[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/486b167e474e3de106cc39dfccf7f8a9/tumblr_oxiqjx9JhY1w14pp3o3_500.gif[/img][/center][indent][sub][COLOR=FDE384][I]Velinsky, Trasnia[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=FDE384][i]Present Day[/i][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr][indent][sup][COLOR=FDE384][b]Issue #2.02[/b][/color][/sup][/indent][center][color=FDE384]𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡[/color][/center] [indent][indent]Wonder Woman looked from a distance at a police station occupied by the militants. The station was being raided for weapons and gears to use against any possible threats. She saw that the surviving police officers were being rounded up. It was clear that the militants were going to execute them. They were armed to the teeth with assault rifles and wearing tactical gear taken from the officers. One of the militants was patrolling for any signs of possible threats. The young soldier was clearly annoyed that he was forced to patrol basically nothing. He knew that nobody was going to stupid enough to attack armed men. Then, he turned around and saw Wonder Woman in front of him. Inside the courtyard of the station, the remaining police officer was found and dragged towards the others. Three militants with rifles lined up and aimed towards the officers. Before they could open fire, the young soldier on watch cried out for help while two shots rang out. Everyone in the station rushed outside and pointed their weapons at the entrance. There was silence for a brief moment as the soldiers were nervous. Suddenly, a truck flew through the doors and landed in the courtyard. Wonder Woman flew towards the three men and cut them down with ease. Wonder Woman hid behind the truck while the soldiers open fire at her. She pulled out her shield and flew towards one of the windows. Inside the station, the soldier turned towards her and fired their rifles again. She used her shield to bash one of the soldiers and stabbed him with the sword. The remaining soldiers started to fall back to the commissioner's office. Wonder Woman followed them and was immediately noticed one of the militants managed to find a shotgun. She protected herself from the bullets and threw her shield towards the wall, which bounced and hit the soldier reloading. It was a technique that she learned from watching Captain America during her time with him. The other militants barred themselves in the office and prepared themselves to face off against Wonder Woman. However, they didn't expect her to kick down the door so quickly. She used one of the soldiers to throw at one of the men while using her shield to block the bullets. Then, she threw it towards another soldier and pulled out her sword. The sword managed to cut off the arm of the third militant. He let out a blood-curdling scream before she decapitated him. The two remaining soldiers looked in horror as their comrade was brutality taken out and surrendered. "You are a monster!" one of the soldiers shouted at Wonder Woman in Trasnian. [color=#FCDA63]"Says the man planning on killing innocent cops."[/color] Wonder Woman replied with coldness in her voice while throwing her lasso on the other soldier. [color=#FCDA63]"Where is Petrovich?"[/color] "He has set up shop in The Old Fox, a pub nearby the square." the soldier answered. Wonder Woman thanked him before knocking both of them out and went back to the courtyard. She freed the officers and told them about the S.H.I.E.L.D. and World Veterans Federation camp near the border. The officers went on their way towards the site while Wonder Woman flew towards the square. Eventually, she found both the pub and square to be filled with Petrovich's men. It seemed that her presence has them running away with their tails between their legs. But, she spotted something truly incredible. Iron Man was still alive and being taken to the pub as a hostage.[/indent][/indent] [hr][indent][sup][COLOR=FDE384][b]The Old Fox // Velinsky[/b][/color][/sup][/indent] [indent][indent]"Iron Man is secure and in place, sir." [color=#cc4125]"Thank you, brother."[/color] Yuri Petrovich smiled and placed his hand on the soldier's shoulder. [color=#cc4125]"Tell the others to finish packing up. We may have lost the battle, but not the war. We will live to fight another day."[/color] Petrovich watched as the soldier joined the others in clearing up. Admittedly, he hated leaving empty-handed and losing so many men and equipment thanks to Wonder Woman. He grabbed a bottle and started drinking while he entered one of the empty rooms to think. Unfortunately, it seemed that someone was already occupying the space. [color=#F8BC7E]"Nice pep talk. Let's hope that your men don't straight up abandon you after this mess."[/color] Aladdin smirked and finished drinking from a shiny cup provided by the pub. It was clear that Petrovich wasn't in the mood to deal with his bullshit. [color=#cc4125]"What do you want now?"[/color] Petrovich said irritated towards him. [color=#F8BC7E]"I just wanna warn you that she's close by an-"[/color] [color=#cc4125]"She's here?!"[/color] Petrovich shouted in surprise and went towards the door; however, the door handle vanished. He turned towards Aladdin and growled, [color=#cc4125]"What's the meaning of this!"[/color] [color=#F8BC7E]"You are overreacting, friend."[/color] Aladdin explained his action. [color=#F8BC7E]"Remember our little agreement? Well, it's time to listen to honor it and follow my advice: let me handle her. You take your posse, leave town, and hide at our meeting spot. It will take a while, but I will uphold my end of the deal. Got it?"[/color] Petrovich sighed and drank the bottle dry. [color=#cc4125]"Fine, I will listen. Just don't forget to uphold your part of the deal or you're fucked."[/color] [color=#F8BC7E]"Don't worry, I will be there."[/color] Aladdin smiled and snapped the door handle back into existence. Petrovich left the room and told the men to pack up faster while he started to help them out.[/indent][/indent] [hr]