From a distance, the GN-000 observed. Close enough to intervene if need be but distant enough to be hidden from the HRL's detection range. Right now, Julia's, or rather as she was on mission, 'Gretchen' job was essentially to babysit Viraa and Atalei in case everything went terribly wrong. That was her primary role but as she wasn't needed in that capacity, the old witch was satisfied to return to her second one. [color=8dc73f]"Good work on those two Lumen, careful with the third! When cornered with no exit, even a rat may pounce. Viraa..."[/color] The old soldier had a sign. [color=8dc73f]"When I was your age and looked as good as you do, I also didn't mind being the center of the attention but one day you'll face a weapon that can penetrate your shield and you probably won't know that until it does so and you're dead. I know Big 5 isn't as petite and agile as you are but at least do evasive maneuvers. Its space, aerodynamics don't matter here."[/color] Julia was the senior most field operative of Celestial Beings, by quite the margin, and had done a lot to train the youngsters outside of the simulators and in many ways, this was the baptism of fire, the final training. Still, the whole thing made her grind her teeth. It wasn't the performance of the pilots, they were all amazing and had more natural talent than she ever had at their ages, but the performance of the machines. They had so many aces up their sleeves but now they were purposefully showing off! For now it was easy, but the next time they'd be expected. But she wasn't in command and in fact, she knew it was the purpose of the entire thing in the first place.