Gang Orca's piercing gaze met his. Kazama's eyes shone with both anticipation and fear. His classmates' Quirks were interesting, but some required refinement. He pushed that thought out his head. Due to their builds, Kazama noticed that a fair amount of them had martial arts training. But how well that training paired with their Quirks was something he'd have to find out. Selena. Andrew. Their Quirks stood out as the most flexible offensively. Kazama knew to keep an eye on them. His fighter's spirit wanted to spar with everyone in the room. However, now wasnt the time for forging rivalries. He needed to excel. To show Gang Orca that he had the potential to be a great Hero, despite his family name. He approached the front of the class and bowed to his peers. "I'm Kazama. Kazama Jinnouichi. You guys might have heard of my mom, Sakurafubuki. The Villainess." Some of the heads in the room looked at him confused. Some wide-eyed with nervousness, and others without a single care. Good. He could build his own name here. He noticed Gang Orca tense slightly. It was time to start. "My Quirk is Aura Chroma. I can control the elements of nature; fire, wind, water, lightning, you name it." His classmates sat in silence. "Chikara," he uttered, lighting his body ablaze to emphasize his point. After a moment, he exhaled. "Jiyū," he breathed. He then commanded the wind to disperse the flames. His classmates looked on in awe and apprehension. "I cant control Ice, Lightning, Metal, or Light during the day. Those are the Jinnouichi Dusk Forms. I also have an issue projecting anything past 3 meters, so close up fighting works best for me." Gang Orca grunted. Kazama's gaze met his. "Your mother, the Villainess? And you wish to be a Hero?" Kazama grinned widely. "More than anything." Gang Orca grunted again. Kazama turned his attention to his classmates. Some seemed impressed, others couldn't care less. That was fine enough to him. He exhaled once more, accidentally sending a gust outward and pushing the front row of chairs back slightly. His fighter's spirit roared inside. "And if any of you want a lesson in Jinnouichi Style Karate, I'll be more than happy to oblige," he stated, letting an ominous dark aura flow from his body. That was when more eyes lit up. Not out of fear, but out of anticipation of a challenge. Kazama smiled. That reaction was more like it. Kazama was sure of it then; this class would be the perfect place to challenge himself and excel past his limits, and his classmates would be there to support him. He felt the same. He would exercise his duty as a Hero and prop up his classmates when they needed him. They would grow together and he would make genuine friends. As he made his way back to his seat, he could feel the eyes on him, even Gang Orca's. Kazama slightly slumped in his seat. "Maybe challenging the whole room to a fight was a bad idea," he thought. Next time, he would just let his Quirk do the talking. Seeing as the physical pre-test was next, he was certain that "next time" would be soon.