
[center]~ [i]The Gravity of the Situation[/i] ~[/center]

[colour=Thistle]"Fuckin', would y'at'least warn me before you's do shit like that again?!"[/colour] Rebecca shouted to her Stone Magical Girl compatriot as they flew against the floor of the Overcity, using her sword stabbed into the ground as a quick and easy way to slow down. Being crushed, beating eaten, being [i]launched across the world[/i], her day was just getting better by the second. She scarcely had time to recognise the other girls that they had happened upon, before another shift occurred. The Boss had talked about the Overcity a bit, same with some of the members who had the ability to shift in the first place, but arriving in a different place than she had started still disoriented her.

She took a second to look around, checking the other Magical Girls and Boy she would have to fight with, aiming to recognise some. Aurelio - an Empath with Beacon, she had heard - as well as the Twin Soul, who the Informants still had barely reported on. And that girl, Lily, who the Surveyors claimed showed up nearly everywhere there was something going down. Rebecca wasn't versed on their abilities, but at the very least they had numbers, disregarding the cultist mooks.

With a sigh, she, with a bit of difficulty, wiped some of the tar from her hands and blade, and prepared for combat. Except for the one issue she quickly noticed.
[colour=Thistle]"Right you's are 'avin a fuckin' laugh, aye?"[/colour] she called out to the rest of the Mahou, staring up at the sky, Abigail, the Mana Beast, and the veritable meteors that were being hurled, [colour=Thistle]"How in the fuck d'you's expect to kill 'er when she's [i]in tha' fuckin' sky?![/i]"[/colour]

Casting a glance about, Rebecca began to resent her luck. With a sword and zero capacity for flight, how in the hell was she to get up there? She looked at Shannon, taunting the enemy, and wrote her off as "soon to be dead". She looked at Lily, doing Lily things. And then she looked at Aurelio, using the mist to cast his enhancement spells. Then she looked at the beam of mist the creature was firing at Abigail, and had an epiphany. The whole area was dark - curtsy of the fog veil that covered the graveyard. In the nooks and crannies of the graves, and far above in the air, where the light of Lily's death lightning and the glow of the Mana Beast couldn't reach, Rebecca had an opening.

Bolstered by Aurelio's aura of hope, she ran to the side of the field, where the Tar Baby had just been crushed. Among the debris of destroyed monster and gravestones, with the light of Lily's Killing Blow illuminating the field, a deep shadow was cast. As soon as she had come across a good spot, Rebecca sunk into it, and began the first of what would become numerous, consecutive shadow steps. With her skill and mana capacity, it wasn't a good idea to perform long distance jumps, but she could maintain a steady stream of short steps for a fair distance.

So she dashed from shadow to shadow, along the outskirts of the graveyard, hugging close to the fog veil and up into the air through the darkness. By the time Lily's Killing Blow had reached its mark, Rebecca would be in place - much higher in the air than she had originally anticipated, but she had faith. As far as she could tell it was probably the lingering effects of Aurelio's enhancement, though that didn't change the feeling. She knew she would survive the fall.

With the thought in mind she launched herself out of the shadows, sword outstretched, and aiming for the bubble on the back of the Mana Beast. With gravity as her ally, and the last remnants of her mana dredged together into her blade in the form of a lifedraining curse, she plunged downwards. With any luck, she would puncture the bubble, and using her remaining momentum, tear the Mana Beast open from behind, spray its mist across the entire battlefield.
