So, one thing I did want to put out there is that there are now multiple Power Rings floating around Earth whilst Hal and Sinestro try to hunt them down. If anyone maybe wants to interact with the rings, I'm more than happy for that to happen.

*The Venom Symbiote gets chosen by the Star Sapphire for how much it, deep down, is absolutely madly in love with Peter.
*Lex Luthor's ambition to rule the world gets him chosen by the Orange Ring.
*Magneto's Hope's for a future where Mutants rule gets him chosen by the Blue Ring.

Now, I'm not asking for a Crossover or anything, just saying that, if you think a character in your story getting to weild a Lantern Ring would benefit the story, I'm more than happy to discuss that. It just adds to the size of Hal and Sinestro's search as they track the path of destruction that the Rings leave as they frantically search for a soul to bond with. "Hal, I just got a report that the Sapphire Ring was spotted in New York, attached to a weird, alien slime monster. It has let go and is on the move, but it's going fast and we need to get out there now if we want any hope of catching the damn thing!"

I dont want to spoil too much, but let's just say that, due to some fuckery on the bad-guys part, the Rings are trapped on Earth, unable to leave until they find a suitable host and so, are going crazy from their inability to leave and find the one true being in the universe that they should be bonding to.
