[sub][center][b][color=FFB6C1] Diana’s Brutal Reality – Diana’s Pendant – September 26, 1914 (Siege of Amone)[/color][/b][/center][/sub]

Diana felt a bit annoyed and frustrated that Luke didn’t respond to what she had said. [color=FFB6C1][i]”He must’ve been in his own little world or something… Ugh, I guess that’s why he thinks a hangover is nice.. Guess everyone has many things on their head after that terrible time. I am definitely not happy about it either.”[/i][/color] Diana thought to herself, with a cute sigh. It was somewhat good he didn’t respond or he would have probably used his patent little jokes on her again. They are definitely annoying and thinking that made her seethe in rage just thinking about what he’ll say to her. [color=FFB6C1][i]”Why am I being frustrated at a guy who hasn’t said anything to me yet? It’s probably my mother’s letter that’s getting me to think about these things.”[/i][/color] Diana thought to herself, having a small frown on her face. It took her a minute to calm down from all the things in her head about the shock of her mother’s letter and cookies. She sighed with a slight bit relief in her body language and decided to look through the package in question. It’s mostly because her mother is overly prepared in everything, which she wasn’t really shocked to find a metal plate in the package with the patented Vastergoth Bakery’s cookie shaped holders. This was the first time of her seeing the cookie shaped holder type plate, which was a bit weird nonetheless. 

She couldn’t help but sigh at the thoroughness of her mother’s preparedness. It made her feel a bit more down it was obvious her mother knew what kind of plate would hold her cookies. Her entire body language was definitely not happy at this whole thing, but she took out the plate and put cookies on it, which equal ten cookies. [color=FFB6C1][i]”Can you please stop this mother? Why are you always over prepared for things? But this plate in question is a first time I’ve seen it.”[/i][/color] Diana thought to herself with a definite not happy look on her face. It’s mostly because of the letter, which she read that’s hurting her mood but she would probably feel better if she gave her mother’s cookies to the squad. She walked by Jean and Thomas talking about important things. It was obviously she didn’t hear what they were talking about since she had her own problems to deal with. In terms of her body language she needed to be cheered up a bit.

Diana was highly focused on giving her squadmates her mother’s cookies. At least the package was safe near her stuff in the small area she was sitting at, which she did shut because it was required to keep the rest of the cookies safe. She noticed Thomas casually going over to her, which gave her a slight smile on her face. When he took a cookie from the plate she was holding, which helped her mood a bit. However, what shocked her a bit and made her blush all at the same time was when Thomas winked at her. [color=FFB6C1][i]”Umm… did that just happen? Did he wink at me.”[/i][/color] Diana thought to herself, she had never thought someone who’s a hero would wink at her. It took her a bit to refocus since that definitely took her for a bit of a loop. She smiled gently towards him and she definitely blushed more with what he said about which is the real treat. Her thoughts were going a bit wild but she calmed herself some to respond to his question. [color=FFB6C1]”U-Uhh… Yeah… Treats are very hard to come by I suppose.”[/color] Diana said, with her face blushing a bit. She realized after she spoke that she more or less said that the cookies and her are a treat and couldn’t help but blush a bit more than she had. [color=FFB6C1]”T-Thank you for that by the way… I needed some cheering up, Thomas.”[/color] Diana said, with a smile on her face. Some people knew how to cheer people up and what Thomas had said definitely brought her smile back.

She couldn’t help but stare a bit as Thomas was returning to continue the conversation with Jean. It took her a bit to notice that Micheal was there now to, it made her smile somewhat. [color=FFB6C1][i]”I guess I will ask Michael & Jean if they want a cookie after they have spoke a bit...”[/i][/color] Diana thought to herself, with a gentle smile on her face. She continued on her general path until she heard some laughter and giggling coming from Luke’s tent. It caused her to stop and listen in, which made her hear Ines’ voice coming from the tent. [color=FFB6C1][i]”Ah, so that’s where Ines’ went. I hope they don’t want me to join in whatever they are doing… I don’t want a repeat of last time.”[/i][/color] Diana thought to herself. However, a part of her wanted to repeat something, which she was highly embarrassed about at the White Hart Inn, ala stripping herself completely naked. It was there only for a moment and kinda was jealous of Ines having fun with Luke in a friendly way. [color=FFB6C1][i]”T-The hell? Why am I jealous of Ines? It’s not like they are going to do it… He is too shy of a guy to handle that anyways. He didn’t know how to properly kiss a girl… W-What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel like I am doing something wrong… with my life?”[/i][/color] Diana thought to herself, with a frustrated look but why she was frustrated wasn’t as easy as day to see. 

Diana decided to walk away from the tent before she does something stupid as if her mother made her a bit more self-conscious about herself and her life. It made her feel like her mother was right here on the battlefield with her. She finally made it to a table or barrel and put the metal plate down and couldn’t help but sigh. It was definitely a thing, which caused her to move her left hand towards her silver pendant necklace that everyone can see and opened it and looked directly at her mother Rebecca and her father Gavin. She decided to sit down right there as well, and stared directly at the pictures in question. [color=FFB6C1]”Mother and Father what do you want me to do?”[/color] Diana asked quietly towards the Pendant Necklace. It was obvious she was trying to ask for guidance from pictures even though they don’t talk or move. The fact she was conscripted to this battlefield away from the two people she loved the most was definitely hurtful to her. She hoped that no one noticed her speaking to her pendant necklace but had a gentle smile. However, at least she stared at the cookies on the plate and looked around to see if any of her squadmates were moving around. [color=FFB6C1]”My mother’s homemade cookies from home are wonderful, it’ll be nice if you try them. But I am going to sit hear though since I need sometime to think.”[/color] Diana resounded her voice to be a bit higher so everyone could hear her. However, her tone of voice was mostly to renounce she got cookies and not like an order or anything since she wants everyone to enjoy them since the only ones that could order her are Thomas, Jean and Isaac. This was mostly to people that weren’t in a tent, however, if they were paying attention they could’ve heard Diana’s voice.
