“Hey-“ A pout was quick to form on my face as the teasing broke out, even going as far as to give a mock hurt look towards the two other established girls of the group. Of course by then I was used to [i]most[/i] of the group’s little quirks and rolled with it, though not nearly as well as this new girl apparently did. That one little mischievous grin cast my way got my eyebrow raising, though her next actions made me color. Really, some girls had [i]all[/i] the luck; first Izzy was the smartest person I know and then she got a kiss?! At this rate I’d have to ask her tips for more than just books. “I totally have a soul,” I grumbled under my breath, but quickly discarded the line of thought as Jake and Ray launched into their questions, following Sarah’s line of thought it seemed. They were always awfully defensive of our group, and I wasn’t foolish enough to think it was just because of our friendship.It was the same reason why my playful asking Sarah out and any of us going to the dance as a group would never work out. And while I could agree with trying our best to help the new girl out, threats weren’t exactly my style. I was already a walking threat just from my intimidating stature, it wasn’t fun. “Ah, don’t be so hard on her. Not everyone is bad,” I flashed a grin to the two men of our group as I crossed my arms. Perhaps they’d say I was naïve, too trusting, but being hostile to her would probably not help. From the way she interacted with us, almost naturally, she seemed like a good person. Maybe I just had a soft spot for other girls. “If she happens to choose one, well, we’ve kept the secret haven’t we?” Keeping the good natured grin on my face I stepped away from the door, only to lift my hand and give a small mock salute to the shorter girl. “I’m Alena Rurik. Captain of the Hockey team, track star, all around best athlete in the school,” The playful tone was still set in my voice, followed of course by an exaggerated flex of my arm. “And totally still looking for a date for the upcoming dance.” Okay, so [i]maybe[/i] that was laying it on a bit thick.