
With sparks of electricity fizzling out, Lily turned back to her normal state, feeling like she could pass out. Once again, she was sloppy with her time magic, and ended up burning all her mana out. As she fell down, she could only sigh, unable to feel anything else but the harsh wind. When she opened her eyes, she realized she was held in a bridal carry by one of Aurelio's clones, and she blushed; getting rescued by cute boys seemed to turn into a habit for her. When she was set down on the ground, her feet wobbled a bit, but she managed to keep standing as she took support from the magical construct.
[color=fff200]"Thanks, Clonerio,"[/color] she softly spoke, and then covered her bright red face with her hands, having realized she was not looking the most presentable she could.
[color=fff200]"I mean, did we get her?"[/color]
She looked as Jenna ran up to Abigail; it seemed they won. She slumped down, her feet apart as she sighed heavily.
[color=fff200]"Phew...She was strong. I hope Alex is okay..."[/color]

Cindy listened to what Shion had to say, and ended up with another raised eyebrow, her hands on her hips. Her offer was, based on her initial asking rate, absurd, and it took a lot out of her not to roll her eyes. It may have been an attempt on the girl's part to scam her, or a misunderstanding about the true value of Magical Coins, but 30 silvers bi-weekly was a fortune. Not that she was going to pay her in the first place.
[color=9fd9fc]‘Unfortunately, that is an unreasonable proposition. I offer protection, and a community where one can share and solve problems; not coins, magical or material.’[/color] She crossed her arms.
[color=9fd9fc]‘That said, I can accept a mutual agreement of non-interference.’[/color]

Cindy then turned to listen to the other two girls, and smiled a bit. Their explanation did give a bit more insight, and they seemed genuine with their claims of change. Besides, she felt like she might want to improve her unusually low luck that has plagued her career.
[color=9fd9fc]‘Very well then. I accept them.’[/color]  They seem to be accepting that she rules the city, so she decided to show them some goodwill. She turned to look at Julie, who accepted Faith's whispering with a somewhat genre-savvy cross-armed demeanor, and gestured for her to collect the coins. 
However...Isn't there a situation demanding her attention nearby that she's been distracted from? She noticed the ominous winds of magic spreading over Penrose, carrying a sinister aura on it.
[color=9fd9fc]‘Enough wasting time! Penrose is in dire strait, and it needs us now! Let's go!’[/color] And with that, the female personification of lightning blasted off towards the graveyard, engaging the Imps around it.

Others also arrived as Soth's influence spread over the city. Swarms of Imps were obliterated by fire, ice and spiky roots impaling from the ground as Beacon sent a task force to deal with the quickly emerging monster masses. At the head of it all was June; having managed to recover from her traumatic experience in Justine's castle, she had fully embraced the Beacon's edict of purging the unclean, and had become more ruthless as a result.
"Carpet bomb that area!" She directed commands upon her sisters of battle. "Blast the smoke with light magic! We have sisters inside who need us!" She now looked different, her dainty, flowery appearance having gained a few thorns wrapping around her shoulders and waist as she carried a [url=https://i.imgur.com/g1qHtry.png]flag of Beacon's symbol[/url], waving it by using a wooden pole intertwined with daisies.
"Leave not a single monster standing in your way!"


Floating above the black smoke, Julia pouted, looking displeased with what was happening.

[color=Aqua]"Hey Julia, are you alright?"[/color] Jillian asked her, having brought her bow out.
[color=Aqua]"Our target is inside. If we just go and-"[/color] Julia shook her head as she held Jilian's cheek.

[color=MediumVioletRed]"No...The Deceiver has woken. I already sense one who has suffered from His mind-warping power."[/color]

Jillian's eyes opened wide. [color=Aqua]"Are we too late?"[/color]

[color=MediumVioletRed]"No. There is still hope; there are girls fighting. We need to protect them."[/color]

She took her hand, interlocking her fingers with Jillian, and the other twin nodded.

[color=Aqua]"Let's go for it! We ain't letting any brain bullying past us!"[/color]

The ghost twins unleashed their psychic magic upon the graveyard, and an effect resembling the [url=https://media.timeout.com/images/105417450/630/472/image.jpg]northern lights[/url]. As a result, they created a scrambling effect on Soth's power over minds, deterring the Horror from further placing visions on the girls fighting there, and protecting them from mental attacks.


Helga, in her attempts to redeem herself from her rage-induced idiocy, fully focused on protecting Su and Chloe from the monoliths around them. As the best close-combat specialist of the group, she had no trouble taking down the stone constructs, even using them against each other as she yeeted one. But even so, she couldn't thank Su enough for keeping them at bay with her stormy winds. "Thanks, Su! And sorry about losing my cool!" She shouted out at one point as she performed an elbow drop on a monolith like a wrestling champion. She grinned upon seeing the giant monster Chloe had summoned, knowing that without her precious monoliths, Divina had little she could do against it. "Because you ain't listening, you dumb skank!" She shouted mockingly at her question. Even so, she was shocked by Chloe's sudden attack. "Whoah! So that's what you aimed for all along," she commented, not even looking at the monolith she smashed to her side as she stared at the scene. "Big play."
Kimble's purring ended as she quickly realized Lea was not reciprocating the affectionate gesture. She then released her, giving her the classic cat smile resembling the number three on it's side.
[color=8dc73f]"Eheh, sorry! I was really curious, so I couldn't help myself, nya. I hope you aren't mad."[/color]
Her eyes shot wide open, and her tails stood up straight as she heard Lea's suggestion. Her face then turned red, and she whimpered a bit as she held her tail, twirling the hairs on the tip.
[color=8dc73f]"Y-You really think so? If I...Nhh...Confess...Will Mistress like me?"[/color]
She was thinking about it when Lea then questioned her presence.
[color=8dc73f]"Oh no, you did! Sorry, nyaaaaaaaaa!"[/color] She left with a long meow. And as she continued calming the storm, the gears in her head started turning.
[color=8dc73f]"Mistress...Can I show nya true feelings for her?"[/color]