While I get to finishing this Supergirl post, I would like to offically confirm I have vested interest in this particular POV for my second option:

[hider=i made a sheet and everything]

[CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R   C O N C E P T   P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=C72425][b]I r o n   M a n[/b][/color][/h1][hr]
[img]https://i.imgur.com/NH8Cawa.png?1[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=darkgray][color=C72425]♦[/color] Tony Stark [color=C72425]♦[/color] Genius Playboy Philanthropist [color=C72425]♦[/color] New York City, NY [color=C72425]/[/color] Malibu, CA [color=C72425]♦[/color] 
[COLOR=C72425][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R   C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR]
[CENTER][quote][sub][color=C72425][b]“I had half-a-dozen phd’s before I could legally drive a car. I designed missiles for fun. Became a CEO at eighteen. I’m the smartest god damn person on the planet. Of course you want my help. Who else would you go to? Luthor? Kord? You don't have to pretend. I know how great I am.”[/b][/color][/sub][/quote][/CENTER]
[color=darkgray][INDENT][INDENT]Don’t call it a comeback.

Following the incident in Transia several months ago, Tony Stark has his eyes set on continuing development of the Iron Man armor and keeping his double identity. With duplicates of some of his designs, as inferior as they are, Tony eyes across the Atlantic Ocean with an eye of concern. The new arms race of the 21st Century isn’t just metahumans and genetic engineering think-tanks; it is of armored power suits and eccentric engineers. Worried about the precedent of a series of “armor wars”, Tony begins to do counter-research as it appears people he thought close to him aren’t as loyal as he once thought.

Between imitation armors, the leak that inspired his initial concern a year ago, and his own secret worry that The Ten Rings may have infilitrated his company, Tony has to “recalibrate” what it means to be Iron Man and even more – what it means to be Tony Stark.

[COLOR=C72425][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R   M O T I V A T I O N S   &   G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][color=darkgray][INDENT][INDENT]
Tony Stark is a character that I haven’t had a chance to really absorb and characterize in my attempts at writing them in the past. Beyond wanting to finally get a chance to characterize my version of Tony Stark, I would say the idea is a lot like my take with Kara in this game; cut out the fat, refresh my ideas, and go forward with a direct idea to work toward. 

As you might be able to tell by the character concept, the goal here is about the beginnings of this universe’s “armor wars”. With mentions of the Crimson Dynamo by Sep and the “fake iron man armor” created by Aladdin, the idea is Tony knows the score here. His new armor is finally finished and he’s ready to dust off the armor and reveal that Iron Man isn’t as dead as the world thought he was after the event orchestrated in Transia led the media to have a meltdown about it. But Tony isn’t just worried about the state of his technology being manipulated to hurt people but also of the growing dissent toward metahumans by the government, and of the way the world keeps turning. How accountable should Tony be? Is another question I’m borrowing from Sep due to the fact Absolute Iron Man is a character that leads a double life rather than arrogantly boasting he is the man in red and yellow in the first place.

Other aspects I'd like to touch on include his distant relationship with his sister, more outward social interactions, and what differences this Tony really has in spades.

[COLOR=C72425][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R   N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][color=darkgray][INDENT][INDENT]
[b]1921:[/b] Howard Anthony Stark, Sr. is born in Richford, New York. He would come to redefine the Issac Stark Automotive and Steel Company into Stark Industries.

[b]1939:[/b] Howard highlights his brilliance at the 1939 New York World's Fair.

[b]1951:[/b] Howard Anthony Stark, Jr. is born in Manhattan, New York.

[b]1976:[/b] Howard Anthony Stark, Sr. dies of lung cancer. This begins the era of his son's control of the company. 

[b]1986:[/b] Tony Stark is born in Malibu, California.

[b]1995:[/b] After a groundbreaking deal and merger, Stark Industries becomes known as Stark International.

[b]1998:[/b] Tony Stark graduates High School at 12 years old.

[b]2000:[/b] Tony Stark finishes his time at his final university; he is said to have over a half-dozen degrees in various fields by this time.

[b]2001:[/b] Howard & Maria Stark die on September 11th. 

[b]2006:[/b] Stark International moves its headquarters to New York City with the construction of the Stark Tower.

[b]2014:[/b] Iron Man debuts.

[b]2019:[/b] The debut of several armors related to the initial Iron Man prototype armor appear. An imitation of the Iron Man armor is sighted in Transia.

[COLOR=C72425][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][color=darkgray][INDENT][INDENT]
[sub][hr][/sub][COLOR=#C72425][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Stark Tower, New York City, United States[/I] - [I]Present[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Issue #1.01:[/b] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Corporate Detective[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub]
[color=silver][indent][indent][COLOR=#C72425]“Well, shit.”[/color]

The voice of Tony Stark was the only sound in the billionaire’s penthouse loft at the top of Stark Tower.

A glass of bourbon whiskey sat in his left hand as he went over some of the findings of his newest hire, a security consultant who was as attractive as she was unrelenting. His eyes went over the paperwork, from note-to-note. Ever since the leak that had compromised the integrity of his company to terrorists and rival companies, Tony had been nervous about how deep it all went; who he could actually trust since he terminated the military contracts and shut down the majority of Stark International's R&D department. 

According to his security consultant, Pepper Potts, his fears about the leak were all legitimate. 

Over three-dozen people in high ranking positions in the company had dubious connections to private military companies, big oil, foreign leaders, and questionable associations. Targets were painted over people like Artemus Pithins, Marco Scarlotti, Mark Cushing, Earl Cowan, Donald Birch, and many others. Pepper told him bluntly that all of them needed to be thoroughly investigated and vetted, especially those he thought highly of. The biggest name on this list of Pepper’s was the one that made him livid the most. 

[i]Obadiah Stane.[/i]

How could she suspect the man who had basically helped raise him? The man who helped him put his designs out there? A man who was nearly equal to Edwin Jarvis in the amount Tony owed a great deal to. It was either a miscalculation or Tony had been manipulated since he was fourteen years old. Given the fact that Pepper didn't make “mistakes” and Tony's stomach had turned the wrong way at the thought of it, it made only one real answer come to mind, even if he did not like it. Tony sighed, irritated by the information in the report before ultimately looking over to the woman.

[COLOR=#C72425]“There’s no way.”[/color] He uttered, shaking his head. [COLOR=#C72425]“These guys aren't the leak. There's no way Stane would jeopardize this company.”[/color]

Tony’s denial was cut off as the red-haired woman slammed her hand onto the countertop. Her face peering into Tony’s like he had said the dumbest thing in the entire world. Perhaps he did.

[color=EA993E]“Have you always been this incompetent?”[/color]

Jesus Christ. He either picked a goddess or the literal she-devil in the flesh.

[color=EA993E]“The information is right here, Tony. Use your goddamn brain. One of these names is involved with this leak [i]you[/i] asked [i]me[/i] to find the source of. Your company is full of people who have other obligations; other loyalties. What you do with the information isn’t my problem, but don’t tell me it isn’t them. One person on that list is responsible for your leak.”[/color]

Tony kept his cool as the red-headed woman gave it to him straight. As much as numbers could get distorted, the likelihood that people like Donald Birch were smart enough to do that was pretty low. But Tony knew he couldn’t just fire them due to their affiliations with questionable industries or countries. The cookie trail had to be tracked all the way from the jar. Tony wasn’t an idiot. He was just loyal to people who he thought had his back for close to two decades. How he didn’t catch Stane with his pants down this long infuriated him, but he couldn’t let himself run hot. Running hot is what the Iron Man armor was for.

[COLOR=#C72425]“Right. So what's the next step?”[/color] He asked, as he considered all of the information she had asked him to digest in an afternoon.

[color=EA993E]“If you want me to continue to investigate, you mean?”[/color]

[COLOR=#C72425]“I feel like I should be the one upset about this.”[/color] Tony raised a brow before placing his drink down. [COLOR=#C72425]“It is [i]my[/i] company, after all.”[/color]

Pepper raised a brow of her own, taken back over Tony's irreverent tone. Before she could respond he poured more whiskey into his glass and added onto his comment.

[COLOR=#C72425]“I guess this is what they mean when they say that the only force more ruthless and cynical than the business of big politics is the politics of big business. If Stark International is full of all these potential threats then we need to investigate all of them; and I need to make some of them show their fangs. It's good you uncovered all of this. I can't believe this is where I'm at after nearly twelve years of running things.”[/color] 

[color=EA993E]“Right. I'll keep reporting back to you.”[/color]

Tony smirked as if that was the answer he was looking for. [COLOR=#C72425]“Great. How about next Friday at Leonardo's? Eight o'clock?”[/color] 

[color=EA993E]“Excuse me?”[/color]

The comment clearly caught Pepper off-guard, though Tony's knack for invasive behavior was pretty much common knowledge by this point. If she was surprised, then she needed to research her boss a little more extensively. The fact she reacted in such a way amused Tony, but his idea of meeting at Leonardo's was a little more than having a date with a pretty lady. If Pepper kept taking the elevator up to his penthouse then people may have suspected that he was close to the source of the leak. Gallivanting as he tended to do gave the impression he was just inappropriately flirting with his work hires. As far as anybody at Stark International knew Pepper Potts was merely restructuring his security personnel; not investigating the ties his employees and donors had.

Though the added benefit of seeing Pepper in a less work setting was something he was after too. 

[COLOR=#C72425]“Trust me. Best pasta in New York. Plus, better for us to have less Illuminati meetings in my penthouse during work hours.”[/color] 

Pepper cautiously stepped away from the counter, starting to make for the elevator as their business had finished for the time being. A curious look on her face about Tony's forthrightness. She turned for a second as her fingers pressed against the elevator's controls. 

[color=EA993E]“I'm not sure how much I'll have to report to you in a week, but yeah... okay. I guess. Friday.”[/color]

[COLOR=#C72425]“Awesome. I'll see you then.”[/color] 

[color=EA993E]“Yeah. Good luck on getting them to, what was it? Showing their fangs?”[/color]

Tony laughed, [COLOR=#C72425]“I’m pretty good at that. What with me being a genius and all.”[/color] 

Pepper rolled her eyes as she turned around and stepped into the elevator, Tony himself still smiling after his boast as the elevator's doors shut behind her seconds later. 

With the meeting with Pepper done and over with, Tony moved over to the glass windows that overlooked the rest of New York. His hands resting in his pockets as he looked down toward the city’s streets. He wasn’t looking forward to the coming weeks. As far as he could tell, this was going to be a hectic period for Stark International, that much was for sure. He wasn't even sure what the best approach to things going forward were; he just knew that he needed to get rid of the problems in his company and get rid of them fast.

[COLOR=#C72425]“If you were still here, you’d be having an aneurysm.”[/color] He muttered underneath his breath.

Things just were a lot simpler before he was Iron Man.



[b]Edit:[/b] Should anyone new desire to be Iron Man I will rescind/scrap this idea.