[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MQa0QaA.png[/img] [@MadManMoon][@BrokenPromise][@Rune_Alchemist][@Shifter_Master][@Ariamis][@FamishedPants][/center] Dodging and weaving to avoid the debris the destruction of the Tower of Carnage created quite a mess. Slammed by one large chunk Janet was briefly pinned. Having been granted more on the strength side though she lifted and was free of the twisted metal fairly quickly. Soth's actions briefly caught her attention but she would leave that to Jenna. Right now the blonde's focus had to be on protecting her friend from the metamorphosed dragon that was Regina. Before she could reach Penny the monstrous dragon unleashed a breath of fire at the hapless Penny. It looked over until a hulking Chimera and dark magical girl swooped in to save the day. Things were hardly over though. As she had done with everyone else new she'd encountered she skimmed the minds of the newcomers to get a gauge of who they were. There were many motives after all in Penrose. The moth girl's mind was a little tough to sort out. She also had Psychic it seemed and was confused which jumbled things up pretty good. Approaching the three the she helped the moth girl up and steadied her, which for most Beacon girls was not the usual response to encountering an unknown monster girl, or a monster girl in general even with the changes. [color=khaki]"Are you alright?"[/color] The knight would let that question hang while she turned to Chloe. [color=khaki]"Thanks for saving Penny. That was a close one."[/color] While she didn't really have the time to properly probe Chloe's mind the fresh memories were easy enough to glean. Judging by the chimera she was a Spirit spec. Not really a whole lot else she could make out about the girl other than she had been fighting Divina just before this. No wait, she had beaten Divina. Then where was...? Her gaze whipping back around to the moth girl she was holding Janet looked concerned. Biting her tongue she communicated to Divina with her mind. [indent][color=khaki][i]Divina? This is Janet. Do you remember me? Actually, never mind. Just stay behind me.[/i][/color][/indent] Dammit there wasn't time for this. Divina probably wouldn't recognize her. Their last encounter was before she had used the Red coin. Looking over again Janet could probably force Chloe's grip off of Penny, but she opted not to. Making more enemies in this moment was not a wise decision. She needed backup which was still a little ways away. Reaching out she put a ward on Penny that would assist her Regeneration. It wouldn't be immediate healing but it would get her back on her feet relatively soon. Sparing mana didn't seem like a wise option so that wouldn't be coming from Janet. Directing her next words to Chloe there was some slight tension in her tone. [color=khaki]"Keep her safe."[/color] Despite not trusting Chloe the dark magical girl did seem to have decent intentions in saving Penny. Stepping forward Janet let out a breath before charging Regina. With the creature battling the dragon it might give her an opening to strike. Leading with the tip of her lance she targeted the neck. She would need to rely on her strength to do the bulk of the work. [hr] [@Rune_Alchemist][@Shifter_Master][@FamishedPants][@Ariamis][@MadManMoon] Flailing a bit from the quake the crypt caused she watched as the remaining structure began to rise. The movement did manage to break down the barrier. Waving her lance upward a series of barriers spawned for the group to jump there way up. [color=plum]"Let's move everyone, we aren't done yet!"[/color] She glanced at Sammy who seemed to be distraught from all the goings on she knelt down beside the small girl and rested a hand on her shoulder. [color=plum]"I know not what Beacon may have done, but after this is over come to me so we may discuss the matter. Stay safe."[/color] Breaking away she began to scale up to the now floating island. [indent]Leaping from barrier to barrier Jenna reached out to Alicia. [color=plum][i]Hold fast, I'm on my way. What does it look like up there?[/i][/color] [i]Lots of tentacles, directly manifesting Horror, I'm fighting with a girl who went to way too many Shakespeare classes, there's another girl who's about as combat effective as a wet paper towel but claims she can mess with the Horror's mojo, Summer's here too. So, it could be better.[/i] [color=plum][i]What should I target first?[/i][/color] [i]"If you want to help here that would be alright. Be careful though, he could block my arrows so trying to dive bomb the body will be risky"[/i][/indent] Well that was only marginally helpful. Probably best to see what is going on with her own eyes. Upon reaching the top she surveyed the chaos. Seeing that Soth was attacking Alicia Jenna dove in and began fighting back the horror's manifestation. [color=plum]"Where did Summer go?"[/color]