The information that Athena had just received had come across as a shock to her. She knew that Mark was a criminal, but she didn't know to what extent he was a criminal. Honestly, Mark was lucky that they were a far way from New York City, because just that admission alone would've prompted her to take action and put him and handcuffs. But they weren't. Athena couldn't do anything to Mark, even if she wanted to. As a sworn police officer of the law, she had a set of principles and laws that she was bound to. At least, when it had to do with the state of New York. But they weren't in New York. 

As a matter of fact, Athena was just as guilty of crime as Mark was. No doubt the little operation that they just carried out was just as illegal as everything else in Mark's rap sheet. She realized she couldn't really say anything. Hopefully nobody was able to identify her, because she would be getting into some SERIOUS trouble if she did. Before she could really say anything back to Mark, he was gone. He had gotten in and disappeared. He was gone like the wind before the police officer could even formulate an answer. She was left bewildered. There were so many questions to think of. 

Why trust her with that sort of information? Was he doing her some sort of favor? He knew damn well that she was a police officer and that she was going to do something about it. The motivation wasn't clear, but seeing as she had plenty of time ahead of her, she was going to do her due diligence. Might as well, right? 

Only time would be able to tell what was to come of this information.


The prospect was tempting. Despite not doing it for over a year at this point, Mia knew full well what having her aunt come over meant. Usually when her aunt came over, that meant her mom was going out and most likely driving her car super fast. Mia didn’t really pay attention to it though, partially because she didn’t consider her mommy driving cars super fast to be a particular sin and also because having her aunt over was a fun time. Kimberly also knew that she knew what it meant, glancing at the little brown-haired girl who was stabbing at the lasagna with her fork. Kimberly put a hand up to her chin, rubbing it idly as she thought. Her eyes darted between her daughters, who were both eating their lasagna, happy as can be. Monica, the younger girl, was having a tougher time since she wasn't as proficient with utensils as he older sister was. It was going to be a hassle to clean her up afterwards, considering the girl's attitude toward getting cleaned up. Guess she got her father's tenacity. 

Tapping her foot idly, Kimberly prodded at her lasagna once again. The Skyline needed to stretch its legs. Since she had regained the ability to drive, the car had been relegated to something of a daily driver. Very rarely was it able to flex its muscles and utilize all of its power. It was mostly just a commuter and something to get her to work and back, and maybe grab some groceries once in a while. She honestly didn’t know why she still had the car at this point. It would’ve been much cheaper and much more practical to sell her car and get something else, but something in her prohibited her from doing so. The Italian just couldn’t figure out what was holding her back, though.

Biting her lip, she looked down at her phone. It lit up with a picture of her family at a natural park of sorts. Kimberly tapped her fingers on the countertop, before swiping on her phone and tapping her pin code in. Her decision had been made -- and it wasn’t long until she pulled up her the conversation with her sister. 

“I’ll see.”

[sub][i]Kimberly Rossi[/i][/sub]
[i]”Hey, you think you can come over here in about fifteen minutes? I’m gonna go out.”[/i]

[sub][i]Sarah Rossi[/i][/sub]
[i]”Oh lord. Alright. I’ll be there. I missed my girls anyway.[/i][/right]

A small smile flashed on Kimberly face when she saw her sister agree to watch the kids for the night. “Guess she’s coming over in a bit.” Kimberly raised her eyebrows, before turning to her two daughters, “Hey, guys. Aunt Sarah is gonna come over in a bit and watch you guys, alright?” She said sweetly, taking a moment to tussle her daughter’s hair. They both looked at each other and shrugged.

About fifteen minutes had passed, and Kimberly’s beloved sister, Sarah had finally popped over to their house and greeted the kids. She was met with a warm reception and a toddler tsunami had overcome her, knocking her to the ground with their hugs. Once she was back on her feet, she cleared her throat and looked to Kimberly, who had slipped into something a little more appropriate for driving. A gray crewneck sweater and a pair of leggings sufficed, as well as a pair of Jordan 1s in her favorite colorway. 

Before Kimberly set off, the elder Rossi sister took a moment to pull Kimberly aside. “You sure about this? It hasn’t really been that long…” Sarah whispered, before waiting for her sister’s response. “Yeah. Worst case scenario I never do this again.” Kimberly shrugged, “It won’t hurt. I never crash.” Sarah was about to interject, but Kimberly raised a finger, “I was crashed [i]into[/i]. There’s a difference.” 
Sarah sighed and shook her head. “Whatever you say. Just… stay safe, okay? I don’t need to remind you why.” 

Kimberly nodded, before opening the door to the garage. “Always.”

Closing the door behind her, she could hear the distant sound of giggling behind her, before Kimberly cleared her throat and unlocked her car. Sitting inside the bucket seat, she took a deep breath, before taking the key and twisting it to turn it on. The six cylinder engine came to life, sending a giant vibration through the garage as she gave it a couple of revs. It felt so weird to her right now, knowing that she would be pushing this car to the limit once again.

Rolling the window down, she poked her head out in search of her husband. 

“Babe… you ready?”


Ellie nodded and complied with Seb’s request. Checking his gear, she knew that he mostly had it down. Still, it didn’t  hurt to double check. It was better to be extra safe than sorry -- especially in this line of work. After making sure every strap was pulled and things that were supposed to be secure were secured -- she gave a thumbs up. Seb was ready to fly off a cliff and carve it with his wingsuit. Giving a thumbs up, she received the peck from Seb and smiled softly, before reaching down to grab her own white helmet.

Securing it and making sure it won’t fall off while she became a bird for a few minutes, she pulled on it slightly to make sure that it wouldn’t pop off. Again, better safe than sorry. She turned around and looked down. The mountains were ripe for carving, despite it being summer. There was no snow -- just the dark face of the mountain. On one side, at least it warmer, but falls were going to be much nastier. But it was just the reality of being in a dangerous sport like this. Sometimes -- you just didn’t know what was going to happen, and when shit hit the fan -- [i]shit REALLY hit the fan.[/i]

Preparing herself, the only words that she heard were the ones that gave her permission to kick things off. The slap on the ass was rather unnecessary, and Seb was definitely going to get chewed out afterwards. But for right now, Ellie needed to focus. She needed to get this sorted out and organized so that they could have the smoothest session. Taking a deep breath, she let gravity take effect as she stepped off the cliff, falling into a descent. 

It was time.


Gina’s attention snapped from the map and onto Ryan as they mentioned something about qualifying. “Qualifying? It’s not qualifying. This is just a testing event. Season isn’t even starting until way later, dude. Right now we need to get our cars set up.” She remarked, sighing and taking her helmet. The true season wasn’t due to start until later. Right now was an organization sanctioned event where they could test their cars and stretch their legs. Many other constructors were around for the same. Plenty of Audi R8s, Ferrari 488s, McLarens, and other GT3 cars were around here.

Glancing at the clock, it was almost time for them to make their debut for the season. The stands were packed, eager to see the cars for the first time this year. There was a bunch of hype garnered behind the debut of Ryan and Gina in new cars. The two had gained popularity after terrorizing the league with their Audi R8s, and now in a completely different car, the entire racing world had their eyes on what they were going to do (as well as where Daniel Ricciardo was headed after the 2018 F1 season and Fernando Alonso’s future, but let’s not get into that)

A few minutes’ time and Gina was in her outlap. Rounding around turn 12, she was about to push the card as hard as possible on the soft tires. The goal was to see how the car behaved and tailor it to Gina’s particular driving style. Going onto the final straight, Gina swerved the car again to put some heat into the tires before making the push. 

Crossing the line -- Gina absolutely FLOORED it, letting the V6 bellow as she shot down the beginning straight. Hopefully Ryan wasn’t having any difficulty with his car, because already this car was feeling great for Gina.