[hider=Post that apparently never happened, but I wanted to write it anyway][hider=Not relevant anymore]”But she had greatly overestimated what she could do in the small space between Tonya’s open umbrella and Tonya herself. ”

Actually, just to prove I’m not a complete idiot, let me explain the misconception there. Mayra wasn’t intending on doing anything between the umbrella and Tonya. Mayra was going to pass Tonya on Tonya’s left side with her own left arm raised up to deck her in the face, which would ignore umbrella but then hit Tonya in the face. That is, the swing I described was started WAY before Mayra actually reached the umbrella. But apparently I suck at description, so whatever. Way too late to think about it. I just really wanted to include that explanation in the actual IC somewhere.[/hider]


So, Mayra’s arm slammed into her opponent… and instead of her opponent getting decked Mayra’s arm got caught in the barbed skin and swung to slam into the girl. It was way too close, but heck, Mayra loved close! The eventually got untangled from one another, and that’s when the melee began. Tonya turned out to be a masterful used of the blade/umbrella, but close combat was Mayra’s forté as well. There wasn’t a moment that Mayra wouldn’t spend on the offensive, only the briefest moments where Mayra had both feet on the ground.

[color=fc6828]‘YEAH, LET’S DO THIS~!’[/color] she cried, her eyes alight with the flames of excitement as Mayra’s body swung about to deliver vicious kick after savage clawing of her monster-hands at her opponent, her magic fire constantly flaring to keep her limbs lit and also just blasting behind her to keep Tonya’s wind from blowing her out of her beloved close combat. However, while Mayra span in the air to deliver kick, claw and slap of her tail, Tonya expertedly blocked and dodged each move with her skill. Where Mayra was savage and relentless, Tonya matched her with expertise, and even when Mayra found herself hit she quickly pulled together to deliver another savage kick. But, she realized, she wasn’t actually making headway, in this pillar of wind her opponent had the advantage. This could be dangerous.

… And that’s when Alex’s enchantments surged in and hit her from behind, Mayra’s eyes widening as she felt the power surge through her limbs. This was reinforcement. She was being powered up to fight her stronger opponent. Mayra’s happy grin spread so widely, her eyes filled with childlike wonder. She barely heard Alex’s line about keeping her opponent alive.

[color=fc6828]‘YEEAAH~!’[/color] she cried, and immediately launched herself straight at Tonya. [color=fc6828]‘C’MON, C’MON, C’MON, C’MON, C’MON-!’[/color] In no state for intelligent conversation, Mayra struck forward, actively trying to tear through her opponent’s defenses with upgraded martial capability, slicing with claws and kicking with legs from all manners of directions attempting to overwhelm her opponent and reposition herself as often as she could around her with bursts of fire, and if she ever got the chance to she tried to grab the opponent’s weapon, the umbrella, to swing herself around it and kick the opponent on the other side.

At the specific event of the metal stein aimed for her head, Mayra swiftly attempted to dodge under it, after which she attempted to launch herself forward to claw at the opponent’s chest. That failing, she’d attempt dodging whatever counter by ducking and grabbing the ground so she could swing around her lower body to deliver two hard kicks at her opponent, then use the fire within to blast her legs back so she could slide back with her arms, trying to continuously deflect or dodge her opponent and try to translate the force from the defensive motions into offense to land her own blows. That’s how Mayra fights. Currently, the monster-girl was 100% in the business to prove she was THE force to be reckoned with on her prefered range of super-close-combat~!

To clarify, Mayra wasn’t REALLY trying to kill her opponent, but it wasn’t as if she was considering that her opponent might not survive if she got in a vicious enough hit. Whatever happened happened~!

Mayra wouldn’t have the ability to realize if Tonya was replaced with an illusionary copy, and would continue violently pursuing her enemy as she tried to move away. [color=fc6828]‘WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? WE’RE HAVING SO MUCH FUN, STAY AND FIGHT~!’[/color]

... Now, even if we went with this, Mayra'd probably still be hit, given she has no form of defense against an invisible opponent.[/hider]

Edited: I was under the impression she was stabbed with this: [hider=closed umbrella][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Buolvi4.png[/img][/center]Note, sharp but thick tip, quickly gets wider to spread wound apart and do more damage, closed and long so it’ll go deep with no stopping point, Magical Girl blessed weapon probably pretty destructive and can run you through.

Which’d result in…

Mayra found herself lying in the bottom of a grave, her hands clutching the hole in her stomach. Tonya had hit her with all her strength, and with a direct hit like that not even Mayra’s hide could protect her. Mayra raised her head to look at the hole… and there was blood everywhere, a girl with less Vitality would probably be dying. [color=fc6828]‘Ooooh hahahahah, that’s bad,’[/color] Mayra laughed, despite the fierce pain. Honestly, she wouldn’t even mind it that much, but she still had no idea what actually hit her. That honestly bothered her more than the wound.

[color=fc6828]‘Ooooh, darn it, hahahaha~!’[/color] Mayra laughed, lying in place in the bottom of the grave. Yeah, moving would probably be a bad idea for now, this smarted like hell~![/hider]
Instead, she was actually stabbed with this: [hider=open umbrella][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qunh32a.png[/img][/center]Note, small tip makes small hole so limited damage, open and as such can only go so far in compared to closed, not nearly as deadly.[/hider]
So the following happens instead.

[color=fc6828]‘… Ow,’[/color] Mayra made a noise as she lay in the bottom of the grave. Hm. She had no idea what had hit her, and this was somewhat bothering her. She raised her head to look at the wound… and it was a relatively small, bleeding wound that still went a fair bit into her, but didn’t really do that much damage. 

[color=fc6828]‘Oh, is that it?’[/color] Mayra grinned, somehow having imagined that she should have taken way more damage than she actually did. Well, no point staying about here, then! She flinged her legs back so that the force brought her up onto her arms. The movement hurt the wound, slowing her down a bit supposedly, but as if Mayra was going to let that keep her down. With arm-muscles and a blast of fire Mayra flew up from the grave and into the air, spinning to face back towards the action.

[color=fc6828]‘ALRIGHT, WHERE’S THE-’[/color] -and she shut up seeing Alex attacking something that didn’t seem to exist. Mayra blinked a bit, remembering that she had been attacked by something unseen, and then let herself drop to the ground bending her knees with one claw bracing the ground, her tail swinging. She smirked, taking a moment to watch what was happening, but also looking for her moment to blast into combat.

Blood leaked from the small, untreated hole in her stomach. The blood… was glowing a hot, fiery yellow rather than normal red blood, and looked extremely hot, even if it quickly cooled down upon leaving Mayra’s body, becoming redder and thicker the further from the wound it ran.