[b][i][u]Location: Spring Zone - Streets[/u][/i][/b]

[b][i]BGM:[/i][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA3waW2sYLo]Beautiful Morning[/url]

[i]Xaizor, Marina and Jin left the shrine and walked towards the school. Reimu agreed to have Jin accompany them, since having a nightmare could present some undesirable effect in the rest of the day.[/i]

Xaizor: ...
Marina: ...
Jin: Are you two really OK? I'm starting to get really worried...
Xaizor: Ah! Sorry, I was just distracted for a second...
Marina: As for me, the nightmare I had never left my mind even once.
Jin: Was it really horrible to let you guys down like this?
Marina: I would rather abstain from commenting it publically. We are not alone in the street, so we might tell you more back at the shrine.
Jin: Alright then, but you're telling me once we head back to the shrine, got it?
Xaizor: Fine... sheesh, I'm not even in the mood to train today...
Marina: I would do a sarcastic response, but I really need to rest my mind...

[i]Both were completely lost in thought and were unable to think on anything else. However, out of nowhere, Jin kissed their foreheads, each at a time.[/i]

Xaizor: W-What the hell you're doing, dude?!
Jin: What? I always did this on Lumino when he was younger and it worked. He'd always calm down.
Xaizor: Ergh, c'mon! I'm not a kid anymore! Besides, that's a weird thing for you to be doing!
Jin: Uh... my bad. Instincts, I guess...
Marina: ... I have noticed that you do seem to be very fond of my father, Mister Jin. You were speaking his name quite a few times while you were sleeping.
Jin: No point in denying it. For me, your father was like a little brother I never had. I'd always play around and watch over him. His beaming smile and kindness are what always made my day.
Marina: I see. I believe Father will be very happy to see you again.
Xaizor: Still, that doesn't make us Dad and that was completely not cool!
Jin: I-I was just trying to help!
Marina: Well, it did help me. Thank you, Mister Jin. I feel a little calmer now.
Jin: It was nothing, Marina. I'm glad you're feeling less under the weather.
Xaizor: ... Well, it did distract me a bit, so I can't say it didn't work somehow. Still, that's not what's going to calm me down though.
Xaizor: I know! Since my mood's back a bit, you're training with me today, Jin!
Jin: Well, I got nothing against training, so it's fine for me! My regimen is hard, so I hope you can keep up!
Xaizor: I'll show you then! You'll be pale once we start!

[i]Albeit weird, Jin's idea worked somehow. With Marina and Xaizor now distracted, the walk went far more calmer and they began talking about other topics.[/i]

[b][i][u]Location: Summer Area - Forbidden Forest[/u][/i][/b]

[i]Fuindor looked to the town at the very entrance of the Forbidden Forest. It was the home of many beastkin, but it's considered a haunted spot for the rest of the city. People who went inside were attacked by violent beastkin, all happening in secrecy and during the nighttime. With the number of disappearances growing, the town prohibited entrance to the forest, even to the authorities.[/i]

Fuindor: (Will there be a day where we can walk alongside humanity once more? If not, are we fated to live in secret until when?)
???: Hey, whatcha looking at?
Fuindor: GAH!! Get away!! *draws sword*

[b][i]BGM:[/i][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orDWNaCADzw]An Unpopular Location[/url]

???: Whoa, whoa, calm down! Put that blade away, dude!
Fuindor: Oh, it's just you [b]Zeroken[/b]. You startled me...

[b][i]Wind's Prideful Wolf

Zeroken: Did something happen for you to be like this right up in the morning, swinging your sword at everyone you meet?
Fuindor: Had a nightmare... a horrible one. Hunters everywhere, burning the forest and killing the others...
Zeroken: That's... horrible indeed.
Fuindor: Yeah, I know. It's what I'm trying to avoid at all costs. I don't want us to go extinct...
Zeroken: I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. You wouldn't let your family die as if it was nothing.
Fuindor: You're right. I won't let that happen. I swore that to Gramps and I'll see it through.
Zeroken: There, that's the spirit! Now don't get all gloomy for the day.
Fuindor: Heheh... thanks, Zeroken. You managed to cheer me up a bit.
Fuindor: Say, I still don't buy the whole demon thing. Are you sure you're not a werewolf, wolfskin or something like that?
Zeroken: No, I'm a demon. I come from the Netherworld and I'm not related to beastkin.
Fuindor: If that's the case, then what are you doing here? You haven't told me that yet.
Zeroken: Ahaha... you see... I was trying to get somewhere and I, uh, took the wrong the direction and ended up here...
Fuindor: ... pffft... that sounds like you a lot...
Zeroken: Hey, don't laugh! C'mon, I'd be miserable if it wasn't for you helping me!
Fuindor: Sorry, sorry. Anyway, I'm heading down to town. There's something I gotta check there.
Zeroken: Alright then. Good luck to you! Hope you find whatever you need!
Fuindor: Also, don't talk about my nightmare with the others. I don't want Kaden going all worried and listening to Keaton and Yoichi making fun of it will be too much for my head...
Zeroken: Sure thing! Your secret's safe with me!

[i]Fuindor transformed into his human form and left to the town. He wanted to see if he could visit Sumireko at the hospital, but he needed to find Orie first.[/i]

[b][i][u]Location: Summer Area - Ryoukan Tsurugiya Inn[/u][/i][/b]

[i]After a good night of sleep, Lizzy woke up and left the inn. She was rather tired of all the walking yesterday and rather bothered, but she still needed to do what she was instructed.[/i]

Lizzy: OK, so if I remember right, I need to go somewhere called "Hakurei Shrine"... right? I think that was the name but I'm hell as unsure as I can be.
Lizzy: But seriously, he could've explained more to me! I mean, for God's sake, throwing me into another world again?! I do owe him, but be more gentle! I'm a lady, not some sort of toy!
Lizzy: I don't even know where I am exactly in this town! ARGH, this is so FRUSTRATING!

[i]She looked around to see if there was someone who could help her. However, there was no one at the street at the moment. She sighed and sat at one of the tables.[/i]

Lizzy: I hate my life... this is so annoyingly frustrating... all I want is to see Agni in peace. Is that so bad?