[right][h3]Nar Shaddaa - Thrax and Sena[/h3][/right]

Sena woke to the sound of her commlink beeping and groggily turned her head to the left to look at the clock on her nightstand. It was early in the morning. Too early for the night she had. To her right lay Thrax, who slept like the dead, undisturbed by the ringing or her movements. She contemplated ignoring the call in favor of savoring the warmth of her linen sheets but she decided otherwise and with heavy limbs Sena rolled out of bed, exposing her nude body to the room. She dragged her feet to where her clothes lie in a messy pile and fished out her commlink.

"Sena." she answered, her voice heavy from her slumber.

"Good Morning, It's Val."

"Morning! Early call must mean you have details about this job for Khulbe that Thrax told me about? Or at least where to meet the Trespass?" She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she spoke and was glad she rolled out of bed to take the call.

"Yes it does. 30k each if you'll take the job and exact details about it will be given when you get here. We'll be docked at the Garbella Memorial Starport."

Sena took a moment to think about the offer, running slender pale fingers through her short black hair. It was a high risk/high reward job, that much was given, but she liked the crew of the Trespass and 30,000 credits is 30,000 credits. She figured they could always refuse once they heard all the details if the risks were too great. 

"Which Hangar?" She asked.


"Alright, see you later!" She said as she hung up the call and turned to crawl back into bed. Inhaling deeply, Sena wished she could just close her eyes and go back to sleep but she knew if they were going to make it to the hangar at a decent time, they needed to get up soon. For that to happen, she had to wake up her slumbering partner who had turned in his sleep towards her direction while she was on call. Sena started by tracing her fingers along his chest, making random symbols upon his skin, seeing if that was enough to wake him. When he didn't react, she moved her body closer to his and started planting small kisses starting from the nape of his neck and working her way down, occasionally using her teeth to gently bite him. Thrax's breathing pattern  soon changed from the deep even respiration a person does during sleep to the more shallow, quickened breaths. 

Sena stopped when she reached his hips and brought her gaze up to meet his, very much pleased with herself.  

"I can get used to waking up like this." Thrax said, his voice deep.

"Val called to give us a rendezvous should we want to take on the job. They'll be at Hangar 141 at the Garbella."

"Any details?" he asked.

"They'll be given when we get there."

"Damn, I had wanted those details before we saw them… do we have time for you to finish what you started?" Thrax asked, his eyes dancing with excitement. Sena replied by returning her soft lips to his body.


It was early afternoon by the time Sena arrived at the starport by air taxi. She paid her driver and waited with her gear by the main entrance of the port for Thrax, keeping a careful eye on the sea of species that moved around her. Pickpockets and thugs frequently use these areas as hunting grounds for travelers who don't pay attention to their surroundings. She had packed relatively light, one duffle bag carried the tools she needed for work and the other carried her personal items. Sena didn't have to wait long at the bustling mouth of the port before Thrax showed up, which was impressive given he had to travel back to his place to pack and change. He brought with him a securely locked trunk for his belongings rather than a bag like she did. He would be bringing with him more sensitive items than she would, as all her data pads were equipped with security settings that made it so only she had access to their contents. With a short greeting, Sena plopped her bags on top the trunk and they carried their belongings together.

The pair made their way to the hangar where the Raven Trespass was docked, weaving through the heavily trafficked port with ease even with their belongings in tow. There were many other species traveling as they were. Some were on their way to jobs, others were wandering from one port to the next seeing where their travels will take them. Even fewer were more high profile people that paid others to protect and move their property while they conduct business. Once they reached the blast doors of the hangar, they placed the trunk down so Thrax could activate his commlink to hail Jast's ship while Sena fixed the dark brown jacket she wore back into place and kept an eye on their luggage. As soon as a connection was established they resumed their march through the doors while they waited for someone on the ship to accept the call. Even if they decided not to take the job, at least they got some decent exercise out of all of this. In front of the Trespass they found an interesting trio: a Rodian, a human, and a houk. They stopped their approach at the sight of them, not wanting to alert the strangers to their presence.

"Either Jast is in trouble, or he is assembling one hell of a crew for this job." commented Thrax as he signaled for them to quietly place down their luggage. If things were to get dicey, he would be ready for it. He lowered the volume on his device and handed it to Sena; it was still ringing.