Viraa sat in her seat with her arms crossed as she listened to people cut in and out of the communications. Both parts of the mission were beginning. She watched the Kyrios move out to engage the enemy, and just sat there like she was going to observe. Honestly she shouldn't even be needed, even if they put up a fight, the Kyrios should be able to handle six regular Mobile Suits. Unless... they split up. Of course they had to split up. Actually that was a pretty smart move on their part. Most would be stunned to be met with such sudden and strong opposition from a single Mobile Suit, but it seemed this little band of terrorists were different. They were dead set on completing this mission. A shame for them they didn't have as much resolve as Celestial Being, or they might have gotten what they wanted today. [color=6ecff6]"GN-005 Virtue, engaging the enemy."[/color] She raised her GN Bazooka up, Virtue taking it with both hands and pressing it to the chest of the Mobile Suit to lock it in place. Her Optical Camoflauge faded just in time for the weapon to charge up, and then fire a single, long blast of energy that rushed through space in a stream. One of the three Mobile Suits was caught up in the blast, and over the course of a couple seconds, the entire machine, and the pilot inside, were turned to nothing but dust scattered through space. [color=6ecff6]"Two Enemy Mobile Suits remaining from the group that split away from Kyrios. Enemy Mobile Suits appear to be protecting some sort of weapon."[/color] As the two remaining Mobile Suits closed in on the Orbital Elevator, they managed to spot Virtue ahead, not a difficult task once they were close enough. They raised their weapons and started firing off Beam Rifles, but a large green shell appeared around her, and simply deflected the shots. For the moment, they kept up their fire, however as they were doing this, Virtue's two GN Cannons slid up onto its shoulders, and aimed down toward the enemies, preparing to take a shot at both of them at once as soon as there was a window to drop the GN Field around her.