Name: Tylbalt Dietiker (Swiss Nationality) Alias: Abeoclimax Age: 19 Appearance: pm me Corrector Appearance: pm me Weapon of Choice: Modified rapier with electric capabilities. The hilt of the blade is black and the actual blade is a baby blue color with a tip as sharp as a katana. Cellphone: Modified iPod Touch, fifth generation. (Tybalt is a simplest in nature and takes deep interest on "classical" technology) Personality: Positive: Quick Witted, Satirical, Levelheaded, Charming Negative: Prideful, Unmerciful Background: Before DGTWorld: Born in Switzerland of a married couple of wealthy financial advisors, the most advanced technology was never out of arms length from Tybalt. His parents have always been distant from him, and as a result he has always been semi-independent. From a young age Tybalt began experimenting with computers and cellular devices, and through the internet, he developed a sincere love for music and the arts. Never a talented musician or performer, his exceptional intelligence kept him at par with the competition around him. On this outside this boy seemed to be a compassionate individual that loves every aspect of life, but his outlook all changed with his parents divorce that occurred shortly after the DGTWorld became widespread. After the DGTWorld: Unable to cope with the divorce of his partner alone, his father took to drinking and as reality steadily slipped away from his father'a mind, violence and abuse towards Tybalt followed in suit. His bond with his father was weak and there was no strong positive relationship. Tybalt viewed his father as an obstacle now, so he created this malicious virus that copied and destroyed all of his fathers data on his cellphone to this: ultimately killing his father. With full control of millions of dollars and the problem of a parent out of the way, he took refuge with his mother, who nurtured him more than ever. The government soon caught wind of his crime, but Tybalt persuaded them into allowing him to do community service, serving as a Corrector and they agreed after he shared his story of abuse. There was only one lingering, emotionally damaging side effect to the abuse which was his even more highly addictive, dependence on music. A fan of the Aristotelian outlook on tragedy, music that moved him to catharsis was best suited for him, and his collection was mainly based on the saddest albums in existence. I.E. :Hospice - The Antlers. The Devil and God are Raging Inside of Me- Brand New and Déjà Entudo- Brand New. Additional Details: -Tybalt works best independently and has a blatant disrespect for authority. This is a major character flaw as well as his Unmerciful reactions to anger, but he is slow to rage. -Will not find a love interest. Additionally, I can post on this more than once a day when I log in, which will be about 5 days a week. Also, can Tybalt switch to be antagonistic shortly before his death? If not, it's okay, but it would fit his background and the character development I had in mind.