[hider=Genevieve Harper][center][h2][sub] G e n e v i e v e    H a r p e r [/sub][/h2][h2][sub][sub] T h e   H a l l u c i n o r [/sub][/sub][/h2][h3][sup][sup]( ' T h e   D r e a m   A l c h e m i s t ' )[/sup][/sup]
[sub][sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY5hDzWfnxw]♪ [/url][/sup][/sub][/h3]

[center][sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sk3gTfh.jpg?1[/img][/sub][h3][sup][sup][sup]F e m a l e        2 6         5 ' 7 "         1 1 5  l b s .[/sup][/sup][/sup][/h3][/center]
[center][h3][sub][sup]A    h a l l u c i n a t i o n   i s   a   f a c t ,   n o t   a n   e r r o r ; 
w h a t   i s   e r r e n e o u s   i s   a   j u d g e m e n t   b a s e d   u p o n   i t .[/sup][/sub][/h3][/center][right][h3][sub][sup]— B e r t r a n d   R u s s e l l[/sup][/sub][/h3][/right]
[h2][sub][sup]B a c k g r o u n d[/sup][/sub][/h2][indent][i]Personality Dossier:[/i] Wearing grim, depressive, and tired eyes with an attitude that implies she is simply going through the motions, Genevieve might as well be sleep walking through most of her day-to-day activities. However, she is fully aware of her surroundings and day-to-day happenings. Her sarcasm has little to no end and neither does her indiscreet perfunctory attitude. 

[i]Personal History:[/i] The daughter of two scholarly and eccentric individuals Drs. Adele & Hopko Harper who were not just very well learned professionals through prestigious studies at the same prominent Central City University (where they both took up an occupation as Professors) but were also well-read and well-established as members of the the National Central Library in Central City Council. The two were brilliant in precision and accuracy as they sacrificed much of their time learning and studying Alchemy. They were well-known for their lectures on [i]Time & Alchemy[/i] and [i]The Never Ending Equivalent Exchange.[/i] To the Harpers, the equations for Equivalent Exchange was everywhere in the world, and the two doctors had a pension for picking apart every fiber of this science. In fact, the two were so dedicated to the molecular works of their studies that they were much later in age when they realized there was any chemistry between each other (and thus went on to get married); and of course, it was not until even later that they thought to have a child, who ended up being the subject of their own (unethical) experimentation. 

This experiment was labeled [i]Timing of Thoughts,[/i] in which the the brain chemistry would be exchanged. The initial idea was said to be an effort to heal mental illness, but the truth behind the matter had more to do with Time Travelling. However, their experiment was proven to serve no such outcome nor was it considered a failure. (The two doctors believed no experiment was ever truly a failure as that broke their philosophical beliefs of Equivalent Exchange.) Instead, they learned that sacrificing actions could beat transmissions or frequencies of the brain waves to tamper with the chemical reactions (neurotransmitters) and how they communicate with each other. Their major study began revolving around prima materia, the pineal gland, and circadian rhythm, redirected through alternating (disturbing) sleep cycles.

The conclusion of the experiment was never seen by Doctor Adele, as she passed away suddenly in the middle of the night due to what was thought to be old age. Doctor Hopko was able to see Genevieve contort or confuse reality for a number of targets at certain distances. While Doctor Hoko saw this was a giant leap in [i]Alchemy & Nekyia,[/i] which Doctor Adele and he both agreed could be keys to not just Time Travel but opening the Gate of Truth as well. Meanwhile, Genevieve saw it merely as playing the childish game Telephone, where she slowly lost connection with everyone around her. It made her father happy, and she promised to herself after her mother's death that she would always strive to do whatever it took to keep him happy, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness.

As time progressed and his own madness began to be revealed to him, Doctor Hopko saw that there was little use for Genevieve's state of mind. In a desperate attempt to conceal his unethical approach to parenting, he urged Genevieve to enlist with the Amestris Military Special Investigations Force, where she resides today, sleep deprived and coffee fueled.

[i]Notable Family:[/i]

[indent][i]Doctor Adele Harper -[/i] (Deceased) Brilliant and well-known professors at the Central City University. Alongside her husband, Doctor Hopko Harper, she specialized in [i]Time & Alchemy[/i] and [i]The Never Ending Equivalent Exchange.[/i] She was later recognized for helping build a study for [i]Alchemy & Nekyia.[/i]

[i]Doctor Hopko Harper -[/i] Brilliant and well-known professors at the Central City University. Alongside his wife, Doctor Adele Harper, she specialized in [i]Time & Alchemy[/i] and [i]The Never Ending Equivalent Exchange.[/i] He is also recognized for helping build a study for [i]Alchemy & Nekyia.[/i][/indent][/indent]
[h2][sub][sup]A b i l i t i e s   A n a l y s i s[/sup][/sub][/h2][indent][i]Saturnine -[/i] Bending the light of the subconscious of select amount of targets in minimal distance. At worst it can cause delays in reaction, and at best, it can cause varying degrees of temporary neurosis due to severe confusion of reality through visual distortions. Targets can hurt themselves in confusion.

[i]6th Sense -[/i] Due to being more academic than athletic, Genevieve was unable to truly master Xingese as a martial art. However, what she did develop was some sort of 6th Sense, which came much more naturally to her than physical combat. She has heightened sight and hearing that help her overcome day-to-day melancholy.

[i]Academia -[/i] Like her parents, Genevieve is well versed in the literary world and well acquainted with the Central City Library. She is knowledgeable in various subjects, mostly including Alchemy, Psychology, and Sleep.


[indent][i]Chalk - [/i] For Alchemy circles.

[i]Coffee -[/i] For staying awake, as she sacrifices her own sleep cycle to induce it on others.

[i]Flintlock Pistol -[/i]  A general term for any firearm that uses a flint striking ignition mechanism. This particular pistol is a family heirloom.

[i]Folding Knife -[/i] A foldable knife with one or more blades that fit inside the handle that can still fit in a pocket.

[i]Gloves[/i] - For performing Alchemy.

[i]Pocket Watch -[/i] A gift upon joining the AMSIF.[/indent][/indent]
[h2][sub][sup]M i s c e l l a n e o u s[/sup][/sub][/h2][indent]
[i]Extra Details:[/i] Genevieve holds no ill-will against her parents.[/indent]