[indent][indent]Atalei shuddered inside the Kyrios' cockpit. He cursed himself for allowing his guard to fall so easily. [color=red][b]"Roger that. I'll put down the rabid dogs... Sorry guys."[/b][/color] he said through gritted teeth, as he shifted back into flight-mode and pursued the high-mobility unit. He fell into a state of focus, near callous, and ultimately resolved to be heartless. [color=red][b]"I won't be the reason Celestial Being fails, I refuse."[/b][/color] 

He was coming up tight on the custom flag and still he found it hard to land a definitive hit. They flourished through the air like tossed willow trees, ducking and dodging into each others paths. Atalei looked up and around at the Flag currently strafing away, looking to be preparing for an intense maneuverer to get behind him. [color=red][b]"Nghh! Trying to outdo me and Kyrios is a big mistake."[/b][/color] The custom flag swoop up and around, getting behind him just as expected, but in that very moment Kyrios spun tightly, shifted into Gundam mode and was facing the flag with renewed vigor. The sunburnt Gundam aimed its submachine beam gun and fired viciously at the mech. The flag unit dodged most of them and the few that hit looked to had been purposely done. It zoomed passed him and Atalei could imagine the smug laughter coming from within the Flag's cockpit. 

[color=red][b]"Shit! I'm not done yet!"[/b][/color] he yelled, shifting into flight-mode and pursuing the target.
