[CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/TBzpgzc.png?1[/img] [SUB]Rise of the Demon Clan is basically an Isekai roleplay, focusing on action and adventure, set in the fantasy world of Revea. This story will be heavily inspired by Re: Monster, Rising of the Shield Hero, The Time I was Reincarnated into a Slime, Magi, and Seven Deadly Sins.[/SUB][/CENTER] Nowadays, heroic ballads are a dime a dozen and everywhere you look, there are adventurers roaming about embarking on their own journey. Some seek enlightenment and merely hope to help those in need, but among the vast majority, fame, power, and wealth are all they long for. Gone are the days of romanticism and only few [i]heroes[/i] truly exist. At present, the number of adventurers aspiring to be heroes continue to increase, but given the relative peace across the lands, there was little for them to do. In the absence of strife and discord, many were forced to create and instigate conflicts on their own. The hunting of behemoth-like beasts was done for sport often to show off their strength or to carve out some sort of trophy from their lifeless carcasses. Others turned to raiding of homes of monsters - be it caves, forests, or actual villages - making it into a game where parties would compare petty achievements such as number of monsters slain, most dramatic kill, and even the time it took for a raid to finish. Such was the fate of the monsters and beasts of Revea. It was definitely unfortunate, but this is where you come in. Individuals chosen to revive the once feared Demon Clan. So come, heroes of the oppressed, rally the creatures of Revea and prepare for the coming of the fallen dark lord, Alidan Typhon. [HIDER=Premise][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/iWlULQn.png[/img][/CENTER] For as long as time could remember, the continent of Revea was united under the prosperous rule of the Alidan Emperors. However, over four centuries ago, when Alidan Typhon took the throne, a reign of tyranny, the likes that never existed, had begun. The young emperor abused and exploited his people, using the accursed Demon Clan to keep the population in line and crushed any who rose against him. So great was Typhon's hubris, that he even challenged the gods, believing himself to be their better. His evil ways were not meant to last, for heroes arose from all over Revea. Wielding ancient relics and all-powerful abilities, they each lead whole armies against the hordes of atrocities that had served Typhon. After a bloody struggle that lasted over many years, the heroes had finally broke through Typhon's defenses and forced him to a wall. Alas, despite their efforts, the heroes were robbed of their final triumph. The mad tyrant, loath to admit defeat, decided to destroy himself together with his empire instead, cursing the lands that stretched miles around it. [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/9cxfvSg.png[/img][/CENTER] With Alidan Typhon defeated, the peace that many had given up their lives for, still did not return to Revea. With their common enemy no more, the heroes turned to each other, establishing their own countries out of what was left from the fallen empire. A series of ever escalating wars were waged with the ambition to one day become the one true ruler of the entire continent. However, throughout the years, none were successful. With their power, influence, and resources near equal to one another, a stalemate and eventual ceasefire among all eight kingdoms, was inevitable. In time, this gave birth to the present era of relative peace. Our story though, doesn't end there. Preoccupied with this long lasting struggle for power and dominance, many had forgotten of the tyranny brought about by Alidan Typhon. None were aware that his supposed defeat several centuries ago, was merely a ploy to deceive the world. Typhon not only possessed overwhelming power and influence, but also extraordinary foresight and a cunning that was second to none. He knew that continuing to face the eight heroes would lead to his eventual defeat. To hand them this temporary victory was a sacrifice he deemed necessary. [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/4GPM7hU.png[/img][/CENTER] In the ruins of his fallen empire, the essence of Alidan Typhon continued to linger. It was scarce and thinly spread, but over the course time, had accumulated enough to have caused some sort of influence across the lands, marking the eventual resurgence of the once powerful and feared Demon Clan. Who exactly were they, the Demon Clan? Well, before the Alidan Empire, there existed a mortal tribe who rebelled against and even attempted to kill a god. For this crime, they were cursed and transformed into monstrous beasts, forever banished to live as outcasts in the secluded forests of Revea. During the reign of Emperor Typhon, they returned to the heartland of Revea, and tales of their atrocities are still told to this day. With the tyrant gone, they were again shunned by the world. Interesting story, I suppose, but you probably must be wondering, where do you come in? You, my friend, although from another world, have been chosen to be part of the Demon Clan. Attain power and influence, rally others to your cause, amass territory, crush anyone who stands in your way, and aid in the resurrection of Alidan Typhon. In exchange, once the Alidan Empire has been reestablished, you will be granted [i]anything[/i] your heart desires. Alidan Typhon was many things, but a man that turns his back on his word, wasn't one of them.[/HIDER] [HIDER=Character Sheet][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/kmMe5LI.jpg?1[/img][/CENTER] Your character will be a normal human who was been brought to the world of Revea through means unknown. Some of you might have just died or are currently nearing death, while others may have been asleep or just taking the bus to work. The type of lives each one of you had would definitely vary, but the one thing all of you had in common was the presence of an ever so potent desire. Lusting for power and wealth, extreme displeasure for the mundane, or a longing for change. Regardless, these were the emotions that made you different from all others. Appearance-wise, aside from minor changes depending on the type of demon you choose to become, your characters will all look relatively the same, but will bear the [url=https://i.imgur.com/iqAn2lN.png]Mark of the Demon Clan[/url] somewhere on their person. As you become stronger throughout the story, your form changing and becoming more demon-like will be option. [HIDER=Code][code][b]Name:[/b] What you wanna be called. [b]Gender:[/b] Just to help me with addressing your character. [b]Appearance:[/b]Anime images only and please include specifics such as your character's size and location of their mark. [b]Personality:[/b] A list of traits that describes your character. The more detailed, the better. [b]Desire:[/b] What pushes you to move on and go forward? What do you want to achieve or attain? This can change throughout the story. [b]Type of Demon:[/b] The demon you want your eventual appearance and some of your abilities to be based on; include a brief description of it. Choose minor or lesser demons as they are a better canvas to work on. [b]Abilities:[/b] Before being brought to Revea, you must have been good, if not talented, at something. [b]Magic:[/b] Will be given by me and will depend on the type of demon you'll be choosing. If you have any requests, just give me a heads up.[/code][/HIDER][/HIDER]