. His eyes burning with anger Conall swung immediately at the man aiming to remove his head from his shoulders while yelling [color=007236]“Now you die!”[/color] ‘Dis's eyes went wide as the giant literally rammed through a wall of one of the buildings. [color=003471]“Holy He…”[/color] He started to say as he ducked and moved backwards, trying to get distance between them. [color=003471]“What the hell did your mother feed you?”[/color] he said as he nocked an arrow and tried to fire it instantly. Conall watched as the man luckily ducked under his swing while moving back trying to keep his distance. ‘At least he has some brains about him’ he thought as he saw the man ready an arrow. Not able to move anywhere out of the way Conall felt the arrow dig into his shoulder as he let out a roar at the slight pain. Not letting it stop him Conall rushed the man knowing he had no chance if Conall could keep the distance close. Swingingly widely once again Conall narrowly missed as his ax found a home in the wall of another house in the alleyway. cursing to himself Conall placed a foot on the wall as he pushed off it freeing his ax once more. ‘Dis’ was shocked the man just kept coming. He moved closer to a building trying to draw him to one side and jumped backward as he barely managed to dodge the next wild attack that embedded into the wooden building. He felt his heart leap at the stroke of luck as he wasted no time rushing past the guy. Hearing the sounds of more men coming. He sprinted towards the south wall, as he cleared the buildings, He noticed guards swarming on both sides, leaving him nowhere to go...besides running up the wall. With the grace of a cat, he used his momentum to run up the wall with two steps and grab the top of it. Pulling himself up and over, but not before looking back at Conall who was chasing again and giving him a mocking wave before falling back over the wall. Kicking his legs around to land on his feet, he then sprinted for the tree line. Because of the blocked east gate, and the north gate was so far away from this wall, he should have enough time to make it before they managed to get their horses and give chase. Seeing the man leap off the wall Conall knew that he had no hope of catching him in the immediate future. He would just have to hope that his targets wouldn't be able to travel far with a little girl with them. Letting out a frustrated sound Conall slammed his ax against a nearby wall letting out the frustration of the man escaping. Turning around he saw the rest of his men catch up to his position awaiting their orders. Conall began to walk past them back towards the city center saying in a low terrifying voice that only the vanguard could hear. [color=007236]“They all pay for this.”[/color] Finally making it back to the center he found that most of the people were still there tending to the people who had received minor injuries from the small chase that had just occurred. Seeing the barbarian return empty-handed did little to calm peoples worry. As he drew closer the town elder turned to face him and was just about to speak before being cut off by Conall grabbing him the front of the shirt slightly lifting him off the ground. [color=007236] “You think i would forget about you? You had the Tylers the whole time! And now because of your stupidity, they got away with that man.”[/color] Tossing the man side knocking him prone he continued pulling out his ax. [color=007236]“For your sake, you had better have something I can use.”[/color] The old man let out a pained yell as he slammed into the ground. Gritting his teeth he slowly moved to his side so he could look up to the giant. Raising his one good arm he quickly said, [color=f26522]“I don’t know what happened or how he found out where they were! I never have seen the man before in my life. I’m sorry! I swear I was going to hand them over to you.”[/color] [color=007236]“Wrong answer,”[/color] Conall said coldly swinging his ax at the mans one good hand lobbing it off cleanly. Seeing the man squirm Conall placed his boot on the man's chest to stop him from moving too much. [color=007236]“Now I really don't have a lot of time left so I'll ask once more then move on to your legs. So again what is something I can use to find the tylers?”[/color] He said just as cold slightly leaning down towards that man. The man yelled, [color=f26522]“HOW SHOULD I KNOW! THEY WERE TAKEN! THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY OTHER PLACE BUT THEIR HOME HERE!”[/color] He yelled as he shoved his new stump of a wrist against his stomach trying to lessen the pain and slow the blood somehow. He closed his mouth and tried to bite down another yell of pain. His eyes closed. Pushing down a little harder with his boot Conall smiled unnervingly at the man whose eyes were now closed. [color=007236]“That is a good start but I'm going to need more than that.”[/color] Twisting his boot slightly Conall continued [color=007236]“Was there anyone else besides the sister and the brother?”[/color] as he finished Conall lifted the blade of his ax up to his as he inspected it subconsciously looking for problems in it. “No!” He said through his teeth, his voice sounding weaker already. One of the young women suddenly spoke up. [color=ed145b]“THERE'S NO ONE! IT WAS JUST THEM! PLEASE GET OFF OF HIM! HE'S DYING!”[/color] She yelled as she tried to move closer. Tears in her eyes. Taken slightly aback by the fact that someone finally spoke up in this town Conall took his boot of the man's chest. Turning around he saw a woman moving towards where he was standing. [color=007236]“And who are you miss?”[/color] [color=ed145b]“I’m his granddaughter!”[/color] She said as she moved past him quickly falling to her knees and wrapping his wrist in her apron trying to stop the bleeding. He weakly telling her to stop. His face growing even paler now. She glared up at Conall. [color=ed145b]“WHY AREN'T YOU CHASING THE REAL CULPRIT INSTEAD OF TORTURING AN OLD MAN!”[/color] She yelled at him, her tears streaming from her eyes. [color=007236]“Oh I assure I will, and I will find them,”[/color] he responded calmly as if everything was normal. [color=007236]“They will pay for their actions just as your grandfather here is now.”[/color] Placing his ax on his back once more Conall looked down the women who was trying desperately to keep her grandfather from bleeding out. Looking around at his men he motioned for them to prepare to leave as they all began to gather their horses and equipment. Turning back to the women she was still looking up at him with a face full of tears. Looking away from her for a moment he saw that the townspeople were still stuck in place watching the show infront of them. Whistling for his horse he waited for it to join him before he set off after the traitors family. [color=007236]“I do hope for all your sakes that I don't have to come back here miss.”[/color]