[@olcharlieboi] All the boys would be seated down in Noelle's office waiting for the woman to start barking at them, though this time she seemed uncharacteristically calm. As if she already knew what she was going to do. "You boys just never seem to learn, do you? I know that it was probably you who started it." Noelle said pointing at Charles, "But I know that you were asking for it." She said pointing at the football star and his lackeys. "I've had to deal with you all enough times to know that my previous punishments were obviously not enough. So I'll just have to step up my game." The jocks looked a little worried by this, their spots on the school team could be in jeopardy. One of the starts mooks quickly spoke up "I-I'm sorry miss I'll not do it aga--" Noelle raised a hand and silenced the boy. "Enough!... As of right now, you're all suspended. you'll have four weeks to reflect on your transgressions. Now get out of my office..." The woman's words were cold and her glare unflinching. [hr] [@BCTheEntity] [@FluffyKnife] Blob's eyes went wide as Arete sored over his wall of meat before crashing down in front of him knocking the obese man off balance. Before the villain could regain his footing a pair of towels whipped him in the face and shoulder and with it, his conjured meat started to slip from his control starting to fan out all over the ground. Then Arete's free hand clocked Blorb in the jaw knocking the villain out cold. Their victory did get some cheers from the onlookers. Maybe this time Blorb would finally be captured for good. [hr]