
Malcolm's shift continued to get worse and worse until around 11pm. From there, guests were eating less and drinking more. Washing glassware was much easier. No need to rinse them off; just send them through. At least, that's how easy Malcolm thought it would be. At 11:30, the kitchen stared sending back more pots, pans, and all kinds of things that they had been using all day. And so, the dishpit was filling up, yet again... 

Finally, by 1:00am things were moving slow and steady. The restaurant would be closed in an hour, but of course, Malcolm would have to stay till the last dish was washed, which wouldn't be till around 2:30am. 

When Malcolm finally would make it out of this hell hole, he would be slapped with another reality. While he had been in here, next to a hot dishwasher, the temperature outside had dropped considerably. -5°F to be exact (and falling). 

(OOC Note: Btw, this is where I'm going for weather data: https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/casper/historic?month=3&year=2019)