[indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/16dO9Jx.png[/img][/center][COLOR=yellow][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]A  P L A Y G R O U N D[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][sup][color=darkgray]Night, later  |  Queens Borough, New York City[/color][/sup]
A dozen disparate sirens screamed in the distance as the NYPD searched high-and-low for the man that attacked the 105th precinct. They wouldn't suffer someone attacking their own, especially not after everything else that had happened that week. Scott couldn't be sure what would happen if they found him, but he trusted his gut enough to know it wouldn't be good. They couldn't turn 'Spider-Man' over to the cops. Not yet, at least. He needed to find out more before he made a decision.

The three of them had managed to sneak through several backyards and parking lots to avoid capture, but they'd been cut off. Backup had been called in and there were officers swarming throughout the neighborhood. In time they'd start to scatter, but for now the mutants needed to keep their heads down and wait this out.

Scott, Jean and the Spider had found their way to a small playground located in a local park called the 'Amber Memorial Park'. Most of it was just grass and oaks, save for the parking lot at the entrance and the rundown walking path circling the edge. A stream was running downhill on the far side, a quaint little bridge covered in bike locks built over it. It wasn't particularly large, but there were lines of trees on nearly all sides so they were fairly well concealed here. A good enough place to hide out, Scott reckoned.

They'd have plenty of time to get to the truth.

"Looks like we'll be safe here," Scott called to the others, stepping away from the treeline. "For now, at least. I gave the rest of the team a call and they'll be by to pick us up in a bit. In the meantime..." He stopped walking in front of the mutant spider, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm gonna need you to start talking. Who're you and why'd you break into a police precinct?"

Jean was seated a ways away atop the jungle gym, one foot dangling down from between the bars. She was glaring daggers into 'Spider-Man', more than a little uneasy about this whole arrangement. Whoever this guy was...he wasn't like them. There was something going on in his head that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Jean Grey was a lot of things, but easily frightened certainly wasn't one of them.

[i]'God, I hate this,'[/i] she grumbled to herself. [i]'Can't we just beat this guy into a pulp and be done with it?' [/i]