"Even better." Eve replied when he told her she wouldn't have to hide all the time. She stayed with him at first, not even sure where to go in a place like this. Though when he suggested she go and find the cereals she wasn't about to admit she was lost at the moment. "Sure." She told him before heading off into the store on her own. Luckily the place wasn't big, so after searching for a while she finally found the right aisle. After that it was just a matter of scanning the backsides for their nutritional value. Which...seemed to amount to only listing the amount of sugar and fat in the box. Apparently a food's nutritional value wasn't exactly high on the priority list in this area. But at least it listed sugar, so it was still easy to find the one she wanted. A cereal called "twinkies cereal" or something. It was about average in price. Three boxes should be enough for about a week. Then once again Eve had to search each aisle for a bit before she spotted Jurgen. She put the boxes in the cart, figuring she might as well stick with him now. "Well, I'm done here. So...guess I'll follow you around until you're done." She told him, though her idle mood suggested she was pretty disinterested in this whole supermarket thing. Eve did say something about wishing she didn't have to eat earlier that day. Once he was done with everything too Eve wanted to go get some clothes. Maybe her female design rubbed off on her a little or something, as she did seem more interested in clothes than the grocery store. (See, twinkies will survive the apocalypse! :P)