
[color=darkgreen][b] Level 4[/b][/color] - (31/40) +1

[color=darkgreen][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Open Road

[color=darkgreen][b]Word Count: 288 [/b][/color][/center]

[@Stern Algorithm]


"Erghhhh!" Linkle groaned, pulling the milk back and wrapping her arms over her head as a new explosion rocked the battlefield. She wasn't sure what that kart had been, she'd never gotten a very good look at it, but it was apparent that Ratchets new friends were the cause of it blowing up. They hung around for a bit, Ratchet pulling some repair work on Jr's clown kart, but that sudden surprise had put Linkle off enough that she didn't really pay any attention to them until they sped off along the dusty trail.

At least that new guy had taken out the final car before he'd left. Another good thing was that Blazermate had decided to hang around. Linkle had been sure the robot girl would be headed off with Bowser, so the fact that she not only stuck around but erected a healing building was a goddessend. She put the cork back onto her bottle, safe in the knowledge she could save the milk for a more dire situation.

Still, she had offered Michael that drink. As the light began to beat down on all of them it became apparent that soon they might all need one. Suddenly, an idea struck her. If they needed something to drink, than maybe the bad guys had too.

"Hold on." She said, jumping into the cab of the monster truck. "Go hang out by Blazers miracle machine for a minute while I look around in here. Maybe I'll fine something more your speed."

They had to have water or something stashed away in here, right? Riding around under the hot Galeem hunting spirits was tiring work. So she searched the cab of the Brother's Grimm for anything that might make their work here a bit more comfortable. If she couldn't find anything there she'd hop and and plunder that one surviving buggy Ratchet's new friend had been kind enough to bring back in one piece. If nothing else someone could at least drive up to those building in the distance to pick up snacks.