[i][u]Spring Zone - Streets[/u][/i]

Music: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjeo-JpBdnI]Ewige Wiederkunft[/url]

[quote]"Habitants of Unitia and friends of my children...

Good day, afternoon or evening to you. I'm Lumino Arcadia I, King of Lacrima. Before I can start, I'd like to apologize. I can't hold an audience with you right now, due to world connection circumstances. I've actually managed to send them over there by the luck of finding a crack in the barrier that separates your world and mine. Rest assured, I've already managed to fix it myself. The barrier is pretty strong. I'm impressed on how powerful Ancestor Magic is.


Rayla: Eh? The Barrier is made out of Ancestor Magic? (How? This implies someone out there created it...and who it might've been?)

[quote]The reason why I asked Reimu to give you this letter is because I want to explain myself nad my reasons, since this is something I must do. I can only imagine how you find me irresponsible for sending my own children into a world that's dangerous, to the point I'd lie to them about it. There are four reasons which I choose to send them: aid, growth, fate and fear.[/quote]

Rayla: He had to remind me of that time when I called him exactly that...
Tiane: Back then, you didn't knew about their situation, so I guess there's no hard feelings.
Rayla: Hopefully not...

[quote]The first one is that I want to aid your world however I can. I used to be a Dimensional Traveler, so going through worlds to help whoever needed it was my task. Ever since I became king, though, that's not possible for me anymore. I wanted to be there, aiding you all, but I have a promise with my people. I created Lacrima to rescue and inhabit people from worlds which their doom was set, so their protection comes first and foremost. However, I don't want your world to fall under the same fate of many others whom are lost and unrecoverable. Thus, thanks to the opening on your barrier, I managed to send people there to help: Prince Xaizor and Princess Marina.[/quote]

Rayla: This adds up with what Azura said...This world is truly in danger...
Tiane: And yet, we're not even close to know who's responsable for this.
Rayla: Yeah... (Wonder if we'll even get a clue...)

[quote]Then we come to the second part, which is growth. As you can see, my kids are... well, sort of an odd duo. Xaizor is completely reckless and Marina is completely cautious. I tried to grow them under different circumstances, but I think there's a limit of what I can do and what my world can do. Eventually, things started to get too comfortable and the fact that they're royalty here doesn't help much. So by sending them into a place where things work very differently and they're no prince or princess but just normal people, it may allow them to mature... or I do hope so. I know they are a bit of a troublemaker duo, but please bear with them. They mean no harm.[/quote]

Rayla: On the bright side, I guess their personality is what makes them endearing. I can't be that mad.
Rayla: Though, I feel like Xaizor might be the first to end up in some real trouble if he doesn't change his attitude...
Tiane: ....

[quote]About the third reason... it's related to Marina and Xaizor. I found them when they were small children, but they came from your world, ages ago. I have no idea how or why, but the fact is that their fate is linked to your world. Currently, they hold no memories of Unitia but I want them to discover it. Painful or not, it has to be done.[/quote]

Rayla: W-WHAT? T-They're aren't actually outsiders?
Tiane: Now that's something I didn't see coming.
Rayla: Same here... (Well, if I had to take a guess...)


Rayla: (It was when those monsters appeared. Maybe they got dragged somehow and the shock made them lose their memories...It's just a guess but...)
Tiane: Rayla?
Rayla: Oh...Right... (They might have an bigger personal stake in this than we first thought...)

[quote]And the last reason. I fear I don't have much time left. An enemy of mine, sealed at least a millenia ago, has escaped. I've sent my official Emissaries to investigate the cause, but my answers are few. I'm unsure of what she's planning, whether to attack Lacrima directly or to destroy countless worlds, taking the advantage of the fact that I cannot leave. This is why, if anything, I want my kids safe. I love those two, even if we're not connected by blood whatsoever.[/quote]

Rayla: I understand...Family is family after all...
Rayla: Don't worry Lumino...I'll make sure they'll feel right at home...

[quote]For now, this is all that I can tell you. I hope that, one day, we can meet each other face to face. Reimu told me about you, based on what Xaizor and Marina tell about Unitia. It would make me happy to meet people from your world at last.

~ Lumino Arcadia I

Rayla: I'm sure that day will come.
Tiane: I guess...I'll be looking foward for it too. He does sound like a nice guy.
Rayla: Indeed...Oh, there's more.

[quote]PS: You have full authority to give Xaizor a beating if he's being bothersome. Oh, this includes Marina as well, as she can get pretty annoying when she wants.[/quote]

**はてな/しましまP Plays again**

Rayla: A-Am I reading this right? Did I really get the authorization to set them straight?
Tiane: Oh boy... (This is not good...She's probably going to hit way harder since they're most likely more resistant than I am...)
Rayla: As I said before...Xaizor might be the first to get into trouble...And if he doesn't change...[b]he'll[/b] be in trouble.
Tiane: (Oh crap...I don't want to be around for when that happens...)

**Music stops**

   Then, they finally got home. Tiane headed straight for bed while Rayla cleaned the house. Once she got to her room, Rayla put the letter inside a drawer before heading to bed.

Rayla: I'll make sure the city is one piece before you get here...Until then, take care Lumino.

    The girl closed her eyes, ready to be embraced by her dreams once more, waiting for the sun to rise once she wakes up from her slumber.