[h1]Terra 4[/h1] [h2]Federation Innovation: Creating the new tools of elite law enforcement[/h2] [img]https://i.redd.it/nzipn6sambo21.png[/img] Terra 4 was humanity's fourth attempt at creating a perfect world and failing. When urban sprawl, pollution, and violent crime rose, the wealthy left for humanity's next attempt and left the peasants behind. The abundance of metals, including lithium and gold ore, and deep caves filled with helium and hydrogen, set Terra 4 to be a technological haven. To a point, it still is, but only the Federation and the private contractors it keeps under wing enjoy the spoils of the once-beautiful planet. Now the Federation can pump the most elite space ships out in record time without regard for the impoverished people that breathe the polluted air and drink from the tainted wells. Terra 4 is covered in sprawling ghettos with the occasional factory in the shadow of the rocket launch pad. People tend to live in the same complexes as they work or shop. Services like mail and package delivery are privatized by mega corporations who rarely care about customer satisfaction or rules. Officially, the political theory is democracy, but the corporations own every politician. Voter turnout is usually somewhere between 0.012% and 0.200%. Unemployment is at about 40% with the remaining 20% working in the factories and Federation force. A blackmarket exists in each major residential complex where food is traded. Some people keep chickens and insect farms in their little apartments so they can barter with neighbors. 30% of the poorest people work in the mines, which are filled with corrosive acid from tainted ground water or liquified ore as well as highly flammable gases.