[h1][center] Natasha Dubrovnik [/center][/h1]
[h1][center][color=901025]Skylar Fosslan[/color][/center][/h1]

	Natasha would nod slightly as she slowly seemed to back off just barely as she gave a smile. Bringing her hands to her collar she would let her jacket fall from her shoulders, taking it off so that now all that she had on was a very tight black shirt that stopped right above her abdomen; with thin straps keeping the shirt together.

	[color=lightcoral] “I see. Well I can’t say i’ve met you before, Allison, I guess you just have one of those faces. The names Natasha, Natasha Dubrovnik: I live on my own terms and my own rules, well….” [/color] she would stop as she lifted the glass up that had been ordered and slammed back the alcohol. 

	[color=lightcoral] “For the most part at least, I do have to hang with that small group over there.” [/color] she would motion to the group of beings sitting at a table in the cantina. [color=lightcoral] “I guess you could say one of them is my ‘boss’; but she really just picks up anyone who asks it seems.” [/color] Pausing, Natasha looked up and down Skylar, some of her pheromones seeming to come out while she wasn’t paying attention. [color=lightcoral] “It’s too bad we don’t have someone like you though.” [/color] biting her lip she would lean forward, [color=lightcoral] “You are quite…..something I don’t see often.” [/color]  

	Skylar let out a soft sigh in relief as the woman slowly started to back off, taking comfort in the space she had regained no matter how little it was. Her eyes lingered for a moment on the Zeltron as she started to take her jacket off before quickly averting them to her drink instead.  [color=901025]”I guess so… Well, it wouldn’t be the first time someone has said that to me.”[/color] She replied, taking a swig of her own drink and finishing it off before taking the drink that was ordered for her in hand. 

	Skylar looks over at the small group that the woman gestured to, looking them over quickly before finally looking back to the Zeltron herself. The Kuati took a moment to choose her words carefully, though she’d take longer than she’d like as something seemed to wash over her. Skylar bit her lip, crossing her legs as she felt an odd tingling feeling wash over her, one that usually was for a more… private and intimate setting. Skylar leaned back once more as the other woman began to close the distance between them, the pilot’s cheeks starting to flush towards a visible shade of pink.

	[color=901025]”I-I see… umm… Thanks. Maybe you can put in a good word for me? I’ve been looking for a crew to join. Otherwise, maybe you can tell me about a group called the Gray Mariners? I’ve heard about them from others I’ve worked with and they sound like a decent fit for me.”[/color] Skylar asked, composing herself somewhat before trying to redirect the conversation and take control of the situation. Well, at least to try and feel like she had control anyway.

	Natasha would grin as she saw the woman squirming slightly. Looking towards the bartender, she would hold up another two fingers as she reached into the bag with her other hand taking more credits out and dropping them on the counter. Looking back at Skylar she would grin, something about this, it seemed fun… It brought back some old feelings of adventure and excitement. 

	[color=lightcoral] “Well dear, I have a couple things to tell you; first is.” [/color] her hand would move to Skylar’s shoulder as it gently set down on it; [color=lightcoral] “Just, relax.” [/color] She seemed to make the final word drawn out and it was almost hypnotizing. It would feel as if she was insisting into Skylar’s brain to relax herself. Her other hand grabbing the next drink that dropped down in front of her, Natasha would grab it and this time just sipping on the glass. Putting it down on the countertop, she would let her hair fall over half her face as she looked down. Her eyes however would remain on Skyler as she moved forward.

	[color=lightcoral] “I have another secret for you dear.” [/color] She’d move right next to Skylar’s ear with her lips as she gently and quietly spoke, the pheromones releasing off of her as she did: [color=lightcoral] “We are the Gray Mariners. Would you like to see the ship?” [/color]

	Skylar watched Natasha ordered a couple more drinks, not having even finished the first one that was gifted to her. She looked to the woman curiously, seeing her grin only made her brow quirk in question before looking back to the drink she was thumbing as the woman began to speak again. The Kuati couldn’t help but jump slightly as she felt a hand on her shoulder, quickly turning to face Natasha. As the woman spoke though, Skylar felt a strange sense of relaxation wash over her, even though she felt something was off about this woman.

	[color=901025]”Yeah… Yeah, maybe I should, after all, there is a festival going on right?”[/color] Skylar replied with a small smile to the woman, her cheeks a light pink in color while her body visibly relaxed. After simply just holding on to the drink she was offered, Skylar finally began to nurse it as she listened to Natasha. When the woman moved forward again, Skylar didn’t bother to move back, instead, letting the woman close the distance between them. A shiver went down the Kuati’s spine as the Zeltron whispered into her ear before her eyes grew wide when she processed what the woman said.

	[color=901025]”Y-You’re the Gray Mariners? Well, so much for me making a good first impression then... “[/color] Skylar replied with a nervous giggle, her cheeks now a deeper shade of red from both the pheromones she was unknowingly being subjected to and from the recent close proximity she had with the woman. [color=901025]”I umm… My name is actually Skylar. Skylar Fosslan. You kind of freaked me out at first so I ended up giving you a different name… Sorry haha.”[/color] Skylar then downed the rest of her drink before starting to nurse the next one, tracing her thumb around the rim of the glass. [color=901025]”As for a little tour of the ship… well, I wouldn’t mind if you’d still have me.”[/color]

	Natasha’s brain seemed to send off a bit of a signal at the name of Skylar Fosslan, she knew that name… she knew that face.. That’s when it hit her, she had seen this woman on posters at some of her associate’s ships. This woman was wanted. If Skylar could see inside Natasha’s head she would be seeing a much different grin than what was currently being shown. 

	Natasha was still so close to her as she spoke, her free hand picking up the glass as she took a sip of it again. This time letting a small noise of enjoyment leave her throat before looking back to Skylar. [color=lightcoral] “My, oh my. You lied to me.” [/color] she would begin to tease speaking gently into Skylar’s ear, [color=lightcoral] “I mean, can I trust you now though? Am I able to truly… truly, trust you to board the ship and..” [/color] she would take a short breath  right before she spoke into Skylar’s ear again, [color=lightcoral] “And see everything?.” [/color] Natasha was absolutely dominating Skylar’s space now as she spoke.

	[color=lightcoral] “Why you were so worried, I don’t know, my dear. But I can give everyone another chance: but it’s like you said. We are at a festival you need to just relax.” [/color] Once again the final word seemed to have something else behind it that would push itself out as she said it. Natasha’s hand would leave the glass and try to place itself on Skylar’s leg. [color=lightcoral] “Come on, let’s go back to the ship.” [/color] She would begin to stand up but she would be pressing her body now slightly against skylar as she put her jacket on and grabbed the bag of credits, waiting to see what Skylar did.

	Skylar’s cheeks were quite red as she downed another drink, eyes flicking between Natasha and her now empty glass as the woman remained close to her. The Kuati looked off to the side bashfully as the Zeltron teased her, one of her hands going to the back of her neck as she gave a little smile. She was thinking of a response, only to be left hanging on every last word that Natasha spoke. Her cheeks would now be a deep shade of red as she bit her lip, heart racing from this… predator, taking her space. [color=901025] “W-Well um… N-Normally I’m pretty trustworthy, I like to stay on the good side of whatever moral spectrum we have left but um… Well, when I’m greeted like how you did earlier… I uh, I’m just not used to it, so I was a bit on edge.”[/color] She replied with a soft chuckle.

	Once again, another wave of relaxation made it through Skylar as Natasha spoke, the former not really minding it and figuring the alcohol was finally taking an effect on her. [color=901025]”Mm… Thanks, and yeah, I think I’m finally starting to loosen up a bit.”[/color] She gave a little smile before jumping a little in surprise as Natasha’s hand was placed on her leg. The pilot simply just giggled it off and left the woman’s hand there, even feeling a little bold, thanks to the alcohol, and placing her hand on top of the Zeltron’s.

	Skylar nodded to the woman and slowly stood up with her, biting her lip a bit harder than before as Natasha pressed up against her. After taking a moment to collect herself, the pilot then picked up her pack and the rest of her things. She checked around once more to make sure she got everything before looking up to Natasha and smiling, a silent single that she was ready to go.

	Natasha would take Skylar by the hand a grin on her face as she began to walk out the door to lead Skylar, only to stop right before to look at Solace with a grin, [color=lightcoral] “This one is coming back with me.” [/color] A wink showing from her at Solace before a chuckle, an almost not so kind type of chuckle; but a chuckle nonetheless.  She would begin to walk back to the door with all of her things in one hand but pulling Skylar with her other. 

	They would head out the door as Natasha walked swiftly towards the ship; as long as Skylar was following Natasha would speak with her,  [color=lightcoral] “The ship is great, don’t even worry though, everyone is… somewhat nice. ” [/color] She’d shrug at the words turning to make sure Skylar was feeling okay.  [color=lightcoral] “But don’t even worry… just… relax.” [/color] she’d say calmly as she moved more and more swiftly.
 	Skylar could feel her cheeks burning as Natasha led her by the hand, only to be shown off to another member, presumably the captain, of the crew. [color=901025]”U-Umm.. hi.”[/color] She said awkwardly, giving a little wave, before being whisked away by the Zeltron. The pilot would stumble a bit as she was led out of the cantina, though she’d be quick to regain her composure and keep pace with the other woman. [color=901025]”Somewhat nice huh?... I’m sure it’ll be fine, what’s the worst that could happen right?”[/color] She replied, completely relaxed and comfortable with the current situation. She’d give a little smile as Natasha looked back to check on her, her cheeks still a burning shade of red from being under the influence of both alcohol and Natasha.
	Natasha would finally get to the ship, activating the door and walking right in as if she had no care in the world. She looked around, the ship was rather quiet other than some talking somewhere off in the distance. She turned to the left though and instantly headed to her room. She was talking the entire time, pointing out the different areas on the massive ship. But when they got to her room and the door opened Natasha led Skylar in there and looked at her,  [color=lightcoral] “Well.. what do you think?” [/color] she’d ask. If Skylar paid attention she’d see a massive chest at the foot of the bed that had a handprint locking system on it. There was a locker off to the side as well, that itself had a lock on it. Scattered on the bed were various pieces of paper.

	On the walls though there were clippings of papers and fliers that talked about someone called: ‘The Siren’. Each one talking about multiple kills and deaths of influential people, rebels, drug lords, and even a few rumors that she had killed a few politicians and influential people in the Empire.

	Natasha would stretch as she walked over to the cabinet and lean against it.  [color=lightcoral] “Well, what do you think? Is it a bit much for you?.” [/color] She’d ask with a grin, if Skylar was paying attention to her surroundings she’d see that on the wall next to the door was a picture of Natasha over a person’s body with a sniper aiming it at the the person’s head.

	Skylar would glance around at her surroundings curiously as she was led to the ship, expressing a little surprise upon finding out that the ship was a CR-90. [color=901025]”Impressive… so this is the Noreaster I’ve heard about… I didn’t expect it to be a CR-90 but nevertheless, impressive.”[/color] The pilot said idly as she followed Natasha into the ship. She’d look around the halls of the ship inquisitively before entering into Natasha’s room and pausing.
	Skylar started to sober up a little as her eyes slowly traveled across the room, carefully taking in the details despite her inebriated state. Everywhere she saw the name ‘The Siren’ it was accompanied by a rather gruesome headline to tell of her deeds. She’d recognize a name here and there from the bounties they had accrued and which someone subsequently collected on. A little bit of worry started to creep into the back of Skylar’s head as she looked through each paper, wondering if this woman knew of the bounty on her own head from the Empire. With all of the papers and fliers around her, she hardly even took the furniture in the room into account.

	[color=901025]“I uh… Well, it’s definitely umm… utilitarian… You’ve been around quite a bit haven’t you Miss Siren? As for if it’s a bit much for me… I guess that remains to be seen.”[/color] Skylar replied cautiously, a bit wary and alerted to what Natasha’s true intentions were. For the most part, she was still relaxed, just starting to worry as she looked over to Natasha.

	Natasha's entire posture seemed to change as she straightened up, no longer looking like the relaxed and calmed Zeltron she was acting like. [color=lightcoral] “Skylar.. Are you afraid of me?” [/color] she'd ask her eyebrow raising. [color=lightcoral] “And please, I already told you. It's Natasha.” [/color] shed say gently now acting like everything was fine. 

	Walking up to Skylar she gave her a smile, [color=lightcoral] “Calm down, everything will be fine. You were looking for us after all, right? So don't be so anxious around some pictures. Okay? We all have things that we hide, or don't tend to share, or that we are known for. This is just one of mine, I hunt people im contracted to… Now I see that look on your face, I've seen it a thousand times. You are worried that I'm going to bring people after us that will put the ship in danger. But It's not a big deal, I promise you, on this ship, with me. With everyone else, you are safe; we protect one another. And I'll.” [/color] she'd move somewhat close now, she would walk over to a couch that leaned against the wall near the door, [color=lightcoral] “I'll protect you.” [/color]

	Skylar noticed as the woman’s posture change, her eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion as her own posture shifted towards a more defensive one. [color=901025]”No… Unless I have a reason to be… Do I Natasha?”[/color] She replied, looking up to the Zeltron with a firm expression.

	The pilot couldn’t help but take a step back as the woman came closer, her hands balling up into fists as her heart started to pump a little faster out of nervousness. [color=901025]”That may be so, but still… And even if we all have things that we may hide or are known for, there is still the occasion where it attracts… unsavory attention… And yes, I’m worried, why wouldn’t I be? I’m looking to join a crew and make some credits, not to get killed soon after I join. I didn’t come this far to be bantha fodder.”[/color] She replied, slowly backing up until she hit the wall behind her as Natasha approached. She looked into Natasha’s eyes, looking into it to try and see if she was really telling the truth. After a moment, she let out a sigh, casting her gaze downwards before looking up to Natasha once more, this time, calmer and more relaxed. [color=901025]”...Alright.”[/color]

	Natasha would laugh out loud. [color=lightcoral] “Now dear, don’t sound too bummed out. We all do things that pull attention to us. I mean hell, half the crew is probably wanted in some way or another.” [/color] she’d say with a grin as she tilted her head. [color=lightcoral] “So relax, it’ll be okay. I promise you, I won’t let...anyone, hurt you. Besides, you are far too valuable to me… you are… fun…” [/color] she’d say flipping her hair as she finished her words.

	[color=lightcoral] “I couldn’t let someone who is as awkward and nervous as you get hurt, or killed. At least not while i’m around.” [/color] She would wink and then chuckle before she leaned against the couch her eyebrows raising. [color=lightcoral] “I mean, you can handle yourself despite everything. Right?” [/color]

	Skylar glared at the woman as Natasha laughed at her, crossing her arms over her chest and looking off to the side. Just when she was starting to relax though, her eyes flicked back to the Zeltron as she made a that promise to the pilot. Her cheeks flushed a deep red as the Zeltron went on before looking away bashfully once more, unsure whether to feel gratitude or to be unsettled. [color=901025]”O-Of course I can! Especially in a star-fighter, you’ll be hard pressed to find someone that can go toe to toe with me!”[/color] She said in a huff, taking the collar of her shirt and pulling it open to fan some cooler air onto her body.

	Natasha grinned at the affirmation [color=lightcoral] “I see, but how can you fight you know….” [/color] she shot to her feet and held up her hands into fists. [color=lightcoral] “ hand to hand. You can’t expect to stay inside a ship every time. How are you planning to fight once you’ve gotten out.” [/color] she would jump towards Skylar as she landed right in front of her she gave her a grin.

	[color=lightcoral] “Maybe… I can help teach you some hand to hand combat, and teach you how to properly hold a blaster.”  [/color] she’d turn and walk away slowly as she seemed to put her hand up against the chest at her bed and then typed in a code. After that she opened it and pulled out a heavy blaster chuckling it at Skylar.  [color=lightcoral] “What do you say? All you have to do in return… is well, join me on my adventures here..”  [/color] 

	Skylar watched the woman curiously as jumped to her feet, only to let out a little squeak when Natasha jumped towards her. She backed up out of instinct, only to hit the wall behind her before blushing out of embarrassment. She puffed her cheeks at Natasha when she grinned before watching as she opened up the chest near her bed. With another squeak, she barely caught the blaster when it was thrown to her, inspecting it before looking back to Natasha.

	[color=901025]“Well, I think you’ll find that I know how to use a blaster and that I’m a crack shot with my rifle.”[/color] She replied with a confident grin. [color=901025]”As for hand to hand though… Well, I can’t say that I’m effective at that range. I usually like to keep my distance, hit them where they can’t see me. If they get too close, then I’ve got my blaster pistol so they don’t get any closer. I guess I could use the help though… Well, if you’re offering, I don’t see why not, especially since we’re going to be travelling together on this ship anyway.”[/color] She replied with a small smile, holding the blaster to her side.

	Natasha smiled at Skylar as she tried to talk about her effectiveness with weapons as Natasha would nod gently as she reached into the box petting a sniper rifle. [color=lightcoral] “ My dear, being effective and being the best are two different things. ”  [/color]  She’d smile and wink at Skylar once more. [color=lightcoral] “You see, I am one of the best when it comes to warfare, when it comes to killing; especially killing from a distance or not being there when it happens.”  [/color] Pulling from the chest now she pulled out some strange liquid and winked at Skylar before putting it back in.
	[color=lightcoral] “Now; then; I’m glad you are willing to take the offer, but I need a bit more than just an ‘I guess’ no offense to you, kid. But, I don’t know you that well. I don’t even know where you really came from or if Skylar is your real name. I’m going to need something else. Not to mention.”  [/color] Her eyebrows now raised as she stood up the chest closing as she did. [color=lightcoral] “You are quite sure about you being able to join this crew, aren’t you?.”  [/color] she would ask walking over to Skylar and reaching for the blaster to take it back from her as peacefully as possible.

	Skylar looked over towards the sniper rifle that Natasha pulled out, clearly interested and looking over every detail with the limited time she’d see it. She couldn’t help but give a wry smile as Natasa spoke, rolling her eyes playfully as the woman winked at her again. She could tell that the woman was definitely experienced if her room and all the papers on the walls were something to judge by.

	[color=901025]”Alright, I’m definitely interested in learning something I don’t know. I’ve never really been good with close quarters combat but if you’re as good as you seem then I’m sure you can get me into shape on that matter.”[/color] She replied with a confident grin, hand on her hip while the other would move to hand back the blaster to the woman. [color=901025]”Yes, my name is actually Skylar, though I don’t blame you for questioning that after what I did earlier. Either way, you seem like the type to be able to find out that information, so I’m sure you’ll check later if you haven’t already. As for joining the crew, I’m pretty confident I’d be useful enough to make it in, especially with a ship of this size. I’d say that I’m one of the best pilots in the galaxy but I’m sure you’ve already heard that plenty of times. Either way, I know how to fly this ship should anything happen, and I can fly anything this ship has in its hangar.”[/color]

	[color=lightcoral] “Oh, dear, I have heard people who said they are the best at multiple things. Many tend to… fall short though.”  [/color] she’d give a wink before walking back over to her bed and sitting down, raising an eyebrow [color=lightcoral] “Don’t worry I don’t need to look anyone up. If you cross me.”  [/color] she would shrug once more as she patted the blaster she had taken. [color=lightcoral] “ I’ll kill ya. And when I do, you won’t realize it’s me until it’s too late. Then when you realize you are going to die.. You will see my eyes as I stare into them smiling as your eyes slowly close.”  [/color] 

	Skylar couldn’t help but grin as Natasha confirmed her suspicions on how often the woman was exposed to the inflated egos of others. [color=901025]”I figured. I try to be modest but when you’re applying for employment then you’ve got to sell yourself right? Regardless, I’ll try do to my best to impress.”[/color] She replied with a small chuckle before looking over to Natasha as the woman sat down. Skylar quirked a brow when Natasha said she didn’t need to look her up, only to bite her lip nervously as the Zeltron explained. [color=901025]”I-I see… I’ll make sure not to get on your bad side then.”[/color] She replied with an awkward chuckle.

	[color=lightcoral] “Good it’s best to not get in my way: especially when I’m on a mission…. I mean, unless you want to join me.”  [/color] She would offer holding a hand out as if she had an offer for her. [color=lightcoral] “In fact I am always down for help, you know. You get 15, the ship gets 10 and I get 75%. What do you say?”  [/color] 

	Skylar quirked a brow in curiosity as Natasha offered her spot in the woman’s mission. She looked to the offered hand but held off for now, wanting to know what the job is first before agreeing to anything. [color=901025]”Well, pay seems fine enough, what’s the job though?”[/color]

	[color=lightcoral] “Ah ah ah, my dear, not all things can be told. The job will have help available if you want it: but you won’t get the details until much later: I’ll put it like this. Who we are hunting is going to make us so rich we won’t have to ever do anything but sit on our asses all day if we’d like…. Well if you are into that I will probably keep doing what I do.”  [/color] she would say with another wink.

	The pilot held her chin in thought, tilting her head back and forth as she weighed the pros and cons. [color=901025]”Hmmm…. As tempting as it sounds Natasha, I’m afraid I’m going to have to turn down the offer. I don’t like taking jobs without knowing what I’m in for. If there is still an open spot when the details come in, ask me again and I’ll give it another thought.”[/color]

	[color=lightcoral]”I mean I have the details but the client is secretive. Come now though, Skylar…” [/color] she would say as she stood up a bit of a pout in her lip and voice. [color=lightcoral] ”Are you going to just say no? Are you afraid you will get in trouble? Just...relax. ” [/color] She would say with emphasis: [color=lightcoral] ”I promise you… it’ll all be worth it, and you will feel really… happy… if you accept. ” [/color] she winked at her as she put more emphasis on her words trying to coerce the woman.

	Skylar ran her hand through her hair as she looked off to the side, her cheeks flushing with each suggestion the Zeltron put on her. [color=901025]“That’s the thing though, I can’t tell if I’m afraid that I’ll get in trouble or not with so little details. Don’t get me wrong, I love credits as much as the next person but I think I care for my life a little more. I made a few rules for myself when I started doing this, and one of them is to never take a job without knowing what I’m getting in to.”[/color]

	[color=lightcoral] ”Very well.. Then you can go ahead and leave: I do have things to do after all... ” [/color] Natasha would sit back down and grin as she took the blaster and spun it in her hand. 

	[color=901025]”Alright, I’ll see you around then Natasha.”[/color] With that, Skylar leaned down to pick up her bags, shrugging the straps onto her shoulder and giving the Zeltron a small smile before turning her back to the woman. She noticed Natasha spinning her blaster in her hand but didn’t think much of it as she made her way to the door, pausing for a moment to wait for the door to slide open.

	[color=lightcoral] “322585 credits... ” [/color] she would say blandly and without any emotion in her voice suddenly.

	Skylar froze on the spot, gritting her teeth as she discreetly reached for the blaster at her hip, only turning her head to look at the woman behind her. The pilot’s demeanor would change completely as she glared at the Zeltron, posturing herself in such a way to act quickly if things were to go south. [color=901025]”We all have our pasts right? Besides, I’m sure there’s bigger fish for you to catch or threaten later rather than a small fry like me.”[/color] 

	[color=lightcoral] “Oh? Whatever do you mean dear?” [/color] she’d ask looking innocently. But if Skylar looked when she had turned around, Natasha’s finger was already ready and on the trigger of the blaster that was on the bed, and it was directed in Skylar’s direction, despite it still resting flat. [color=lightcoral] “ I just figured i’d let you know one of my… favorite numbers.” [/color] she’d say with another wink. [color=lightcoral] “If that number means something to you, then please speak up… Or, you can remember who helped you out today as well, helped you find the ship. Just remember that; because life is full of tough choices. ” [/color] she’d raise her hand off the blaster and wave at Skylar before blowing her a kiss.

	Skylar simply scowled at Natasha, her hand shifting from her blaster pistol to one of the sonic grenades on her belt. She silently pulled the small sphere from her belt and readied to prime it should she find it necessary. [color=901025]”Threats now? So much for making a friend and wanting to protect me…[/color] She scoffed before cautioning a step out of the room.

	[color=lightcoral] “Ah, ah, ah, dear. I never once threatened you. A threat would be like so..” [/color] she’d stand up and look at a poster that had a man with his throat slit; on the ground. [color=lightcoral] “ See i told him I would open his world to all new and wonderful things… That was a threat, if you think you are the only one with a bounty on this ship, you’d be wrong. The only time I’ll threaten someone is if I know I’m going to collect on them, dear. We are still friends though, hence why I wanted to remind you.” [/color] she would say still acting as if she was innocent. 

	[color=lightcoral] “ You are indeed too much fun. I will see you around. 322. ” [/color] she’d say before laughing heartily and almost maniacally for a moment before moving her hair behind her ears as she grinned. [color=lightcoral] “Don’t worry you are right though. I have… MUCH bigger fish to fry.” [/color] she’d then wink at her, [color=lightcoral] “ I’ll let you know when I’m ready for that help.” [/color]

	Skylar grit her teeth harder, her hand squeezing around the sonic detonator in her hand before taking a deep breath and clipping back onto her belt, deeming the Zeltron not worth a waste of supplies. The pilot would turn around and give Natasha a spiteful smile before it quickly turned into frown as she turned away and walked out of the room.