Tokiko squirmed in her seat a little. It was time for introductions. Rather than be nervous, Tokiko was excited. [i]This is my big high school debut! I'm at UA! Yay! [/i] Tokiko hadn't worked out this morning, opting to get her uniform perfect and plan out how she would introduce herself. Rather than wear the uniform's jacket, she opted for a vest. While she did put on her skirt, she opted to put some bicycle shorts on under them, for comfort. She sat down in the front row, towards the middle. Another student sat down near her. She didn't look over at the person but started to hear some heavy breathing. [i]Is someone having an asthma attack or som- WAIT! It's that dude from the test! He was breathing hard over that one hero lady![/i] She frowned and looked away. [i]I-is he breathing hard over me? He's looking at me strangely... Is he having a medical emergency? Is it a cry for help? I'm not a medical professional! [/i] She shook her head. [i] Don't think about it Toki. Focus on what you have to do. [/i] There seemed to be a pause in the students introducing themselves. Tokiko rubbed her hands together, grinning. [i] it's my time to shine.[/i] She went to the front of the class and puffed out her chest. [i]And here we...go![/i] "My name is Tokiko Chronos and I..." She yanked her eyepatch off dramatically, "...Can see into the future. And I see..." She scanned the room and smirked. "...That no one has any questions for me. At least in not the next 30 seconds." Tokiko looked at her classmates with a knowing smile, and the mist off of her eye swirled wildly. "For my hero gear, I asked for some tech to help with my movement, a visor to cover my left eye that can also be dimmed, a wearable clock to put some throwing weapons in or that can be used as a weapon itself, and gauntlets with spikes and retractable claws." She said, hitting her fist into her palm. It made a loud smack sound. Some students looked a little uncomfortable. "It's to climb walls, of course. Definitely not to punch people with. Oh, and some reinforced shoes too." She said with a grin, scratching the back of her head. "Either way, I have spent a great deal of time training my body to keep up with the students here..." she said, glancing over at Kazama. "So I'm looking forward to the experience. Also..." She paused, winking at one of her classmates, "I can see into the immediate future, provided my inaction, Selena." She scooped up the eyepatch she tossed into the floor and sat back down. [i]Nailed it.[/i] Tokiko settled back into her seat and heard heavy breathing near her still. She sighed. [i]I can't just tell him to stop breathing...Hm...I've got it![/i] She reached into her bag and began to pull out a tan trenchcoat. Her eye flashed a little brighter. [i]I'll just put this over my arms and...What the- IT MAKES IT WORSE! HOW!? [/i] She let the trenchcoat go, with a disgusted sigh. [i] I need to find another seat...[/i]