[b][i][u]Location: Spring Zone - Streets[/u][/i][/b]

Xaizor: And Tiane joins the battlefield!
???: More of 'em? Wasn't expecting that.
Marina: Thank you both for your aid. That man just keeps summoning non-stop.
Xaizor: He's powering up those things with his power. But now that we're together, we beat him and those Nightmares won't do a scratch!

[i][b]BGM:[/b][/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpLU8BI02wQ]Pride and Arrogance[/url]

???: [b]Agito[/b], what are you even doing...?

[i]As the man, whose name was Agito, prepared to summon more demons, a portal appeared right next to him. A flying person came and looked at the group[/i]

???: I finished my portion already, shouldn't you be done with yours?

[b][i]Terrifying Nightmarish Scream

Agito: Well then help me if you're so damn good, [b]Veigas[/b]!

[i][b]Dream's Fallen Apostle
Veigas Terre[/b][/i]

Veigas: Perhaps I should, since you're so incompetent on doing such an easy job. I'll let you give me a hand, though.
Agito: Ugh, fine... we're sharing the wins, though!
Veigas: I can't make promises. Although I'm full for now, so I'll consider it. Now then...

[i]Veigas turned to the group. His prideful look made him feel as if victory was easy against them.[/i]

Xaizor: We're fighting a girl now? Damn...
Veigas: E-Excuse me?! Who are you calling a girl, you brat? I'm a guy, brainless idiot!
Marina: You said you "ate your portion" earlier. What do you mean with it?
Veigas: I mean that humans lost their dreams to me. A lot of them!
Veigas: A girl who dreams with a charming prince, a man who dreams of riches, a child who dreams of playing with its parents... all of them. I ate it all! All of them! Ahahahaha!
Jin: You bastards!! Don't think you're getting away with this!
Agito: Nyeeehahahaha!! Oh, but you bet we are!!
Veigas: This whole town is doomed to despair eternally. With the Vestal of Dreams gone, we can run rampart for as much as we want and nobody can stop us.
Marina: That is not true! We shall stop you, no matter what it takes!
Xaizor: We ain't letting you do as you goddamn please! You're getting beaten up right now!
Veigas: So you're saying you're opposing us. Is that it?
Jin: Yeah, that's the gist of it! Got a problem?!
Veigas: To be fair, I do.

[i]Veigas' orb began to shine and it soon dispersed a lot of dark orbs around him. He shot them at the group's direction, but Marina casted a shield to protect them. Using the window of time given, Agito summoned another wave of smaller Nightmares.[/i]

Veigas: I. hate. people. who oppose me.
Agito: You guys are so damn screwed! We're beating you all to a pulp and then your dreams will be ours!

[i]Agito screamed on his megaphone again, powering the Nightmares, Veigas and himself up. They all charged at Xaizor, Marina, Jin, Tiane and Kalina, with Veigas launching more dark orbs at them.[/i]

[b][i][u]Location: Summer Area - Streets[/u][/i][/b]

[b][i]BGM:[/i][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgMCza3nKgI]Person who Conceives Frenzy[/url]

???: That is simple. It is only Nightmares doing what we must do to survive.

[i]Doremy had already stopped shooting because of Fear and Yoru's arrival, but she didn't even answer the question. A burst of dark fire near her revealed someone else.[/i]

???: Good morning to you, Doremy. How has it been with your breakfast.
Doremy: Rather well, [b]Rasel[/b]. I've managed to taste a lot of dreams this morning.

[b][i]Elegant Nightmare Lady
Rasel Coriander[/i][/b]

Rasel: That is good to hear. I have been tasting some delicacies myself and they were wonderful.
Rasel: But enough talk. We have enemies in front of us.
Doremy: My, you came to help me then?
Rasel: Of course. Besides, facing resistant hosts are the best I could ever imagine for this morning. The thrills of it will please me even more when I devour their wishes away!
Fuindor: Another weirdo came in.
Mia: You both are being arrested here! Surrender or face the consequences!
Rasel: You have been shielding danmaku for the last minutes without attacking. Do you truly believe a puny human like yourself would ever be able to defeat us?
Fuindor: She's not alone in this. I'm here with her too, and with those other two as well!
Doremy: Pitiful, poor children. Any suggestions, Rasel?
Rasel: Let us devour and savor their dreams at once.

[i]Rasel snapped her fingers and a wall of darkness separated the four of them. Doremy stood facing Fear and Fuindor while Rasel stood facing Mia and Yoru.[/i]

Rasel: Come then. Entertain me before I feast on your deepest hopes!
Doremy: I will swallow all of your dreams before you can even think of them!

[i]Doremy dashed towards them, while summoning beds that flew at fast speeds towards Fear and Fuindor. Rasel called upon a fire rain and casted it above Mia and Yoru.[/i]