

[sub][b]A Collaboration Post with [@Altered Tundra] & [@Ejected] featuring [color=darkorange]Sonny Drake[/color] & [color=851309]Kavan Varma[/color][/b][/sub]

[indent][indent]The glances and stares that came his way had Sonny, for the first time, feeling like how he always imagined himself if he one day woke up as a woman: adored and cherished by those around him. He had always stood out but in the worst of ways (someone else’s words, not his). Whether it was his so-called ‘rat face’ or ‘the face only a mother could love’ comments that he had always felt were the same thing (yeah like be original at least). But, since he arrived, either he received harsh spanks on his ass, resulting in either a glare or a smirk as if he played up to the joke among those who hit his rear.

And in the midst of all the laughing and otherwise inappropriate jokes initiated [i]by[/i] Sonny, yet another person approached him. Had it not been for the remnants of a high he was experiencing from some people he barely knew joking around with him, Sonny might have recognized the voice. 

As he turned around and came to the sight of Kavan, he just sighed. [color=darkorange]“You must really be enjoying this, huh?”[/color] Sonny refused to acknowledge the costume Kavan chose to wear despite him smiling as he eyed Kavan head to toe. Oh, the comments he could make.

[color=#851309]"Oh, enjoying it?"[/color] Kavan said with a chuckle after taking a quick sip from his cup, [color=#851309]"I'm [i]relishing[/i] in it. After all, it's not every day that I have the pleasure of running into Sonia Drake."[/color] Of course, Kavan knew that Sonny probably had millions of his usual snarky comments bottled up inside, just waiting to come tumbling out of his mouth. And although he didn't quite understand why the cork had yet to be popped, he didn't really think much more of it before he decided to continue on. 

[color=#851309]"Raided your mom's closet, I assume?"[/color] Kavan asked with a smirk, [color=#851309]"Or did Mari help you out with this whole... transformation?"[/color]

He smiled almost pleasantly at Kavan. [color=darkorange]“Actually, it wasn’t neither of those things,”[/color] he said, correcting the great and honorable pharaoh. [color=darkorange]“I phoned in the big guns: my sister.”[/color] He declared proudly, flipping his hair from one side to the other.

Sonny had come a long way since a few months ago. Hell, in the past month alone Sonny has found more personal growth than maybe in his entire time knowing the bunch of misfits he regularly hangs out with. A pettier Sonny might’ve clapped back at Kavan almost immediately. In fact, had this been September, he would have already made a few Arabian jokes simply because he knew it got to Kavan, but Sonny was turning over a new leaf.

[color=darkorange]“So make all the jokes you want, Kavan.”[/color] Sonny leaned a little closer, offering Kavan a sneak peek of his [i]goods[/i]. As he did, a hand rested on Kavan’s shoulder. [color=darkorange]“After all, it’s not every day you see quality prosthetics outside of Hollywood.”[/color] Suddenly, he reached into his shirt and pulled out a silicon breast. [color=darkorange]“Seriously, just look at these. They’re actually the real deal. I don’t know how Drea did it, but she managed to get me actual breast implants!”[/color] The shock in his voice was just as genuine as when Drea had whipped them out for him when they were picking out his costume. [color=darkorange]“Just touch them! Go on, it’s okay. I’m giving you my consent to touch my tits, Kavan!”[/color] He winked at Kavan.

Almost instantly after Sonny had pulled the silicon bag from his shirt, a wave of confusion and slight discomfort passed over Kavan. The young man forced a half smile and let out a nervous chuckle in response. [color=#851309]"Uh... thanks for the offer, buddy. Glad to know how excited you are to have boobs."[/color] Kavan said with a shake of his head. It was in that moment that Kavan had idly begun to search the crowd for his boyfriend once more. His eyes had finally landed on the back of brown-haired boy's head just as he opened his mouth to say, [color=#851309]"But I think I'm gonna go ahead and pass on this one."[/color] 

Sonny shrugged disappointedly, reaching back into his blouse to align the silicon bag back where it was so he didn’t look like one of those girls who had misshapen breasts. He had to maintain the illusion that he was a girl, after all. As he did, he couldn’t help but notice Kavan scan elsewhere and in an obvious manner, too. Usually when people who were forced to endure Sonny’s company, they at least did [i]something[/i] to feign interest, not flat out turn their back to him. And given this was Kavan, the nicest guy that Sonny knew, he knew something was definitely up with the great pharaoh.

[color=darkorange]“So what’s up with you?”[/color] Sonny asked hoping to get Kavan’s attention. [color=darkorange]“You looking for someone? Am I not woman enough to keep your attention?”[/color] Sonny followed it by shaking his upper body jokingly.

Kavan's eyes suddenly flashed back to Sonny when he heard the boy ask him what was wrong; he simply offered him an apologetic half-smile as he turned back around to face him. [color=#851309]"Sonny, I actually think you're a little [i]too much[/i] woman for me, man,"[/color] Kavan said with a chuckle and a quick shrug of his shoulders. [color=#851309]"And I guess I'm just still trying to get used to this whole American Halloween thing. That, and I may have been looking around for my uh... boyfriend."[/color] That word still felt weird coming out of Kavan's mouth. [i]Boyfriend.[/i] After all, it wasn't like he'd been open about that sort of thing before in the past, so it would surely take some getting used to. [color=#851309]"Just figured I would've run into him by now."[/color]

It was safe to say that this came as a huge shock to Sonny. Granted he and Kavan weren’t ever especially close and the only one that he seemed to even remotely enjoy the company of was Archer, but still, it did send waves of surprise through Sonny’s body. He had to jerk himself around to face Kavan when he heard the word boyfriend. [color=darkorange]“Damn look at you. And here I thought you wouldn’t ever find yourself a man.”[/color] Sonny jokingly punched Kavan’s shoulder. [color=darkorange]“So who is the lucky guy that nabbed our favorite pharaoh? I’m gonna need to get this man a drink!”[/color] 

With a slightly sheepish grin and a quick glance in the boy’s direction, Kavan subconsciously fiddled with the rings on his fingers. [color=#851309]“It’s Archer.”[/color] 

[color=darkorange]“Say whaaaaaat!”[/color] 

Sonny had only stared at Kavan. He tried to speak, but nothing coherent came out. It was as though the reveal did more to silence Sonny Drake than anything could, even more than Marisol’s Carrie Underwood moment. And what was most surprising for him was that he didn’t know why he was speechless. It wasn’t like he was ultra close to the two. Aside from lunch hangouts, Sonny wasn’t around them much. And sure he joked about the two ending up together but that was more him being an asshole rather than actually thinking they would finally hook up.

[color=darkorange]“Well shit..”[/color] Sonny mouthed out trying his best to break the awkward silence. [color=darkorange]“I mean, alright, so you and Archer..”[/color] He rubbed the back of his head, still trying to find the right words for this. [color=darkorange]“Congrats? Like, hey I’m happy for ya. I know it might not seem like it, but I actually do care for ya two. It’s hard being out like that. Major props to you bro for taking a risk like that.”[/color]

[color=#851309]"Oh, wow..."[/color] Kavan said, unable to hide his surprise. [color=#851309]"That's... really nice of you to say. Thanks, man."[/color] To say that the words that Sonny had just uttered came as a huge shock to Kavan would be an understatement; The young man simply couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sonny and Kavan had never been close, and every time Kavan seemed to come around the other boy, he had to be mentally prepared to take whatever asshole-ish comment Sonny had ready to fire at him. But for the first time since he'd met him, Kavan actually found himself genuinely appreciating something Sonny had to say to him. 

And who knew? Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.[/indent][/indent][/color]