[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/88DGR5m/image.png[/img][/center][hr] Siwon marched down the snow-covered streets, his spear leaning on his shoulder and a dimly lit torch held by his other hand. His mess of hair looked more unkept than usual, and upon closer inspection, the dark circles underneath his eyes were dark bags, not the usual eye shadow (read: dirt or soot) he usually applies every morning. The Fiend Knight had woken up earlier in the morning in order to perform his daily rites to Kur-Inuus, one of which involved the ritual sacrifice of an innocent animal and the draining of its blood. As usual, he planned to sacrifice a chicken to The Jaws, but had realized he was down to his last silver. After spending about ten minutes of haggling, he managed to miraculously cut the price down to about half of what it normally would be. Of course, Siwon did not realize he'd be paying for a [i]sick[/i] chicken who died from the cold just shortly after he purchased it. Annoyed at the thought of offering a stale sacrifice, Siwon had spent another thirty or so minutes frantically searching for a more suitable alternative, having settled for a particularly portly mouse found in the crevices of some tavern. As for the dead chicken, Siwon decided it'd be best to cook it instead of waste such a valuable prize, the recently roasted poultry kept in a burlap sack wrapped at the end of his spear. [color=yellow][i]The chicken's too skinny! You think it's really big enough for you and Argie? Hmmmm?[/i][/color] A mocking, impish figure spoke, nested on Siwon's other shoulder. It was a demon, dread beings that give the Fiend Knights their power and taking the shape of the knight's inner self. [color=0072bc]"Like I'll give him some of [i]my[/i] food, anyway! And I told you to stop calling him 'Argie'! If you do that, I might call him 'Argie' and things will get even weirder between us!"[/color] One thing to note about a Fiend Knight's demon is that at a level as low as Siwon's, only he would be able to see and hear such a thing. To those onlookers, Siwon would look like he was shouting to the oblivion like a mad man. [color=yellow][i]At least you don't have to worry about sharing that with the rest of your friends... since they're [i]all[/i] dead.[/i][/color] Indeed, the last monster that Siwon and 'Argie' had faced was a menacing orc. The bounty was way above their pay grade and, in the end, only those two survived. It's a rather odd story, especially with how two supposed front-liners survived such an attack. At the very least, Siwon had made sure the sacrifice of his fallen allies wasn't in vain, using his half of the bounty to buy a new skill that would ensure he'd be able to assist in bringing down such a mighty foe if encountered again... ... and a new pair of threads with a sick backpatch. [color=0072bc]"Whatever... So these are the bounties, huh? They all look like a piece of cake!"[/color] Siwon had made his way straight to the Silver Moon's bounty board, not bothering to search for his ally just yet. Argentum knows what he looks like, after all. [color=yellow][i]Ooh, maybe you should go for that 'Dragonscar' fellow! He breathes fire, maybe he can get us out of this cold![/i][/color] [color=0072bc]"Nah, some other lesser party can take care of him! They'd need that bounty more than we would, anyway!"[/color] And so Siwon spent the morning loudly discussing with himself the pros and cons of each bounty. Woe be unto the poor souls who would dare speak to such a wretch...