
Oh if only Sable could smile at that moment. Not only was he being allowed to use the Turbolaser's but to also be using it on inferior life forms, this truly was a momentous occasion for him. Solace had given him the great honour of wiping this vermin from the front of the ship and he was going to enjoy every second of it. He felt the mention of a warning shot was a little redundant given it was a Turbolaser he'd be using but he knew what Solace meant none the less. 

There was deafening feedback from the loudspeaker followed by a rather robotic voice. [Colour=limegreen]"Attention foolish meatbags, this is you're friendly neighbourhood murderbot letting you know that as of the moment you walked through those doors you had fucked up, there's no going back and I hope you've made peace with your Gods.[/colour] There was a crackle as the speaker turned off and the turret began tracking onto the Mandalorian. Then the speaker crackled again. [Colour=limegreen]"Oh and to the meatbag with the Energy shield... Block this fucker."[/Colour] Being careful to not place the shots to close to Kabal and the bomb he gave the order to fire. There were three loud blasts as the twin Barrels fired in sequence at the three targets. Dust and debris were thrown into the air, followed by... silence.